Event Details

Event ID
Ruyn Myr
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

Azasell trailed behind and to the right of his Master, making sure he maintained the proper distance ratio.

Two feet back, one step over...no more, no less, he counted in his head as he walked.

The Jedi Hunter had developed quickly under the Kaleesh’s tutelage, and the pair had faced danger more times than either could count during the Crusade. Azasell knew whatever the reason for this journey to his Master’s homeworld, it was likely to be unpleasant.

The ruins through which they walked were barren, their path taking them away from where they had set down outside of the area. The presence of the Dark Side of the Force emanated nearly as strong as the pungent stench of the bogs surrounding the place. They walked together across the crumbled grounds until they stood before the entry to the burial chamber.

The chill mist that laid heavy on the swamp air seemed to press in on them as he spoke, as if the Knight’s words had summoned the hungry vapor closer. The pale tendrils were eerily reminiscent of reaching fingers, grasping for the warmth of their living bodies. S’nar continued._

“When you pass through the entry, whatever happens within will be your final trial as my Apprentice. Should you persevere, you will walk beside me as a Knight, and a warrior of the fallen Seshai. Should you fail, your own spirit will be bound to these grounds to serve as a guardian to those buried within.”

Azasell nodded and swallowed a lump in his throat. Slowly, he moved towards the entrance of the shrine before descending into its depths. As he walked, shadows watched him with unseen eyes. A soft glow came from the edges of a chamber up ahead, illuminating the underneath of each of the hollows and shedding enough light for Azasell to see the resting place of S’nar’s ancestor. Taking a deep breath, he entered further into the tomb...

...Azasell panted as he came upon a shrouded form that revealed itself to be his master. S’nar’s eyes were closed in meditation. When the Kaleesh spoke it was an odd mixture of a spirit and his Master’s own tone.

“Come forward Student.”

“Come forward Warrior.”

Watching carefully, Azasell felt the eyes following him from every hollow, from each of the resting places of the dead. Descending to the last tier of the mausoleum, he felt the power of the former Sith Lord; yet he felt no fear, his mind sharp, his own connection to the Force pushed back not in challenge, but in recognition.

“Azasell, you have fought alongside me time and again, proven yourself among others who have failed to live up to the expectations of the Brotherhood. It is with the blessing of my Ancestors that I present to you the blade of Xalek, wielded by those who came before us. You will walk in their footsteps as you claim your title of Dark Jedi Knight.”

The intricately assembled saber was ancient by the standards of more modern lightsabers, yet as Azasell felt the weight of the weapon he felt a connection to it, a familiarity.


I am honoured to be recommending Azasell for his promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Since his return to the Brotherhood he has been a beacon of steady activity, getting involved in clan and house work and striving to continue to do the best he can. Completing all the requirements set forth by the Master at Arms.

Since his last promotion due to his hard work and effort he put in he managed to achieve a Steel Cross. As well as managing to get a Crescent with Sapphire Star for his participation in competitions. During these competition he managed to participate in the Dark Crusade competing in four events on Bhargebba helping Arcona achieve victory on the planet as well as his total of fifteen Player vs Player events in ToR.

Though he has taken time away from participating in events in order to run events, this was in the form of a Trivia ran in Arcona. Showing his dedication to the Clan and House he stepped up and helped the House summit sorting through four wiki pages: BAC Darkest Night, Dark Sight Squadron, Black Tide Squadron and Black Hammer Brigade. Not only taking his time but making sure the previous work on these pages were correct, showing that he put his full attention and time into completing this House Summit Task. The same level of devotion has gone into his own wiki page, where he has successfully completed his own high standard wiki page for his character.

Since Azasell has joined he has continued to make an impression trying his hand in writing and graphics but not only that but gaming. He has shown this by doing various gaming from Flashpoints to Player vs Player wracking in an impressive eighty-seven Clusters of Fire since joining. As well as taking the time to take Leadership Fundamentals and Leadership Studies passing both of these exams. During all this time he has already hit the requirement of six weeks at the rank of Jedi Hunter.

Well that time has come for you Azasell you finally reached Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations on this promotion and the end of your Journeymen trials. Its had its ups and downs like always but its been a pleasure to see you finally make it. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-08-12 03:54:42 UTC
Additional reasons

A few months ago when I first claimed the title of Dark Jedi Knight, Azasell and I spoke at some length as to what his plans were within the Brotherhood. During the discussion, the topic of becoming someone’s Student was brought up, and Azasell asked if I would be willing to work alongside him to obtain Dark Jedi Knight. I accepted without hesitation, and have been proud of his dedication, willingness to learn, completion of assigned tasks, and participation as a member of Arcona’s Journeymen corps.

Knowing that Azasell is far from finished with his work inside the Brotherhood makes me proud to welcome him as a fellow Dark Jedi Knight. I look forward to seeing what he accomplishes going forward.

Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

Eminent Ikarri Itinen, 2013-08-12 03:52:49 UTC

Azzy’s positive spirit and outlook is inspirational and refreshing to see in a new member. He is always willing to offer an emoticon or smiley where he can, and is always engaging with his fellow members and offering to help. He has been a regular participant in the Dark Crusade, batting 6/23 despite coming in a round late and having to work around real life complications. In the grand scheme, this is more than even some of the veteran members have been willing to contribute. As his Proconsul and now Consul, I can say that Azzy’s drive and dedication will keep him advancing through the ranks and I look forward to writing his next recc.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-08-12 03:53:07 UTC