Event Details

Event ID
Occultan Iacul
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Eli Denan
Primary reason

Sight has performed exceptionally since arriving on New Tython. Aside from participating in events for Chapter 2 of Dark Crusades, he has since fulfilled all mandatory requirements for the Protector to Guardian elevation. Currently he has spent well over 4 weeks at the present rank, maintained favorable IRC/Googlegroup presence, and has completed the Krath Core Exam (Stand in for the non-existent Sentinel Core Exam). Additionally Sight Nortorshin has totaled 15 Clusters of Fire, passed his ACC Basics exam as well as a character sheet, qualified for the ACC and finally has been accepted into the Grandmasters Royal Guard (GMRG), and has earned a merit medal.

Sight is also presently an active participant on the houses Team 2 Dark Crusades Run-on team and has taken considerable interest in entering the Master/Padawan program. Congratulations Sight, Force be with you-

HC Drodik Va'lence

Eli Denan, 2013-03-07 14:56:35 UTC