Event Details

Event ID
Sharad Taldrya Hett
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

This medal is being given for SharadÂ’s incredible efforts for Taldryan in the 5th Great Jedi War. He had the third most submissions in the entire Clan with 206! He put an unrivaled amount of time into doing everything he could to ensure Taldryan came out on top. On top of all this personal participation, Sharad also spent a ton of time motivating the rest of the Clan to participate as well. His leadership was crucial to Taldryan ending up (hopefully!) at the top of the Brotherhood after all the results are tallied. Participation of this unrivaled amount deserves much more than a DC or an SC, a Grand Cross is the only appropriate medal in this situation. ~Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn

, 2004-10-17 22:00:00 UTC