Event Details

Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

In the beginning, which seems so very long ago now, when I filled out my initial application I did not really understand what the Orders meant and due to influence of a friend I chose Sith. As I became more familiar with the DB I realized that it was not the ideal choice for me, but thought that it would just provide me with a challenge to role play. Today I encountered a rather lengthy document about Project : Rebirth, and read the details of the plans that are coming to the DB as a whole and I have realized that I will not be able to even 'fake it' because I do not have the game programs that are an integral part of the Sith role.

It has become very obvious to me that I should have in fact chosen to be of the Krath order as that is where my strengths lie. I also realize that this will not restrict me from using the games if I should some day acquire some, but my focus of work will be with the pen.

Q'win, 2008-01-06 05:42:40 UTC