Event Details

Event ID
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Old Rank
Krath Epis (Equite 3)
New Rank
Krath Pontifex (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

I have long been reluctant to make a case for someone close to me to be promoted. It's almost a reverse kind of discrimination, where I make my close friends earn something several times over before I acknowledge their efforts, for fear of being perceived as biased towards them in any way. So has it been for Ashia Kagan Keibatsu in the more than two years since her last promotion.

Ashia has served as my unofficial left hand for years now. She sees things before anyone else does, comments on them, critiques them, makes suggestions as to improvements on them. She is more involved than my Praetor is on many projects. But she is not just my left hand, having proven herself capable in her own right. She served as Consul of Clan Naga Sadow for six months, overseeing two house feuds and grading one in its entirety by herself. Her reconfiguration of the journeyman promotion requirements in CNS became the basis of the club-wide journeyman requirements under Kaek. She earned the respect of the clan enough to be named as a title holder, but elected to try her hand in Revan after she stepped down, helping to secure their placement in the latest ROS with her submissions. She has volunteered her time and energy, over and over again, to help countless new members, in her unit and others, to find their way in our organization.

Over the past few months, I have encourage her to be more than just a silent partner for me, more than just a test audience. To that end, she became heavily involved in three of the major projects set to release this year. She has collaborated with me to create the backstory for the coming Vendetta event. She has edited countless pages of text and created tests for the coming Grind Path solution of the Shadow Academy. She has done this all without a care for personal glory or advancement, and this, at it's core, shows her devotion to the Brotherhood, and the very reason why I think that Ashia Kagan Keibatsu deserves to be promoted. ~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Although I have never worked directly with Ashia during my time in the DB, we have interacted on many occasions and I would consider her a friend. However, just being a friend doesn’t qualify one for elevation, but what Ashia has accomplished during her time more than does. Looking at just her “activity” within the DB, you can see that she has clearly taken an active role in the betterment of the club. For six months she serves as Consul of CNS during a period of time, that for all intents and purposes, was fairly chaotic and political. Trying to run a Clan is trying in the best of times, but attempting to do so when many members of the Clan are actively working against you is nearly impossible. Ashia managed to persevere and keep the Clan together while is steered through those rough waters. She continued to be an active force within the DB, both for CNS and for Revan after she had moved on.

That being said, it is her time spent working with others that truly sets her apart. It’s clearly apparent to anyone that she has a very strong working relationship with just about every Clan in the DB and is able to interact with members from across the club. Every time she is online she is always helping out another member in the club, regardless of where they’re from. I’ve personally seen her e-mailing on behalf of a member from another Clan to help them with their ACC qualification. Her leadership, activity and work with others is more than enough to get her elevated to the next level. Congratulations, Ash! ~Halcyon Taldrya, Sith Lord

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2010-07-22 10:51:50 UTC