Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Silent is a champion of participation, of activity, and of mentorship. Even before his appointment to BTL of Ajunta Pall, he proved to the entire house that he could bring all of his strength and endurance to the table. To date, from Nfolgai to Athiss, he has participated in all 23 events, never skipping out on a chance to game, write, draw, wikify, or work on trivia. After being selected as the next BTL after Alaris's departure, Silent immediately began to work on small outlets, such as trivia, for Ajunta Pall to have fun with during the downtime between Dark Crusade rounds. He always goes out of his way to justly reward and praise members, always encouraging them to succeed and providing the best example out there for giving his absolute all to the war effort. It is for these reasons that I beseech the MAA Office to bestow upon Silent the prestigious Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Well done, my good sir.

-Ronovi Tavisaen, Quaestor of House Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2013-08-10 03:33:49 UTC