Event Details

Event ID
Creon Neverse
Old Rank
Novitiate 4
New Rank
Journeyman 1
Requested by
Jeric Cyrin
Primary reason

Since Creon's promotion to ACO he has progressed very well. Taking his Pre-republic History, Wiki Basics & Lightsaber Studies Exams. Creon also completed his Advancement Survey & Training Saber Basics. He has submitted to a total of 3 competitions & has regularly shown up on IRC. Most recently he has finished an ACC battle to which he will submit for qualification & has created his character wiki page. With all this progression I feel my apprentice is more than ready for his next advancement. You are now one step closer to Knighthood my young apprentice, congrats!

Jeric Cyrin, 2010-12-29 18:37:38 UTC