With this I would like to request the Promotion of ACO Miranda Goto (#12915) to the Rank of Protector. Not only that Miranda has done some decent work on her personal Wiki-article, she has also fulfilled all the needed requirements to make her worth a promotion. Her achievements as stated below will prove this:
- She has participated in a total of 3 competitions
- She has successfully passed the ACC-Basics Exam and got his Character Sheet approved.
- She has also logged into Taldryanâs IRC channel, where she has talked to several members of the house including myself.
According to these achievements I highly recommend that Acolyte Miranda Goto will be promoted to the Rank of Protector. Well done Miranda, keep the things rolling like that.
~Obelisk Templar Rian Aslar
Aedile of House Taldryan
Dossier #10701
Rian Taldrya, 2012-06-03 09:02:32 UTC