Event Details

Event ID
Xathia Edraven
Source Unit
Souls of Darkness
Destination Unit
Primary reason

For a while now I've been having misgivings about CSP. I originally started out in Arcona and made some lasting friendships, and whilst I have enjoyed my time in CSP, I feel it's time to return to my roots - Arcona is a clan in need, but also a clan on the rise. There are plenty of opportunities there that I feel would benefit both me and the clan. Basically, I'm feeling burnt out in CSP and that a change of scenery that doesn't leave me isolated might be just the breath of life my DB career needs. Phoenix, thanks for everything you've done for me in CSP - I've had a blast and hope you don't feel too annoyed at me.

Xathia Edraven, 2008-10-18 14:38:41 UTC