The rank of Dark Jedi Knight is the first major milestone for any member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. In order to reach this rank, a member must have perseverance, loyalty, and achieve a level of success in their time. Fang Ao Tian has done all of this.
Since his promotion to Jedi Hunter, nearly three months ago, Fang has won a plethora of awards include eight Crescents (four emerald, one sapphire, and three amethyst), five Clusters of Fire, two Legions of the Scholar, two Stars of Antei, and a Steel Cross. His total seventeen Crescents prove that he has participated in the fifteen minimum requires competitions.
Serving as Battle Team Leader of Ketos Vengeance, he has run three competitions, and recently, alongside Koga Kage, ran a Clan wide run-on for the month of October, in a Halloween theme. His characters Wiki article contains a comprehensive history of his character for his childhood and adult life. He has completed the Leadership Fundamentals and the Leadership Studies courses as well as receiving his Degree in General History.
Fang continues to prove himself to be one of the most active and positive members of Clan Plagueis, and I am extremely proud to be able to grant him the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and the opportunity to build his first lightsaber.
Congratulations, Fang. Well deserved.
Master Alaris Jinn, 2009-11-12 16:33:36 UTC