<p>Words cannot fully describe my pride in Aesir. From the moment he stepped through our doors, I knew he was something special. He didn't disappoint. Not a week goes by without be hearing something from/about Aesir, be it a medal, a Shadow Academy degree or simply a friendly conversation on IRC. He sets an example to every single member of the House with his unfailing dedication and dependence. Recently he has taken over as Dragon Seraphim Battle Team Leader. The BT is in disarray, but he has suggestions as to how to improve it, and get it going again. Since his last promotion, he has:</p>
<p>-Run two competitions, "Wolf in Sheeps's clothing", and I'm on a boat".<br/>
-Finished his wiki page up to this point.<br/>
-Up to his last promotion, he had participated in 11 competitions. Since then, he has participated in "Find the poet", "I choose you....for the Dragon Seraphim", "Cap the caption", "Parody the quote", "Xmas verse" and "The Bribe". He placed in everyone of those competitions, earning three crescents with Topaz, one Crescent with Emerald, two crescents with Sapphire and one crescent with Quartz.<br/>
-In the Shadow Academy, he has earned a Dark Maven-Writing and passed Runon Studies, HTML basics and Advanced lightsaber studies.<br/>
-I designated his work on the Crimson Ember as his major summit task. He spent quite a while on this, and it's very impressive. It has a history, initiation rites and the reasons for it closing.</p>
<p>Aesir is a credit to me as his master and Quaestor, and an even bigger credit to his House. He is more than ready for DJK and he couldn't be more deserving. Aesir, there is nothing more to teach you. Well done!</p>
<p>~Kalak Ragnose, Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco</p>
<p>By request of his Master, Kalak, I request a promotion for Aesir to Knighthood. He has completed his tasks as set forth by both the Master-at-Arms and his own master as well as actively participating in the current Rite of Suppremacy and quite alot of competitions between attaining Jedi Hunter and now. His submissions are of a certain quality and usually rake in crescents (this is proven by the seven crescents earned since attaining Jedi Hunter.</p>
<p>Aesir was given the job of reworking the Crimson Ember. He did this quite thoroughly and that team now has a history, rites, .... In all, the, now closed, team now has a well rounded foundation and DBWiki page from which to start building if it ever gets reopened.</p>
<p>~Ood Bnar Scythe'rae, PCON of Scholae Palatinae</p>
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2010-01-14 02:47:11 UTC