Event Details

Event ID
Master Alaris Jinn
Old Rank
Obelisk Prelate (Equite 2)
New Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Since becoming the Consul of Clan Plagueis, Alaris has done an outstanding job keeping the members unified and active through competition and constant communication. He can always be found on IRC, helping those who need it. A truly selfless leader that deserves this elevation. He has kept busy motivating the leaders and members of Plagueis and I'm sure will continue to do so. Since his last promotion he has been awarded 13 seals for participating in the ninth GJW, gotten his hands on some crescents for competition participation, attained a seal of loyalty, Some clusters of fire, and has been given the coveted title of di Plagia. Because of his outstanding work as Consul and for being a stand up member I am more than happy to give my recommendation.

-Quejo Drakai Quaestor of House Exar Kun

I'm recommending Alaris Jinn for a promotion to Obelisk Exarch. Alaris has been in leadership for some time now, and recently had to fill some really big shoes when Braecen stepped down. Since then, Alaris has been able to step up to the plate and reassure the Clan that dispite the changes that we are experiencing,that we will come out on top and show the rest of the DB that we are the Clan that learns from challenge and change. Alaris has also lead an amazing Clan Feud, which allowed our members to use their creativity in ways they do not normally get to use. Lastly, Alaris has lead us through a huge transitional period that had begun to affect moral. Due to his amazing leadership and wonderful communication skills he was able to quiet the fears and bring us together to overcome a dark time in our history. In my opinion Alaris has gone above and beyond the call of duty and deserved this promotion way before now.

-Octavia Kuga Aedile of House Exar Kun

Since knowing Alaris, I have always seen him as a highly respected member within our Clan. He serves as Consul with great dedication, and always shows the highest care to his members and to the Houses that make up Clan Plagueis. He is a inspiring member to follow and always remains hard working.

He has over seen many completed projects within his Clan, which covers the House feud, The Clan Halloween competition. With this also comes his work in future events, such as organisation for the upcoming ROS.

Alaris is a great member to work with and to gain experience from, he is a loyal, hard working, trustworthy and generally a good person to talk too. For all of this hard work he puts into the Brotherhood, I would like to congratulate him for gaining this promotion. He has done a lot to deserve it, so well done buddy!

-Cassandra El'sin House Satal Keto Aedile

Alaris is one of those members who you know you can always rely upon to get the job done. He is one of our fastest graders, getting both Wiki Basics and Wiki Editing graded, but is at the same time devoted to the advancement of the Academy as a whole, working to write Wiki Editing to further members' knowledge. Alaris is one of the Shadow Academy's best Docents, and we are proud to continue working with him. -Headmaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar

When Alaris stepped in as Consul, he had big shoes to fill. Braecen was an incredibly influential and very well liked within Clan Plagueis and there were questions in many members minds if Alaris could live up to his predecessor. I can safely say that Alaris has stepped up to the challenge.

In his time as a Prelate, on top of his regular duties as Consul, Alaris has accumulated several crescents, almost two dozen Clusters of Fire, a Seal of Loyalty, 13 Seals of Unity, a Silver Nova, a Scroll of Foundation, a Dark Cross, and the Clan title of 'di Plagia.' Alaris was a driving force in Clan Plagueis' effort in the Great Jedi War as Proconsul, and has stepped up his efforts further during his term as Consul.

Having worked directly under Alaris for several months now, I've seen firsthand his persistence to make Clan Plagueis into the best it can be. He was the driving force and inspiration for the House Feud conducted earlier this year, judging the ACC battles and grading. The feud was a resounding success and would not have even taken place were it not for Alaris. This coupled with his work in the Shadow Academy and as a member of the Wiki staff more than show his continued devotion to the Brotherhood.

After too long, Alaris Jinn di Plagia is well deserving of a promotion to Obelisk Exarch. Congratulations Alaris!

-Vivackus Kavon Proconsul of Plagueis

Alaris has been a constant voice of command, of cool logic and calming influence in his clan of Plagueis. Working to build up the clan has not been an easy task, but it is plainly a labor of love for him. His constant drive to get more and more out of his members with the various projects speaks to this. His willingness to dive into combat himself for the glory of his clan, to lead from the trenches speaks to that. His labors can not be solely measured by the final placings of his clan in vendettas, although many are quick to do so, but rather in the sense of loyalty that so many Plaguians exhibit, by how close-knit of a family they have become. And if this were the sole indication of Alaris' worth, I would still be proud of him as a Consul. But the reality is that he is always driving for more, trying to better the brotherhood entire, trying to drive his clan, and the club, forward into this new decade, a goal that I have placed great emphasis on in these last few weeks. It is indeed high time that we recognize Alaris with a promotion, no doubt one of many more that he will earn. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2010-04-22 16:34:17 UTC