Tra'an has been a pleasure to have with us in Revan. Vocal. Active. Reasonable. He has really taken up the philosophy of our House and exuded its principles in all his interactions internal as well as external. Indeed Tra'an operates like something of an ambassador to other clans and members to which he keeps close ties. This cohesion, rather than separation, is a cardinal tenet of Revan's operational mindset. We are all together. Arcona. Naga Sadow. Plagueis. Revan. Scholae Palatinae. Taldryan. Tarentum. A Brotherhood. Sometimes we forget. Tra'an does not.
Over the last year Tra'an has earned 5 Seals of Unity, 2 Legions of the Scholar, Cluster of Fire, Bronze Nova, and the Dark Cross. He has served as Quaestor, Aedile, Roll Master. He has competed voraciously in the Ninth Great Jedi War and now, for us, in the Rite of Supremacy: Spoils of War. Tra'an submitted to several events including Round 1 Poetry and the Finals Fiction event. He also won all of his Antei Combat Center matches helping us to win rounds one and two, and ultimately, the entire Vendetta.
We of Revan would like to show Tra'an the same dedication and quality he has shown us and honor him with his next advancement down the dark path.
Raken, Independent House Revan
Darth Aeternus, 2010-02-16 11:34:40 UTC