Event Details

Event ID
Reman Khaar
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

Reman is one of Scholae Palatinaes most exciting rising stars, maintain an incredible level of activity. I am proud to present him to you for consideration for promotion to the rank of Guardian.

Since his promotion to the rank of Protector, he has earned a plethora of medals: A Dark Cross (Merit Medal), 3 Legions of the Scholar, numerous Clusters of Fire and a Crescent with Emerald Star. He has done an excellent amount of gaming, and continues to push himself to learn and play better.

He earned two of his Legions of the Scholar for writing and running two weeks of Trivia, both of which had good attendance. The questions were well-written and difficult, just as DB trivia should be. The third was earned by doing Odan-Urr trivia, coming second. He has completed an excellent fiction, something which is far out of his normal realm of expertise. He has even started his own wiki without assistance, and has gotten very far already.

He blew past the requirements for SA tests by completing an amazing 21 exams: Training Saber Basics, ACC Basics, Wiki Basics, GMRG History, History of the Sith Empire I, II and III, Pre-Republic and Old Republic Histories, Brotherhood History I and II, Krath Core, Sith Core, Astronomy Studies, Lightsaber Studies, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Combat Tactics I and II, Clan Naga Sadow History and finally, Clan Scholae Palatinae History.

After all of that work, he managed to earn himself a Maven of Combat. He has also completed his Obelisk Core, as per the requirements, as well as the Advancement Survey.

All in all, his activity has been astonishing, and should be rewarded with a promotion to the rank of Guardian.

Archangel Palpatine, 2010-11-24 12:06:45 UTC