It has been exactly six weeks since Driftan's promotion to Jedi Hunter since that promotion he has been working hard to get promoted to Dark Jedi Knight once the time was there.
He earned a merit in the form of an Anteian Cross, for his work as Battle Team Leader. Also he has earned several crescents which brings me to my next point.
He participated in at least 15 competitions which are listed below:
1) Great Hunt - Hunt the Jedi 1
2) Great Hunt - URL Hunt 1
3) Great Hunt - Hunt the Jedi 2
4) Great Hunt - URL Hunt 2
5) Great Hunt - Who Said That? 1
6) Great Hunt - Who Said That? 2
7) Great Hunt - What's That? 1
8) Great Hunt - What's That? 2
9) Great Hunt - Trivia
10) Great Hunt - Codebreaker
11) Arcona Flash Games
12) Trick or Treat
13) Halloween Trivia
14) Halloween Flash Games
15) Another Flash Games Comp
He ran several competitions of his own completing another 2 requirements for DJK. (Wiki Enhancement and Flash Game Comp)
Being a BTL for almost 4 months now, constantly working for his battleteam with an enthusiasm I haven't seen often. During his time as BTL he has also been working on something he called a BTL Handbook. While this isn't fully finished it's a great start and I think it's more than fullfilling the Major House Summit Task he was assigned.
He earned his General History degree and produced a wiki article for both his own character and his battle team.
Also completing two leadership exams being, Leadership Fundamentals and Leadership studies he fullfilled all requirements and tasks he was given
I hereby would like to request Driftan's promotion to DJK.
Congratulations dude.
Celahir Erinos Arconae, 2010-01-09 17:19:38 UTC