Event Details

Event ID
Jaden Cardie
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Callus Bo'amar
Primary reason

Jaden has completed all of the requirements for promotion to Protector, his accomplishments are as follows. In the Shadow Academy: Training Saber Basics: 10/20/09 ACC Basics: 1/2/10 Pre Republic history 1/2/10 Old Republic history 1/2/10 IRC Basics 1/3/10

Also his character sheet has been approved and Jaden has been an active member in the House Revan IRC channel for the last several weeks.

Congratulations on your promotion! Keep up the good work.

~OP Callus Bo'Amar, RM House Revan

Callus Bo'amar, 2010-01-13 06:46:54 UTC