Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Beowulf has contributed in a lot of things as the aedile of House Marka Ragnos, and with that has improved and added features for other Naga Sadow members. He’s always a great peace of mind in all the disputes, and together with his fantastic sense of humor, it makes him simply unforgettable, and great, characteristic personality within Naga Sadow. Beo is always available to help anyone, not for his own good, but for the greater good of the Clan.

Also Beowulf always products fantastic reports and posts, with his creative and sense of humor he makes them very interesting, and how worth to read. And I’m sure he will provide us with much, much more excellent events and happenings in the future.

For all those excellent deeds, and other that I could skip Consul Malik Sadow and I, would like to recommend for Beowulf, the Steel Cross award.

Consul Malik Sadow and ProConsul Tissaya Argat

, 2004-07-03 22:00:00 UTC