Event Details

Event ID
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Kanis was exhausted, but his muscles had become accustomed to battling at his wits end over the course of the past year in the Crusade. His body was no longer raw, but an instrument of combat.

Marick Arconae waited at the entrance to the Armory door, hands casually clasped behind his back. His cerulean eyes watched the two as they sparred back and forth. It was not long ago that Fet’ai’narun had completed the trials of her own. It was encouraging seeing her turn around and help two others rise towards the challenge as well.

The Proconsul watched how Kanis moved and could see that the Jedi Hunter had learned a lot throughout his battles in the Dark Crusade. Marick realised that it must have been hard for a new recruit to hit the ground running as his Clan was constantly going to war for conquest of far away planets. And yet, Kanis had endured, and continued to fight for his brothers and sisters in Arcona. It was inspiring, to say the least.

Marick raised a hand slowly as he approached. The two Arconans broke away, both bowing with respect towards their Proconsul. Kanis stumbled slightly but managed to recover. Feta shook her head silently as they both looked up.

“Kanis Da’uul,” the Arconae spoke calmly. “It has been brought to my attention by Andrelious that you were responsible for quite some damage against the One Sith down on Svolten. For your bravery, and your efforts so far, Wuntila has deemed you are ready to accept the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, should your mentor so agree.”

Kanis looked over at his Master. Feta nodded her head and offered a small, knowing smile.

Just then, a tall Anzat entered the room carrying something in his hands that was wrapped in a cloth. Legorii Kryotech Entar, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma looked tired from the battle of Svolten but his crimson eyes shone with pride.

“Congratulations, young one,” he said as he extended the cloth towards the Jedi Hunter.

Kanis gingerly reached out for the cloth and unwrapped it. Inside was the smooth metallic cylinder that had been his goal from the very beginning. It was a lightsaber, a real lightsaber. Not one of the ugly clunky armor ones he’d become used to. His grin widened from ear to ear as he took the saber and held it towards his body like a child.

“Welcome to Knighthood, Kanis,” Legorii grinned.

“Arcona Invicta,” Marick and Feta replied in unison.


I am delighted to declare that Kanis Da’uul is ready for the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight. He has proven himself to be an active, well-rounded member and I feel that he is more than ready to carry his own lightsaber.

First of all, Kanis has completed a quality Wiki article, being that of his own character, as well as helped with Arcona’s winning Bhargebba article. This shows that he has a keen interest in RP and character development. He has also completed the 42 day time requirement for his next promotion.

In addition to this, Kanis has shown that both taking part in, and running competitions is another strength; he has taken part in 15 competitions in his relatively short DJB career, Fourteen of those being in the Dark Crusade alone! He has organised two events as well, one during the Independence Games and the other in the form of IRC trivia. (Howie got 3rd, sad panda).

Kanis’ consistent, excellent activity has been rewarded with an Anteian Cross, whilst also receiving a Legion of the Scholar for having run a trivia as well. He also completed a 10-page fiction that has been approved by his Proconsul as substantial character development.

For his Summit Task, he created a 1-page survey journal answering 5 Questions posed to him by the Arcona Summit. The questions were geared towards getting feedback from Journeyman going through the trials to get to DJK while in the middle of a year-long Vendetta. The document has been sent to the MAA staff for confirmation. This information is invaluable to the future development of how Arcona handles its new members. He also has been great in recruiting two members: Frimlin and Marrek, from another Role-Playing club. In a volunteer club revolving around its members, Kanis’ recruiting has been a huge boon to helping Arcona continue to develop further.

For all his work and dedication, I am honoured to welcome Kanis as Arcona’s newest Dark Jedi Knight.

-Andrelious J. Inahj Clan Rollmaster

But wait there is more!

Kanis has gone a remarkable 14/23 in the Dark Crusade for participation. In the last two planets alone he has accounted for 10 entries, 4 on Bhargebba, and all 6 events on Svolten! That includes 4 fictions, a poetry contest, and two-run on posts on top of Graphics efforts as well! His suggestions in his survey have already given me hints as to how to better motivate and work with my members. His feedback has been invaluable.

Kanis is a pleasure to have in Arcona and I look forward to watching him continue to grow.

-Marick Arconae Proconsul Clan Arcona

And just a little more!

Kanis has come a long way since joining Arcona at the start of the Dark Crusade. From keeping himself paced, involved and moving forward even without a master at some points, to making sure I don't forget about whatever we're working on, Kanis has been a wonderful student and a great insight into the journeyman mindset.

-Fet'ai'narun Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-07-22 04:01:50 UTC