Event Details

Event ID
Damon Tye
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Primary reason

Since his last promotion, Guardian Snabbie has been extremely busy and focused on completing enough tasks to move forward in his DJB career. For the past six weeks, Snabbie has worked diligently for his promotion to Jedi Hunter by doing an assortment of competitions earning him several medals and drawing the eyes of his leadership.

Snabbie has logged onto IRC and visited #arcona quite often, being a constant presence in the channel and interacting with various members of his House and Clan. His name is sixth on dbb0ts top users in the channel, and he has rightly earned that position.

Snabbie has registered on the Brotherhood forums and quite recently done some activity with me. He works around the forums well and understands how to do the various mechanics involving italic and bolds.

Snabbie has completed the following competitions: A Day in the Life Of... by SBL Andrelious J. Inahj; Block Time - DJK Kalon Dane; Dozens of Games I: Copter - SBL Andrelious J. Inahj; Dozens of Games II: Mini-Putt - SBL Andrelious J Inahj; Dozens of Games III: City Jumper - SBL Andrelious J Inahj; Dozens of Games IV: My Dear Boss - SBL Andrelious J Inahj; Galaxy Quest - DA James Lucius Entar Arconae & DA Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae; Shock and Awe - DJK Kalon Dane; School’s Out For Summer - OP Sanguinius Tsucrya Entar; Dozens of Games V: Super Blast Billards - SBL Andrelious J Inahj

Snabbie has placed First in DJK Kalon Dane’s Block Time Competition.

Snabbie has also excelled in the eyes of his leaders, who have granted him an Anteian Cross. They, as well as I, saw his complete devotion to his House and Clan, along with a desire to grow and a passion for the Dark Brotherhood.

Snabbie has created and ran the competition Void Squadron Trivia with the assistance of his leadership. He saw the competition through from creation to completion and sent medal recommendations to the leadership to be awarded.

Snabbie has also completed the Leadership Studies Shadow Academy exam, with a resounding score of 100 percent. This is utterly amazing and truly demonstrates Snabbie’s zeal and passion for the Brotherhood and most importantly, towards furthering his career in the DB as one of its future leaders. It is my belief that Snabbie has more than earned his promotion to Jedi Hunter.

[i]Snabbie, congratulations on your promotion to Jedi Hunter.

~DJK Celevon Edraven, Sergeant of Spectre Cell

A further promotion to Dark Jedi Knight awaits you, should you fulfill the following requirements:[/i]

  • Six weeks at Jedi Hunter required or complete a Master At Arms assigned task
  • Must have a merit award
  • Must have a crescent or Legion of the Scholar


  • Participate in 15 total competitions OR complete 15 HM Flashpoints, Operations or PVP events with a DJB group.
  • Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership
  • Major House Summit Task as designated by your leadership or Master – these should be roughly equivalent to any of the other tasks presented below but can be fine-tuned to the member’s strengths – if your leader does not provided you with a task within a week of you requesting it, contact the Master At Arms. These tasks should not artificially expand on the six week time-in-rank requirement. Masters, a task you assign should have cursory approval from your House summit.

Complete three of the following:

  • Two Shadow Academy leadership exams
  • Five Antei Combat Center matches
  • Rank 4 in the GMRG
  • Earn 40 (total) Clusters of Fire
  • Minimum ten pages of character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master - this can, and ideally should, be built off of your previous five page work
  • Have three level 50 characters in ToR
  • Earn a Shadow Academy Degree
  • Complete a quality wiki article (it could be your character’s) as determined by your House leadership or Master
  • Create and run an additional competition
  • Complete a final fiction task, either a lightsaber fiction, a joint run-on task with your master, or any other major fiction task (roughly 10 pages) as designated by your House leadership or Master. Masters, a task you assign should have cursory approval from your House summit. If you do not receive instruction on this from your House leadership or Master within a week of requesting it and you wish to do this task, please contact the Master At Arms.
  • A FIST assigned task

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2012-05-13 17:52:01 UTC