Event Details

Event ID
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Eli Denan
Primary reason

Jedi Hunter (err Padawan?) Revak Kur has finalized the last of the trials required for elevation to Jedi Knight. As of today he has successfully created his character wiki page, attained 1 Shadow Academy degree, satisfactorily completed two required Leadership examinations at the Shadow Academy, completed a major House Summit assignment, organized and ran a single competition, earned 1 competition award as well as 1 merit medal, accomplished submissions into 15 house and DB wide competitions and lastly Revak Kur has surpassed the required 42 days at rank by ~280 days.

All in all I can attest to this members knowledge and wisdom of both Odan-Urr and of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a whole and hold him in no higher regard than his merit permits. Revak is a fine and dedicated Odanite, and this the last token of his story as a journeymen is no finer reward for this member. Congratulations Revak, May the Force be with yoooo-

-- QUA Drodik Va'lence al'Tor

Eli Denan, 2013-01-14 17:56:56 UTC