I hereby request a promotion for Acolyte Xel Jen'ari, who has fulfilled all requirements for promotion under the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's promotions guidelines, as follows:
He has started work on a character history for the wiki
He has attained 5 Clusters of Fire
He has passed the ACC Basics Exam and has an approved Character Sheet
He has logged onto IRC and visited #arcona
As Xel Jen'ari has met all the necessary qualifications, I respectfully request his promotion to Protector.
In darkness,
DJK Celevon Edraven
<i>Xel Jen'ari, congratulations on your promotion to Protector. A further promotion to Guardian awaits you, should you fulfill the following requirements:
-Four weeks at Protector required or complete a Master At Arms assigned task
-Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel, or logon to the DB Ventrillo server
-Complete your Order Core exam - this can count towards your total Shadow Academy requirements for other promotion tasks
Complete five of the following:
-Ten Shadow Academy exams in addition to any completed that were used to qualify for a promotion to Protector
-Ten regular Flashpoints, of which at least 4 must be unique.
-Participate in five total competitions
complete five ToR HM Flashpoints, Operations or PVP events with a DJB group.
-Earn fifteen (total) Clusters of Fire
-Complete Antei Combat Center Basics Exam and your Character Sheet if you have not already done so - ACC basics can count towards your Shadow Academy exam course total
-Complete the GMRG Exam
-Qualify for the Antei Combat Center
-Reach GMRG Rank 2
-Minimum two page character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master
-Work on your characterâs wiki article. This means that some reasonable effort should have been put into making a new article (for example, a rough character outline, headings, maybe an image) - basically, more than just the template.
-Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership
-Lead a DJB HM Flashpoint group.
-Earn a Merit Medal </i>
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2012-04-02 03:55:00 UTC