Event Details

Event ID
Empress Rayne Palpatine
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Hey Korras. I've spent the last while compiling recommendations for Rayne's promotion to EQ2. I hope it is satisfactory.

Recommendation in regards to Warrior Rayne of Scholae Palatinae

Upon my arrival in Scholae back in May; Rayne was the first person I encountered as she was the active Rollmaster. She made my beginnings quite easy, and lit the fire which began my career in Scholae thus far. She made herself easily accessible via email, im, and IRC and if I had a question she was very quick to respond. While she wouldn’t ever do the work for me, she would guide me to the correct path to get the knowledge I was seeking.

Once Rayne moved up to Aedile, she’d previously set up the pairing of myself and my Master. I spoke with her briefly about my preferences, and she knocked it out of the park in pairing me with my Master. Rayne took the time to know me, know my work and know my style, and then paired me with someone suitable.

As Aedile now, Rayne is always fast to respond to requests, and give assistance when needed. She’s helped me run my own competition as well as help me ‘close’ the competition in guiding me on what to do with awards.

Scholae is a better place because of Rayne and her dedication to our House. I wanted to put in my two cents about how I feel about her hard work and dedication. She made my arrival easy, and continues to make life in Scholae great. I think she’d be great in any position she’d take on.

If you have any questions on specifics, please feel free to contact me.

Akatsuki Tamalar 12363

To Whom It May Concern: In the past 2 years since her last promotion, Rayne has continued to uphold her reputation as a hardworking, dedicated, and contributing member of Scholae Palatinae. Before I provide a deluge of numbers, I would like to take a moment to talk about Rayne and her performance in the various roles she has taken over the years. Rayne has never been one to complain about the tasks she is given, she completes any task thoroughly and quickly. This can be seen in her willingness to step up and fill positions to the best of her ability. For example, Rayne stepped up to become the Aedile of House Caliburnus. After the Scholae Palatinae lost its clan status, Rayne did not surrender. She continued to contribute to the framework of the now House Scholae Palatinae. She held various Battleteam leader positions as well as more substantial posts. Rayne was one of the best rollmasters I have seen in a while. She readily provided easy and quick competitions to participate. These types of competitions are necessary for fostering growth in the journeymen ranks. Not only that these competitions were a lot of fun. She held weekly trivia and weekly caption events for a prolonged period of time. As I returned to the club, from a stay in Real Life, Rayne made it easy for me to transition back into the mix. Furthermore, Rayne is an all-around awesome person. Though she is often busy, Rayne is always good for a laugh. While this may seem insignificant to most, being able to foster humor provides a great morale boost for units. Rayne’s dedication and awesomeness don’t stop there. She has seen two vendettas since her last promotion, gathering up a whole heap of Novae. It’s not easy to get Novae in the first place, but Rayne has done it. I’d venture to say that she has more novae than me! The point is, Rayne, while sometimes quiet and demure, inspires those around her to succeed. She drives people towards working hard. This is a great trait to have in a leader, but it’s also a great trait to have in a person. I am proud to call Rayne my friend and sister in Scholae Palatinae. Having said all of that…here is a list of all the stuff that the Universal Raynemonster has done since her last promotion. 9 Crescents 7 Novae Dark Cross Steel Cross Anteian Cross Several CFs Several Legion of the Scholar. 14 Seal of Decimation 14 Seal of Bone

It is pretty obvious that Rayne has more than earned this promotion. She has met and exceeded the requirements for promotion. She has earned a whole mess of medals, was an Aedile for around 5 months total and she was rollmaster for even longer. Rayne, Congratulations, you’ve earned it. -SWL Thran Occasus

Rayne (AKA “the Universal Raynemonster”) has always been a familiar face within Scholae Palatinae ever since I joined back in 2008. She has shown consistent activity and dedication to the House, which can be seen in her activity in the Rites of Supremacy Spoils of War and Disorder, and more recently in Great Jedi War X. She also managed to place in three(3) events in RoS: Disorder and also in four(4) events in GJW X.

In addition, Rayne has held multiple leadership positions within Scholae Palatinae, both when it was a Clan and again as a House since her last promotion. In the days of Clan Scholae Palatinae she served as the Battleteam Leader of Shadow Swarm for close to five(5) months. After the change to Houses, Rayne was the Battleteam Leader of Dorimad Sol for close to seven(7) months, Rollmaster of HSP for four(4) months, and Aedile of HSP for just over three(3) months. Furthermore, each time that I have been around, Rayne has always been there to help out those in need whenever she can.

For these reasons, and so many more that I must be missing, I hereby wholeheartedly recommend that Sith Warrior Rayne be elevated to the rank of Sith Battlemaster, the second of the Equite ranks. Congratulations Ray-Ray, you’ve more than earned this honor!

-- DJK Reiden Karr BTL of Dorimad Sol, Scholae Palatinae

Rayne is one of few members of the House, who strongly affects it. Since her last promotion, Rayne has proven to be an exemplary member and Leader of Scholae Palatinae. She has earned numerous awards both competition and merit ones, including:

Crescent with Emerald Star x3 Crescent with Quartz Star x2 Crescent with Topaz Star Crescent with Sapphire Star x3 Seal of Bone x7 Seal of Defiance x7 Anteian Cross x2 Legion of Scholar Cluster of Fire x2 Gold Nova Silver Nova x2 Steel Cross Bronze Nova x4 Dark Cross Seal of Decimation x 14.

Apart from mere activty, Rayne has regularly visited IRC channels of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and House Scholae Palatinae. She has very often chatted with other people in the House channel. Rayne was always helpful, if someone required her assistance.

As member of the House Summit, Rayne has proved herself as steady and well-mannered leader. While her work may be not visible to wider audience, she is always there, performing her duties and providing advice to other leaders of the House. Rayne has met the requirement of at least three months long service on the position of Aedile or higher.

I believe that Rayne has fulfilled all requirements to be promoted for the rank of Sith Battlemaster. I am glad and honoured that I was able to include my supportive voice for her really well-deserved promotion. Congrats Rayne!

DJK Xantros BTL of Caliburnus

Rayne has established herself as one of the most dedicated members of Scholae Palatinae. I'll admit that I always thought of her first as Arch's fiancee and then wife more than as "Rayne" for the first year of her time in the house. Over the past year, she has shown tremendous growth in the club and house by serving as the Rollmaster and then Aedile of House Scholae Palatinae. Her leadership during the past Great Jedi War was an asset to Scholae as we kept a steady flow of activity from a variety of members due to the Summit's personal approach to leadership. Her activity over the past year on a personal level has also been outstanding as she participated in Disorder and the Great Jedi War X on a high level. I hereby recommend Rayne for elevation to Sith Battlemaster.


Primarch Dante

There are few members I have worked with that possess the natural people skills Rayne has. These skills are crucial to a leader because it is people that leaders interact with. Rayne’s time as both RM and AED has been very successful and I honestly know that HSP would be a worse off place if it wasn’t for her work on the Summit. Her steady head and ability to work with the members, especially the newer members, has been a tremendous asset and something I have valued deeply.

Since her last promotion she has accomplished much. The time since her last promotion has seen some massive changes to the Brotherhood, but she has taken it all in stride and never missed a beat when it comes to being a fantastic and outstanding member of the Brotherhood. Her time spent as a leader has seen numerous positions and abilities. She spent just under 5 months as a BTL for Shadow Swarm when we were still a Clan, and then another near 7 months as BTL for Dorimad Sol after we were made a house. Prior to being turned into HSP, Rayne served as AED for House Caliburnus for a little over a month. As a member of HSP she spent a very critical 2 months as RM and then another 3 months as our AED.

All this time has been an absolute pleasure to work with her as a member of the Summit. As RM she was completely organized and excelled at greeting our new members and helping them on their first steps here in the DB. Then when they were ready to be paired with a master, she always had great success pairing the Journeymen with a compatible master. The skill of her ability to help match Journeymen to Masters had been commented on by several journeymen expressing their gratitude for whom they were paired with. Beyond that, she has always been a reasonable person to work with, never making outlandish suggestions and always able to provide level-headed suggestions to everything that the HSP Summit has worked on.

As AED she has ran several competitions all of which have been met with great response. These include: “Alternate Persona”, “Darth”, “Star Wars Quotes”, Several “Caption Fun” and some trivia. She has also helped on several critical Projects in Scholae Palatinae. She was a key member in Project Goetia, in which she wrote up the planets/moons of Nemea and Sereia, for which she received two wiki writers awards. She also provided proofing and images for various other planets and moons in this project to fully expand the Cocytus System. She has also provided much needed feedback on the process of rewriting the Scholae Palatinae Prospectus and other documents for the wiki. Her aid in these projects has been invaluable.

Rayne also leads by example, setting a high bar for herself in terms of activity. She has participated in many competitions including: “[[DJBWiki]] So, tell me about yourself...” (3rd Place), “[Dorimad Sol] Sheep Race” (1st place), “Dorimad Sol] YouTube challenge 1” (1st place), “[Dorimad Sol] YouTube challenge 3” (1st place), “[CSP] What kind of person are you?” (Second Place), “[DB]The Name is Keibatsu...”, “Spring Games: Belly Flop”, “Spring Games: Santa Toss”, “CSP Oscar nominations”, “CSP Surprise Trivia “, “[HSP Neutral] Acts of War” (1st place), “Relaunching the Fleet” (3rd place), “Reforming the Wings” (1st place), and “Reforming the Squadrons” (3rd place).

She has also had strong showings in several vendettas. From the RoS Spoils of War Rayne competed in: “Week 1 Graphics”, “Week 1 Fiction”, “Offweek 1 Fiction”, “Offweek Poetry”, “Week 3 Limerick”, and “Week 3 Graphic”. In Disorder she competed in: “Week 1 Gaming”, “Week 1 ID Scan”, “Week 2 Graphics”, “Week 2 ID Scan”, “Week 3 Battleplan”, “Week 3 Graphics”, and “Week 3 ID Scan”. From GJWX she participated in: “Week 1 ID Scan”, “Week 1 Trivia”, “Week 1 Wiki”, “Week 1 Battleplan”, “Week 2 ID Scan”, “Week 2 Trivia”, “Week 2 Wiki”, “Week 2 Graphics”, “Week 3 ID Scan”, “Week 3 Wiki”, and “Week 4 ID Scan”.

From all this she has earned the following awards: Crescent with Emerald Star x3, Crescent with Quartz Star x2, Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Sapphire Star x3, Seal of Bone x7, Seal of Defiance x7, Anteian Cross x2, Legion of Scholar, Cluster of Fire x2, Gold Nova, Silver Nova x2, Steel Cross, Bronze Nova x4, Dark Cross, and Seal of Decimation x 14.

Rayne continues to be a great supporting voice now that she has stepped down from the HSP Summit. Her continued efforts and dedication to the house are incredibly valued. It has been a honor to work with her and to have her as a friend. She has more than earned this promotion to Sith Battlemaster. Congratulations Rayne. Drinks on you!

Xen’Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor - Scholae Palatinae

Darth Aeternus, 2011-11-22 12:34:48 UTC