Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Amagon is a bit of an interesting case study. Beginning in TOR, he seemed exclusively interested in merely raiding and nothing else. Slowly, over time, he began to delve more into the heart of the DJB. Fiction became an interest, and the first signs of ambition. He has taken his first step into the realm of leadership with his second-in-command role within Scepter of Ragnos in HMR. He is constantly talking to both Araxis and Kalia on how to improve himself. Talk about taking a risk, having never participated in a Run-on Amagon got on to Team Lance and scored Silver Nova... On his first attempt... That is impressive. Very much so. He is a constant presence, never unwilling to do more than his part, and is most definitely deserving of promotion as he continues the march towards Summit.

  • OP Atra Ventus, Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Amagon has been a fighter since his promotion to Knighthood, his efforts seen as he has been appointed a Flight Leader and second-in-command of the Scepter of Ragnos. Between participating actively in TOR and receiving a few merit awards for his efforts, he took a firm grasp of the reins and dove head first into the thick of it in the second chapter of the Crusade. Going well outside his comfort zone, Amagon took those first brave steps into the run-on on Khar Delba and was awarded a Silver Nova for his efforts alongside his team. With that kind of drive to succeed and the eagerness to take any job he's given for the sake of the Club and Clan; I believe that Amagon has shown the kind of initiative we need in the ranks of the Equites. For his loyalty and efforts to Clan Naga Sadow, I recommend that Amagon be promoted to the rank of Sith Warrior. Congratulations, you've earned it.

Exarch Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Consul Emeritus, Naga Sadow

Amagon is the second-in-command of the Scepter of Ragnos and has shown great participation. Always present for and knowledgeable about raids, both in his raid group and in others, he helped Araxis design the Scepter of Ragnos, often serving as the contact point for the bevy of Teamspeak-based members that form the member base of the battleteam. Always able to relay a message or take action himself as needed, kind and always able to put in a friendly word, Amagon is an excellent addition to the Teamspeak crew with his constant presence and his patience with us. It is my pleasure to recommend him for a promotion. Well done!

--Mirus Pepoi Cavataio, BTL of Tenebrae

Amagon is the type of person to always try something new, and his time in the DB has been just that, a new experience. He is always pushing to learn more and use what he's learned to help others out. He's earned a ton of CFs, brought recruits into the fold, participated heavily in the Crusade, and is constantly putting input in for the HMR Battleteam. A constant help, and seeking to expand his horizons, I believe Amagon is deserving of a promotion to EQ1.

  • Araxis Farron, BTL of Sceptor of Ragnos

This guy started out playing TOR a lot, so for me, initially, he was just a name that popped up in my inbox a ton. Then he started to do other things and became Araxis' second in command for the Sceptor of Ragnos. There he helped out with things like the fiction and general running of the team. He's also helped out with other projects, such as the Khar Delba Battle Report video.

But what really amazed me is his continued participation. Still highly active in TOR, Amagon has steadily participated in both chapters of the Crusade. In the second one, his Runon team even got a silver nova. That's really awesome to me. It shows that a guy who started in exclusively gaming can branch out and do other things and succeed in them.

Amagon has shown the dedication to activity and the Clan that are hallmarks of an Equite, so thus I feel that Amagon should be elevated to the rank of Sith Warrior!

Congrats, Amagon!

  • KAP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2013-04-19 18:01:26 UTC