Event Details

Event ID
Zin Zalabim
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
Primary reason

JH Zin Zalabim has completed the following to merit promotion: <br/> 1. He has completed leadership studies and leadership fundamentals. <br/> 2. At the time of his promotion to JH, Zin had competed in 11 competitions. Since then he has participated in Other realms parts one and two –fiction, Load the cannons, Documenting the best battles - take two and finally the HSP Quaestorial report comp, where he created and submitted a header. <br/> 3. He ran the competition “Faster than light” <br/> 4. For his summit task, Zin created and wrote names, ages and other important details for about military 40 NPCs, as well as a short paragraph of history for each of them, and he did so in a timely fashion. <br/> <br/> 1. Dark Maven in Philosophy<br/> 2. He’s created a quality wiki article. <br/> 3. He ran the extra competition Force quest 2. <br/> Zin is an invaluable member of HSP. If all members were like him, HSP would be a much better place. Zin, congratulations for a well earned promotion! - Augustus Kalak Ragnose, Rollmaster of House Scholae Palatinae. <br/> ----------------------------<br/> When I was recently named as Commander of Caliburnus, I started out with no members and asked to recruit. Instead of getting as many members as possible, as quick as possible, I picked out the members I thought would be more willing to contribute to the team, and largely ignored membership numbers. I’m confident that with Zin Zalabim, I’ve chosen a very active member who shows no sign of easing up his activity despite having already fulfilled the official requirements for his next promotion. <br/> I always make time to speak to the members of my team, and with Zin being a Jedi Hunter, I’m often directing him towards competitions that will aid in his promotions. More often than not, however, he’s already completed nearly all of the competitions available to him, and is working on the ones he hasn’t done. Zin has already won five different types of crescent for his placement in competitions, the highest of which being a Ruby Star for first place on a collaboration with me for the Wiki Tribune’s ‘Document the best battle’ competition. It was Zin who originally wrote the text for the article, while I merely produced the images, polished up the writing and ‘wikified’ it. Zin was also the one who originally read a few different battles, and made recommendations on what one we should use for the article. <br/> In other areas of the db, Zin has shown a willingness to learn the various platforms, challenging me to a training battle in the ACC. His writing improves every time, and although his general knowledge around the ACC mechanics could do with work, that’s something that will only come with guided practice. <br/> Zin’s also shown enthusiasm towards building Caliburnus as a team, one of the major things I’m looking for from the members. We are currently in the process of creating a brand new prospectus to reflect the recent changes in Caliburnus, and Zin, despite having already done one house summit task, is working on creating the NPC characters that will back up the team. Zin was the first member I recruited to join Caliburnus, and so far he’s made a fantastic impact, and is a valuable member to the team. <br/>

Krath Epis Impetus M’Nar<br/> Commander of Caliburnus<br/> ---------------------------------------<br/> In Accordance with the guidelines set forth by the MAA, JH Zin Zalabim merits elevation to Knighthood. Since being promoted to Jedi Hunter six weeks ago, Zin has earned one (1) Dark Cross and four (4) Crescents [1 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 1 Sapphire and 1 Quartz]. He has since joining, partaken in 15 competitions: <br/> 1. [CSP] Infection<br/> 2. IG Event<br/> 3. IG Event<br/> 4. IG Event<br/> 5. IG Event<br/> 6. [Caliburnus] Theme song competition<br/> 7. [Validus Nocta] logo competition<br/> 8. [Caliburnus] Wikify yourself 2<br/> 9. [CSP] One escaped<br/> 10. [Voice] Past Imperfect<br/> 11. Other realms - part one <br/> 12. Other realms - part two<br/> 13. Load the cannons<br/> 14. Documenting the best battles - take two<br/> 15. HSP Quaestorial report comp<br/> Additionally, he has completed two leadership courses [Leadership Studies & Leadership Fundamentals] with passing grades, he also earned a Shadow academy degree [Dark Maven: Philosophy]. He has created and run two competitions within House Scholae Palatinae [Faster then Light & Force quest 2] and has created a quality wiki page for himself.<br/> Finally, he finished his Summit Task [In depth creation of 40 NPCs for the HSP Military]<br/> In Concordance with current standards, I have no other option then to promote this member for his continuous activity. Congratulations Zin, you have earned this!<br/> ~KAP Ood Bnar Scythe’rae, QUA of HSP

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2010-09-12 00:57:27 UTC