Since my appointment to BTL, it has been my singular pleasure to have had Nath Voth join us; she has taken to her BT, and to the Clan, with vigor and enthusiasm, which is as enjoyable to watch as it is infectious, evidenced by her recent work:
Nath has created her wiki and started work on her character history. She has also completed three of the following requirements:
x Complete 5 SA Exams ( Wiki Basics, Philosophy I: Views, Philosophy II: Cults, Races and Species, Planets and Stars)
x Has an approved character sheet as well as passed the ACC basics exam.
x Log on to Teamspeak DJB server
It is now my pleasure to recommend Nath for her next step towards greatness: Protector. Congratulations, Nath!
~ OPM Tsainetomo Keibatsu
SGT, Shadow Gate
Shi Kensei, 2013-01-10 12:47:32 UTC