Event Details

Event ID
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Old Rank
Equite 2
New Rank
Equite 3
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Vivackus has always been a few things to me. He's been a student, a helping hand, and a friend. In my time knowing Viv, I've seen an awkward and unfamiliar member grow into a skilled member of the DJB and a worthy addition to the Dark Council's staff. Just in his time as Combat Master, I've seen widespread improvement in the ACC. The judges under his command have grown more skilled and punctual, there is talk of a new rank system that he designed in the works, and we've seen the request for new venues and the addition of new rewards for ACC members. I've seen increased Combat Centre activity and a general increase of fun in the system.

Outside of the Combat Master position, of course, my latest tenure with Vivackus was serving both beneath him, as he held Proconsul of Clan Plagueis, and above him as Quaestor of House Plagueis. During both times, he gathered the members of the Clan and House to meet and discuss ideas. He gave us concepts for competitions and helped to get rid of old and defunct rules. Much of the Jusadih Military Regime system I use to reward my House members was his doing, seen in largest part in the point system used therein. It was he who spoke up and said that the system's existing point values were far too high, and it was he that assisted me in creating new values and conceptualizing rewards and ideas.

Also, he has helped me largely in other aspects of Plagueis. One would be the Rule of Two system I had originally devised for House Satal Keto, which will be modified to suit House Plagueis. He came to me with several suggestions, ideas, and concepts for the program, showing me which points of it to emphasize and helping me see which parts to remove. Next up is his work in the development of our House's next major enemy, the Disciples of the Living Force, a secretive Gray Jedi group within Jusadih. He had major parts in designing each DLF NPC, and in tying them together with PLA's old opposition, the Jusadih Independence Coalition. To add to this, he essentially edited and fixed up everything I had written for an event introducing this group to Clan Plagueis, a project we sadly had to set aside in order to fix up House Plagueis. Finally, during all of my work on the development of Jusadih's Dominion, Vivackus above all others served to advise me, correct me, edit my work, and suggest new and groundbreaking ideas. He was, is, and will likely continue to be my strongest critic, my greatest student, and the best source of ideas I've ever met.

This work, accompanying anything I haven't seen due to his work with the Voice of the Brotherhood, befits nothing less than an Equite Promotion. It brings me great joy and, fittingly, a chill of fear to see the student surpass his master. Great work, Vivackus. I'm proud to call you a member of my House.

Kal di Plagia Vorrac Quaestor of House Plagueis

For half a year Vivackus has been my right-hand-man in the Antei Combat Centre, learning the ropes of the ACC and flourishing. There is a highly steep learning curve when running the ACC, made even harder if you have never been previously on staff. However, Viv has taken it all in stride, leading the way in terms of activity when compared to the rest of the staff. He has diligently learned each aspect of the ACC, while also offering his own thoughts and opinions. He has laid out the plans for a new ranking system for the ACC; one that will truly show the skill levels of participants and bring a much richer experience for everyone involved. He has judged 21 battles during his time in the ACC while also managing to open over 50 individual battles. He has also updated the current ACC Basics Course and has been a sounding board on various other character-related issues that I may have. He has done all this without caring for any sort of title or prestige the position may give him. He is Combat Master without title, due to some coding issues, but he does his work not caring for the title itself. The work he does for the ACC is for use by the entire Dark Brotherhood, and he does this tirelessly.

This is all in addition to his previous work as an accomplished leader in Plagueis. He was Proconsul for a year before joining the ACC, and only stepped down from that position so that he may focus his energies on the ACC. His time as leader in Plagueis can easily be seen as a success, being bestowed the Clan title a testament to that fact. He has worked for the enjoyment of others for some time now, his own needs taking a back seat to the needs of others. I believe he is more than worthy of taking the next step as an Equite. Congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Sith Lord Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Halcyon, 2010-12-16 07:09:20 UTC