It is my pleasure to forward my student's name, Rangel, for recommendation for promotion to Guardian. Excuse me, I mean Defender. A mark of the Jedi, which Rangel has shown the progress of becoming one and as such I believe he should be raised to the rank of Jedi Defender. Since his last promotion, Rangel has served the necessary time as Protector, been an active member of the House on both the mailing lists - sparking conversation and in turn activity from his fellow members, and taken the Sith CORE exam (since no Consular one exists). Aside from this he has participated in his five mandatory events ranging from the IGs, to the recent HOU month event known as the Fall of New Tython, to this last round of the Dark Crusades. I think it is worth noting that not only did Rangel complete this events, but his efforts in the IGs shall him placing first in one of the events as well as later becoming listed as one of the members we were considering for the special forces team. Keep up the great work bud!
Aside from this, my student as been instrumental in helping form the Battleteam's lore, a task I deemed worthy of the 2 pages of the fiction requirement, as well as developing his own fiction in the form of personal fiction as well reasonable effort on his wiki. Finally, he also qualified for the GMRG by completing the GMRG exam, which would round out promotion requirements to the next level. Because of this, I would hereby like to recommend my student for promotion. Congrats Rangel. ~Raiju Kang~
It is my pleasure to recommend Rangel, a PRT in House Odan-Urr to promotion to Defender. Having served the necessary time as PRT within the Brotherhood, Rangel has accomplished many things.
He has completed the Sith Core, unable to complete a Consular Core due to its nonexistence. He also participated in the Dark Crusade and the IGs, On top of this, he also participated in Odan Urr's house event Fall of New Tython, sparking conversation on the mailing list while actively participating.
Rangel has also helped the Knights of Allusis with their lore as well as fleshing out his own character with a two page fiction and starting work on his wiki.
With all this, I recommend Rangel for a promotion. Congrats, Rangel! -Tur'el Sokar
Zel Koo, 2013-07-21 03:32:21 UTC