Over the past 6 months and longer, I have given my all to Tarentum in many different ways; culminating in a large 3-week event at the beginning of July to try to bolster and restore some of our once great activity.
After seeing it's results despite my best efforts, I have decided that it is time for me to move on. I had promised myself that regardless of how things turned out, as long as I gave it my all; I would be content and happy with the outcome. And given it my all, I most definitely have. And I am happy with that.
But, with slight tinges of separation starting to hit me due to inactivity and not much to do; I would rather center my skills and abilities elsewhere than slowly drift away from the Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood has always been my home, and will always continue to be. I have already conversed and spoken with Methyas and Teu and declared my intentions to become part of Clan Naga Sadow.
Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2011-07-30 19:50:51 UTC