It is my honor and privilege to request that one of Qel-Droma's finest Journeymen, Marrek Gunstinson, be elevated to the rank of Guardian. Marrek has not only gone above and beyond the requirements for his rank, but has also served as an example and an inspiration to his fellow Qel-Dromans.
In the time since his last promotion, Marrek has been a daily presence on IRC, and has quickly developed relationships with many of his Arconan peers. His presence in Google Hangouts with other members of his Clan has been noted, as well.
Marrek has completed an astounding 15 total courses (10+ since his last promotion), including some major ones like GMRG History (100%), Obelisk Core, and ACC Basics. His character sheet was approved on the old website, too. He has managed to participate in more than five total competitions, and was a contributor during the most recent chapter of the Dark Crusade.
Finally, Marrek has completed his Master at Arms task with great skill, to the delight of the MAA staff and his Clan leaders alike. He was assigned a task that was a bit different from most, when he converted one of the Brotherhood's most important policies to a wiki article, and made some updates to our "Projects and Policies" page. For his service to the Brotherhood as a whole, Marrek has earned an exemption from the required time in-rank.
Congratulations, Marrek. You've been a delight thus far, and I am very much looking forward to your future work. Arcona and Qel-Droma are watching.
The next rank is Jedi Hunter. The requirements are as follows:
-Six weeks at Guardian required or complete a Master At Arms assigned task.
-Logon to IRC and visit your Clan channel.
-Register on the Dark Brotherhood forums.
-Complete FIVE of the following:
--Participate in ten total competitions.
--Complete ten Hard-mode Flashpoints, Operations or PVP events with a DJB group.
--Take a Shadow Academy leadership exam.
--Create a ToR Operations group, that regularly comes together for an operation.
--Minimum five pages of character fiction to be approved by your House leadership or Master.
--Have a second level 50 character in ToR.
--Two Antei Combat Center matches.
--Become rank 3 in the GMRG.
--Place in a competition.
--Earn 25 (total) Clusters of Fire.
--Earn a merit medal.
--Create a competition and run it with the assistance of your leadership.
Legorii Arconae, 2013-07-26 23:14:12 UTC