Occasionally as a leader, I come across a member that defies explanation. Though holding no official position of leadership, this member continues to defy expectation, seeks to aide his leaders from behind the scenes, and asks for nothing in return. Xander is an incredible asset to my Clan and to me personally. His incredible work ethic has aided me in various projects Iâve tasked him with.
Though holding no position of leadership, he has held and continues to hold various other roles throughout the Brotherhood. Last year, he was the Justicarâs Left Hand for a period of seven months. He then was appointed as the Grand Masterâs very own Praetor, a job he continues to enjoy and has for seven months as well. For a period of 4 months, he was a Docent of the Shadow Academy, assisting in grading various courses.
While aiding the DB from behind the scenes, he still finds the time to exercise his own personal activity. Since his last promotion, Xander has earned himself an incredible 13 crescents, two of which were inlaid with Sapphire. In the Great Jedi War, he participated in sixteen events, earning a many Seals of Unity, a Gold Nova and a Silver Nova. In this past Rite of Supremacy we expect him to receive at least six Seals of Bone, contributing heavily to our effort in the vendetta. For his high levels of personal activity and work on various projects, heâs earned himself two Grand Crosses of the Dark Side and one Anteian Cross.
For his incredible personal activity, his irreplaceable worth as a member of the Brotherhood as a whole, and his work on Clan and DB Projects, I request that he be rightfully elevated to the rank of Krath Arch Priest. Great work Alexander!
~CON Vodo Biask Taldrya
Though Xander was only with us a few months, his influence in the writing aspects of the Shadow Academy, more specifically the Poetry exam has been extremely helpful. Juggling both law school and Praetor-ship to the Grandmaster, we were very fortunate that Alexander Anderson devoted as much time as he did to his exam. For that, we are thankful for his services and hope he one day takes up another Shadow Academy position in the future.
~Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar HM;
~Taigikori Aybara Dupar P:HM
Since he joined the Clan last year, Xander has continually proven himself to be one of Dinaari's most regularly active members, outstripping every other Equite+ on the roster. He has consistently participated in regular House and Clan events, as well as being active on IRC in #taldryan. In the Rite of Supremacy, Xander showed an impressive amount of activity, participating in six of the Clan vs. Clan events. For his efforts in helping Taldryan and his constant activity in Dinaari, I recommend Xander for a promotion to Krath Archpriest. Congratulations, Xander. Excellent work.
-- Shadow Taldrya
Alexander Anderson has served as my praetor for a good long time, and brings a fresh set of eyes to many of my projects. I oftentimes find myself relying on him to proof my proposals, and see if what I am putting together makes sense to people other than myself. This kind of help is critical, especially in light of recent events that left me more or less without a deputy. His work and efforts are appreciated, and I feel that he is well due for an elevation. It is my pleasure to recommend him for a promotion to Krath Archpriest.
~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith
Xander is the proverbial behind-the-scenes worker. He's diligent, fast-working and above all incredibly consistent - despite not being in a 'flashy' position on the Clan or House Summits, Xander is humble, unassuming and ever ready to fill in the blanks. Alexander Anderson is the sort of member who puts the welfare of the club as a whole well above his own individual aspirations and ambitions, and the Brotherhood and Clan Taldryan is all the better for it.I am honored and proud to see you elevated to Krath Archpriest!
- Vorion, Proconsul of Clan Taldryan
Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2010-02-25 20:06:16 UTC