Event Details

Event ID
Jhonario L'assaut
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Methyas L'eonheart
Primary reason

In his nearly 30 day tenure as Protector, Jhonario has spoken to Clanmates through IRC and Teamspeak, completed the Obelisk Core, ACC and GMRG history courses in the Shadow Academy, completed his Character Sheet, has reached GMRG Rank 2 by possessing over 72 Clusters of Fire and lastly has completed more than ten Flashpoints in TOR including leading a Hard-mode Flashpoint himself. For successfully completing his trials of the Protector, I hereby recommend Jhonario L'assaut for promotion to the rank of Guardian with all rights and privileges.

Exarch Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Rollmaster of Clan Naga Sadow

Methyas L'eonheart, 2013-04-10 12:13:03 UTC