Event Details

Event ID
Kalatosh Phaa
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
Primary reason

Novice Kalatosh Phaa has completed the following requirements for promotion to Acolyte:

  • Completed the Dark Brotherhood Basics Exam
  • Passed two Shadow Academy Exams -- Galactic Languages -- IRC Basics
  • Logged onto IRC and joined the Plagueis channel
  • Registered on the Dark Brotherhood forums

He shows great drive and motivation as a member of House Plagueis and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

This promotion request comes by way of Eiko, his Master.

Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker, 2012-09-30 22:37:39 UTC