Event Details

Event ID
Shikyo Keibatsu
Old Rank
Dark Side Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Shikyo has done a crazy amount of work over the last few years, between HSH, creating numerous custom lightsabers for the members as well as creating warbanners. He's been hard at work with the Face Selector and various parts of the possession system. He has served as an advisor to Naga Sadow along with myself, helping the younger generation become the leaders that they are now. I'd say he's more than deserving of a promotion to the next rank. Congrats bro! ~ OPM Fremoc Pepoi, Fist of the Brotherhood.

Can someone check the all-time record for Dark Council tenure? Really impressive what you have accomplished as a DC member. Visual engagement of our members is one of the most important things we offer. It sets the hook. The options Shikyo and his team provides to us are second-to-none. Robes. Sabers. Warbanners. You won't find customization like that anywhere else. And certainly not for free. I appreciate all the work this man has done for us and look forward to his work in the future. - Raken, Shadow Hand

Shikyo has been an outstanding Herald for the Brotherhood. His time and dedication to his job is evident in the robes and sabers that have been added to the selector. I have watched him hone his skills over the years and improve his techniques. His leadership as a member of the DC is invaluable and his love for this club shines through those he has mentored. I am proud to recommend him for this promotion.

~Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, Consul Emeritus

Fix my robes. Fix my lightsaber. Fix my banner. Draw me new robes. Draw me a new lightsaber. Draw me a new banner. I want a lightsaber made out of a blaster with the Dark Side glowing off of the hilt! And the demands of the Herald go on and on. Shikyo has heard these demands for five years, two years at the same rank, and over one year without an award. To say he is deserving of a promotion to Dark Jedi Master is an understatement. Shikyo has performed year after year fulfilling the small weapon/armor/banner fantasies of the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood. His craft and expertise have produced numerous select-able items for our members to enhance their experience within the Dark Brotherhood. If there were ever a slam dunk recommendation to Dark Jedi Master, this is it. Congratulations!

-GM Pravus, Voice

The problem with Elder promotions is that at this level the recommendation is often worth more than the promotion itself. And honestly, most of us are at a loss for words where Shikyo is involved. We can point at his work, and see the scores of new products he has released in his tenure. We can point at his ever-increasing skill. I remember teaching him the ropes in Corel like it was yesterday... and here he is, beating my own mentor's record for longest serving Herald. I could point at his leadership skill, despite being in a position that doesn't really directly 'lead' anything but a small staff.

But here's what I can say.

There have always been some who say that Shikyo is just my little brother. That he's going to always be in my shadow. I am saying right now that he's not. He's the guy who keeps me motivated to draw, which is one of the things that fuels my own fire for the brotherhood. He challenges me, my ideas, my concepts, and he always comes back with something better, urging me to step up my game, to give everything I have to my work.

How do you reward a guy who leads the leader?

This isn't enough, Shikyo.

But it's a start.

--Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2013-02-20 14:10:17 UTC