Event Details

Event ID
Methyas L'eonheart
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

I would like to recommend Guardian Severus L'eonhart for a promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Severus has been a supremely active presence in House Marka Ragnos for some time now; he has been doing a great job as the Battleteam Leader of the Night Raptors, regularly releasing informative reports and encouraging activity amongst the members under his command. He also leads by example, having picked up a slew of Crescents for his participation in competitions and his work updating the Wiki pages for House Marka Ragnos. All in all, I feel that Severus has met and surpassed the requirements for a promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter, and I feel that he more than deserves this elevation. Congratulations, Severus! ~KPN Manji Keibatsu Sadow Consul of CNS

Severus, my apprentice, what can I say? He has quickly accomplished his promotion trials for Jedi Hunter. He has been extremely active and can commonly be found on IRC everyday. He has won many competitions earning many many crescents and even earned a Dark Cross. He has been a wonderful battleteam leader putting out competitions and making sure people are active. He has even taken several Shadow academy courses during his tenure. He has proven that he is ready for the next step in his journey to become a Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats my Apprentice Teu Pepoi

Severus has been very active for quite a while, taking several Shadow Academy courses including Leadership Studies and Leadership Fundamentals. Also a constant contender in any competition, taking place in a great many of them such as the Weapons of the Disciples, the Markosian City, and Operation Black Train 2 amongst a great deal of others. As the battle team leader, he's run four competitions, one of which being Sadow War Beasts. Due to all of this activity, he's also received a Dark Cross for his efforts. Not only does he deserve the Dark Cross, but he also deserves a promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter. DJK Bal Demona Aedile of Marka Ragnos

Severus you have done wonderfully over the last 6 weeks as the battle team leader of the Night Raptors aka my retirement home as we all know it to be. As the others have said, you have done a serious amount of work in the last 6 weeks including throwing out 4 competitions for your team to compete in, while also participating in any of the competitions that myself, Bob, or Bal have given to the house. Your Shadow Academy scores have been through the roof as well as your writing in our Clan run on. It gives me great pleasure to request Severus ascend to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Congrats sir, you earned it. DJK Fremoc Pepoi Quaestor of Marka Ragnos

Fremoc Pepoi, 2009-12-15 20:27:04 UTC