Aesir is a legendary journeyman. If I could I'd bump him straight up to Knight. He is an example of the best that Acclivis Draco has to offer, a talented unselfish young spark. He has been involved in two major projects, one at clan level, the other at house level. The clan project involved filling webpages for the CSP Website. Aesir wrote over 1800 words on our posessions and our dominon, in quick time as well. The other project involves writing a history for the former battle team Crimson Ember. Aesir has made an excellent start on this, and it is currently in it's redrafting stage. He has also passed Leadership fundamentals, Sith core, the three Sith history exams and Pre-republic history. A crescent with amythest, and a crescent with Emerald has also been added to a fast growing medal case. I couldn't ask for a better apprentice. Aesir, keep it up, just one more leap to make before you get the big prize. -Kalak Ragnose, Quaestor of Acclivis Draco
Augustus "Kalak" Ragnose, 2009-09-22 14:55:51 UTC