I request a promotion for Jedi Hunter VanWyck, who has met all Qualifications for promotion to Dark Jedi Knight under the Brotherhood's Promotion Guidelines, as follows:<BR>
VanWyck has been a Jedi Hunter for 490 days.<BR>
VanWyck has obtained the following Merit Award: Dark Cross<BR>
VanWyck was awarded a Quartz Crescent for placing after having participated in the following competition: Week 3 Disorder Event.<BR>
VanWyck has participated in the following competitions: The Rescue of Zandro, Dark Times, Week 3 Disorder Event, Week 2 Disorder Event, The Price of Failure, Oh Hutt No!, Wolf Guard Mission, [Arcona] Rest Time?, Return to Dajorra, Tarentum Recruitment, Researching Qel-Droma, Dream Job, Prestige Competition, Voice Competition, and [CP] Shadow Training.<BR>
VanWyck has created and run the following a competition: Researching Qel-Droma<BR>
VanWyck has passed both the Leadership Fundamentals and the Leadership Shadow Academy exams.<BR>
VanWyck has performed the following Master-assigned task: A 25-page Character Fiction<BR>
VanWyck has obtained a Dark Side Degree: Maven - Philosophy.<BR>
VanWyck has created and run the following additional competition: Battle of the Sith Lords<BR>
VanWyck has completed a Lightsaber Creation Fiction.<BR>
As VanWyck has met all the necessary qualifications, I respectfully request his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight.<BR>
In Darkness,<BR><BR>
Obelisk Exarch Cethgus Entar<BR><BR>
<I>VanWyck, congratulations on your promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Your skill, dedication and perseverance have at last brought your training to an end. Now, you must forge your own path through the Brotherhood. Thine is the power.</I><BR>
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2011-07-13 12:38:54 UTC