Zin has completed the tasks set before him by the MAA. He visited the House channel on IRC and registered on the Forums. He participated in ten competitions:
- [CSP] Infection
- IG Events x4
- [Caliburnus] Theme song competition
- [Validus Nocta] logo competition
- [Caliburnus] Wikify yourself 2
- [CSP] One escaped
- [Voice] Past Imperfect
Also, he passed the Shadow Academy Course Leadership Studies. He wrote a five page character building fiction and discussed it with his mentor Kalak (he also got feedback on it). He placed in the top three in a competition (earning himself a crescent) and ran a competition of his own creation. Congratulations Zin, and welcome to the ranks of the Jedi Hunters!
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2010-07-27 03:58:30 UTC