Event Details

Event ID
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

I am delighted to declare that Kanis Da'uul is now ready for promotion. Since joining earlier this year, he has demonstrated an incredible enthusiasm for progress.

First of all he is now a regular of #arcona, often joining in with his clanmates' discussions and banter. He is also showing himself to be ready to take part in the ACC when it reopens, having both passed the ACC Basics Shadow Academy exam with a score of 79%, and getting himself an approved Character Sheet.

In addition to this, Kanis has continued to work on his Wiki page, giving his character an established history and description. He has also written two pages of character fiction, through his submission to the 'My Enemy, My Friend' Dark Crusade event.

Kanis also passed the GMRG history exam with a perfect score, demonstrating that he is able to understand the Royal

Guard and its history. He also scored an impressive 98% in the Obelisk Core test, showing that he understands both the history of his order and what it means to be an Obelisk.

Finally, Kanis has completed five competitions, including an excellent four out of five possible events in the latest chapter of Dark Crusade.

Congratulations Kanis. Clan Arcona and House Qel-Droma are looking forward to see your career continue to progress.

Andrelious J. Inahj Clan Rollmaster of Arcona

For the next rank, Jedi Hunter, the requirements are as follows:

*Six weeks at Guardian required or complete a Master At Arms assigned task *Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel *Register on the Dark Brotherhood forums

Complete five of the following: *Participate in ten total competitions complete ten HM Flashpoints, Operations or PVP events with a DJB group. *Take a Shadow Academy leadership exam *Create a ToR Operations group, that regularly comes together for an operation. *Minimum five pages of character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master - this can, and ideally should, be built off of your previous two page work *Have a second level 50 character in ToR *Become rank 3 in the GMRG *Place in a competition *Earn 25 (total) Clusters of Fire *Earn a merit medal *Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership

, 2013-03-18 18:56:51 UTC