Event Details

Event ID
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Old Name
Ashura Megos Isradia
New Name
Alector Isradia
Primary reason

To call this a name change is probably not the right work; Ashura Megos Isradia is a fine character and one I would bring back. Wht I am doing in fact is changing characters on my dossier to reflect the natural progessive character evolution of Ashura; his son.


There is the link to Alector Isradia wikipage; there you will read his history and who he is as a character. I could keep my current name and still play this character, but I dont want people to complain about the character... so I am getting him approved by the you (the MAA/DC council members who also get this).

As far as I can tell no-one has ever tried what I have done with Alector... a character born from one aspect of my mind combined with Family and DB (in this case Clan) canon to create an original chatacter... a next generation character.

Please take your time to review his wiki; there is no rush here. Fictionally Ashura has already been "killed" (heh, well a clone of him atleast), so people think he's dead.

Alector's wiki also includes an unofficial character sheet which I want to use. He is a flawed character; which just happens to be one of my RP virtues at playing.

I, as in a member of this fanclub, will always be Ashura (aka the One Arm Bandit). So none of this is changing who I am... just who I play... and as for the character of Ashura... he'll still be about helping the Irone Throne (as fictionally its Ashura who is M:GM, not Alector).

Thank you... again, please take your time... no rush... e-mail me any questions you have. :)

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-06-05 01:38:27 UTC