Event Details

Event ID
Damon Tye
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Primary reason

I, Socorra, hereby request a promotion for Protector Snabbie, who has fulfilled all requirements under the Dark Jedi Brotherhood’s promotion guidelines, as follows:

Snabbie has been a Protector for over four weeks.

Snabbie has logged on to IRC and visited #arcona.

Snabbie has completed the Obelisk Core Exam.

Snabbie has completed Ten regular Flashpoints, of which at least 4 must be unique: Black Talon w/Looxa (JaM3z), 1/3/12; Black Talon (Lone), 3/10/12; Hamer Station (Lone), 3/10/12; Athiss (Lone), 3/10/12; Mandalorian Raiders (Lone), 3/10/12; Hammer Station w/Looxa and Gedhiel, 3/11/12; Athiss w/Looxa and Gedhiel, 3/11/12; Mandalorian Raiders w/Looxa and Gedhiel, 3/11/12; Cademinu w/Looxa and Gedhiel, 3/11/12; Black Talon (Lone), 3/11/12

Snabbie has completed the GMRG Exam with a score of 92%.

Snabbie has completed two pages of character fiction, approved by his Master.

Snabbie has worked on his wiki article, beyond the template.

Snabbie has created a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership: Void Squadron Trivia.

Snabbie has been highly dedicated in working towards this promotion and has been highly active in #arcona. He can be seen in the channel on a nearly daily basis. The competition, originally solely for Battleteam Void Squadron, was expanded to include House Qel-Droma with Quaestor Invictus’ approval. He has made his way into Arcona seamlessly, even going so far as to ask about how lower-ranked Journeyman are doing towards their next promotions and helping them when he can while attempting to get qualified in the ACC.

As Snabbie has met all of the necessary qualifications, I respectfully request his promotion to Guardian.

<i>Snabbie, congratulations on your promotion to Guardian. A further promotion to Jedi Hunter awaits you, should you fulfill the following requirements:</i>

  • Six weeks at Guardian required or complete a Master At Arms assigned task Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel
  • Register on the Dark Brotherhood forums

<b>Complete five of the following:</b>

  • Participate in ten total competitions
  • Complete ten HM Flashpoints, Operations or PVP events with a DJB group.
  • Take a Shadow Academy leadership exam
  • Create a ToR Operations group, that regularly comes together for an operation.
  • Minimum five pages of character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master - this can, and ideally should, be built off of your previous two page work
  • Have a second level 50 character in ToR
  • Two Antei Combat Center matches
  • Become rank 3 in the GMRG
  • Place in a competition
  • Earn 25 (total) Clusters of Fire
  • Earn a merit medal
  • Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership

In Darkness,

~DJK Socorra, Aedile of House Qel-Droma

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2012-03-25 14:20:51 UTC