Jeric Cyrin has been everything I could hope for, and a little bit more. He is one of the most well-rounded members I have ever come across, and used his talents to their fullest in Arcona. He participated and did well in many competitions, proudly displayed an impressive array of medals on his dossier, including half a dozen GJW seals. His most valuable contribution to the Clan was through his graphics work, however. When Orv signed on as Seneschal, Arcona lost its foremost graphics dude, and we had nobody ready to step up and fill the gap.<BR><BR>It wasn't long before Jeric became our man. He has created tons of report graphics, logos, and symbols. His activity has been stellar in the time he spent in the Clan, and he made many friends and fit in well. Now, Jeric moves on to Clan Scholae Palatinae, where he has accepted a role as Aedile. Although it pains me to see him go, I am glad he has gotten just the opportunity he needed, and I'm sure he will excel in his new position. Jeric was everything Arcona needed all the time, and now I hope he can do the same thing for his new Clan. Jeric, congratulations.<BR><BR>KAP Legorii Kryotek Entar, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma<BR><BR>Where can i begin with with what Jeric has done? It's hard to decide. Ever since i've joined Arcona, Jeric has been there churning out graphics for both myself and Legorii for the wiki database. Not only offering the graphics freely, emailing both of us and offering to do excellent quality artwork, but he's also gone above and beyond. 5 hours after i had advertised my new competition for Report Headers, i had an email full of them from Jeric. That shows dedication to be able to do them that swiftly as well as complete his Magistrate work to the Herald.<BR><BR>Jeric has been a Magistrate to the Herald for nigh on 7 months in total, alas i cannot state what he's done in that time, but i know that every work that he produces is high quality and swiftly done. But enough about his Magistrate work, because that will be focused upon by others. Jeric has been an extremely active member, always participating in competitions and trivia. Since his last promotion Jeric has received 9 Clusters of Fire, 5 Seals of Unity for the important role he played for Arcona in participating in the Great Jedi War, a Dark Cross for the dedication Jeric had shown to his Clan and House in the past. and a Legion of Scholar. Not many medals for someone as active as Jeric, but he concentrates solely on helping others than focusing on himself.<BR><BR>It's a shame that i'm writing this promo rec for Jeric after he has left Arcona, but he deserves the ascension to the Brotherhood of Equites for all the hard work he has done behind the scenes for Arcona and the Brotherhood at large through the Herald's Office. Congratulations Jeric, i hope you save a seat for me in the Equite lounge in the future.<BR><BR>DJK Sanguinius Tsucyra, Aedile of House Qel Droma.<BR><BR>When I started looking for a new Staff, I was excited to see Jeric Cyrins application amongst the ones received. I had worked with him in the past and knew he would be a strong asset to the Heralds Office. His work is flawless and he consistently looks to me to challenge his skills. With that in mind, I decided to test him and gave him a lightsaber to complete. Not only was it completed and very well done but he volunteered to take on another, completing 2 lightsabers and 17 warbanners as Magistrate; an accomplishment that others Magistrates have not done.<BR><BR>In mid-July, I had moved from Michigan to Virginia, and informed the Staff of the situation. While I was out of action, Jeric took up the reins in coordinating warbanner assignments with the rest of the Staff with no issue coming from anyone. I did not ask this of anyone and to see him step up in order to keep things moving amazed me beyond all reason. For this and much more, I believe Jeric Cyrin deserves to enter the Equites. Congratulations on a job very well done.<BR><BR>-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu<BR>Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Shikyo Keibatsu, 2009-09-28 11:41:00 UTC