Vally has gone above and beyond the call of duty and has been pushing the brotherhood by way of Twitter. With almost a thousand recruitment posts for Scholae Palatinae and the Brotherhood, he's been working fulltime on this 'social media expirement' of his, and it's frankly something that's worked before with Facebook drives. This is a bit different, and has had pretty consequential results on getting non-DB members to join our TOR guild at the very least, and I am quite impressed.
I have spoken at length about the difference between producing and consuming being the difference between the lower ranks and the elders of this organization. How the difference in attitude coming from trying to pad your dossier versus trying to grow the Brotherhood makes all the difference in the world to this club. Seeing efforts like Vally's helps me understand that these words, this paradigm has not fallen on deaf ears.
Given that, and the fact that it's been many years, terms as Consul and Quaestor, and countless medals since Vally has been promoted, Halc and I have decided to remind Valkas Tamalar Palpatine that we do appreciate his efforts and promote him to Sith Warlord, increasing his power and taking him one step closer to Dark Side Adept. ~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2011-07-29 09:38:30 UTC