Event Details

Event ID
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Old Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
New Rank
Obelisk Primarch (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

It's been over 3 and a half years. 3 and ahalf years filled with ups and downs. In real life, that's the same amount of time one typically spends in a college/university. In the DB, it's ages. Over those 4 years, the last 3 especially, I've gotten to see Cethgus grow as a member. He has been an active part of the Brotherhood and Arcona the entire time I've been a leader. He's always been around and what most people don't realize, is how much he influences and helps the newer members. He has helped train up countless members to Dark Jedi Knight. He is a bastion of activity and leads by example. Since his last promotion he has earned:

xSapphire Blade xGrand Cross of the Dark Side x2 xSteel Cross x2 xAnteian Cross x3 xDark Cross x3 xGold Nova x6 xSilver Nova x3 xBronze Nova xLegion of the Scholar x2 xSeal of Loyalty xSeal of Unity x15 xSeal of Bone x4 xSeal of Defiance x5 xSeal of Bone xSeal of Return xSeal of Decimation x22

He has held multiple summit positions in Arcona: Quaestor of Exar Kun - 2 Months Service, Obelisk Sergeant of Wolf Guard - 7 Months Service, Quaestor of Galeres - 2 Months, Magistrate to the Fist - 3 Month, Praetor to the Fist - 3 Months, Obelisk Sergeant of Revenance Virtuom - 10 Months, Professor of Combat - 12 Months, Sith Commander Void Squadron - 4 Months, and is currently Aedile of House Galeres.

His activity spans over the course of years and embodies two Great Jedi Wars, Vendetta's. Most recently he has been working on the SA with Ood and Solari to help re-write the exams; including Mando Studies Solo and a Department of Core Studies. As a result, the DB as a whole will be a better place.

I can't say enough about how this promotion is overdue. Congrats, Cethgus.

-Marick Arconae Proconsul, Clan Arconae

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-03-15 22:12:02 UTC