Event History

Displaying events 1011 - 1020 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Neophyte Silenius has reached the required 850 XP to reach the rank of Acolyte.

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:59:06 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Runner (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Courier (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last promotion, this member has participated in 2 competitions and earned a Dark Cross! Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:58:51 UTC
Event ID
Klyn Jaxx
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last promotion, this member has participated in 13 competitions and earned 3 Shadow Academy degrees. This member has earned 5 competition crescents, 2 Clusters of Ice, and a Dark Cross! Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:58:03 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last promotion, this member has participated in 9 competitions and organized one. Additionally, this member has earned 6 competition crescents, a Seal of Loyalty, 3 Pendants of Blood, 182 Clusters of Fire, and a Dark Cross!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:56:43 UTC
Event ID
Vor'en Drakar Santorini
Old Rank
Sergeant (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Sergeant Major (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last promotion, this member has participated in 3 competitions. Additionally, this member has earned 9 Clusters of Ice, 3 competition crescents and a Dark Cross! Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:55:29 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last promotion, this member has participated in 3 competitions, and organized one. Additionally, this member has earned 4 Clusters of Ice, a Crescent with Diamond Star, Ruby Star, and 2 with Sapphire Star.

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-05 11:45:07 UTC
Event ID
Jedi Ninja
Old Rank
Recruit (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Trainee (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Jedi Ninja. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which together add up to no less than 285 XP!

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Trainee,

General Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-02-05 11:37:01 UTC
Event ID
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Since his last promotion in the late Cretaceous, Kamjin "Other Mav" Lap'lamiz has done a lot, much of it deeply regrettable. But since October 2021 he has made himself a pillar of his clan and a role model for all members and leaders in his club. He's organized dozens of competitions, participated in hundreds, written over 70,000 words of fiction and RP, and been a constant presence across Discord. His attitude is stellar, his energy seemingly limitless. He would be tough to replace. And now that he's surrounded by recently promoted EL1s who, I assume, are plotting his demise it seems only fair to me and Evant that he receive a promotion to the rank of Master, so that we won't have to fill a sudden vacancy. The paperwork is so tedious.

Congrats, Kam!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-02-04 17:33:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Listen, there comes a time when you just have to bite the bullet and look your Other Mav in the eye and say...you're fired.

But just because a term ends doesn't mean efforts go away, and I'm glad to say that Kamjin is constantly putting those efforts forward. As a walking "Natural One-der", he's always putting his best foot forward for his Clan, the Club, and perhaps even himself. No matter how many times he rolls a one, he's still gonna make it work, and that's a great thing to see.

I've gotten the distinct pleasure of being near Kamjin's ground zero. He's always asking questions on how we can do better and accepting (but verifying) the change around him. If you want to see this yourself, look no further than Clan Scholae Palatinae. You can see the effect there. For every competition launched, there's a #BeatKam. He's always a voice and a driving force for activity. You would think that would give him an ego. It does. But, he still manages to find humour in himself. To be blunt, it's just fun being around him. I'm sure his clan feels the same way and I look forward to his continued impact.

Darth Renatus, 2023-02-03 18:17:04 UTC

What can I say about Kamjin? Well, lots of things, actually. But in regards to his work, it’s simple. When Kam returned home from the Rogues, he brought fresh life with him. He helped to bring back two of the old houses. He took Scholae’s Imperial grounding and expanded upon it. What he did with wrapping up an old, long-running story line was simply incredible and gave us avenues to pursue in the future.

His activity since returning has been impressive, to say the least. He’s entered 451 unique competitions that run the gamut of activity this club has to offer, passed 48 courses at the SA and earned 6 degrees in the process. He’s earned an entire horde of clusters and multiple of each crescent the club has to offer. He’s been Proconsul, Consul, and had stints as both Hands of Justice.

But, obviously, there's so much more to him than that. Kam is someone who, seemingly by nature, is a helper. He’s there for you. Whether you need him or not, he’s always in your corner. I’ve seen it with how he’s helped various members of the clan during his time here. I’ve seen it with how he’s helped me. Whether it’s helping people by giving them things to participate in or having them assist with projects, putting member experience first, or giving them a bit of a boost simply by believing in them, he’s there. When the end of the Rollmaster position drew nearer, I felt a little lost. In came Kam, telling me he wanted to keep me and my input around. He said he’d walk me through it. I was nervous, of course, but he was there, so I thought “why not?”. True to his word, he’s been here, showing me the ropes. And he’s not afraid of being challenged either. In the past, I used to stay to myself, but as time’s gone on, I’ve opened up more and spoken my mind. Now, it’s been my experience that some leaders don’t always like that. A good leader, however, will be open to it and listen, adjust things as needed. That’s Kamjin. He craves feedback, lives for it. I know that no matter what I come to him with, he’s going to hear me out. I also know that CSP is in great hands with Kam at the helm, and I can’t wait to see where he takes us next.

Kam, your dice rolls may be atrocious at times (poor, poor Komilia), but you’re a shining example for all members of the club, new and old. Thank you for being a good friend and mentor. Thank you for being a good sport about and going along with our jokes and zaniness (even feeding into it at times). Thank you for being, well, you. It gives me great pride to be able to add this recommendation for your promotion to Elder 2, and I truly can’t think of anyone that’s earned it more than you. Congratulations and drinks are on you!

(P.S. - thanks for giving me yet another thing to strive for in the #beatkam lifestyle, no matter how long it may take.)

Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr, 2023-02-03 20:52:20 UTC

The other side of the coin: Other Mav. Rarely loved, but always there.

Kamjin is a staple within the Brotherhood, one of the members you can fire up Discord and see talking every single day, all throughout the day, He has a constant and consistent online presence as both a Consul and regular member. He submits to countless competitions, is frequently gaming, enjoys roleplaying, and more than all that is always seeking to make the experience for other members better, no matter which clan they're from. A true embodiment of #onebrotherhood, one can always count on Kam to keep the mood light and even temper people's frustrations with his calm, cool, and collected attitude (no doubt in part because of how much he has to put up with Thran and his real job).

Kamjin is one of several Consuls that I interact with on an almost daily basis (I daresay I enjoy it), and can say without a doubt that looking at his activity since the Regent Staff assisted in his dossier restoration that he has been a beast in every right, on top of embodying all the values a leader in this fanclub organization should be looking to embody. It would be a much duller place without him... Maybe not, but it'd be less fun. If there was ever a member I think had earned a promotion to Elder 2, it would be this not-really-Sithly Sith, because he's done more than hit the nail on the head. He's beat it into the piece of wood and doesn't look like he has any intention of stopping.

Kamjin is Kamjin. But now he is also part of the second echelon of Elders, a great accomplishment and something he's been striving for as long as I've had the pleasure of knowing him.

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2023-02-03 22:39:37 UTC

What Bubba said, may this promotion give you the power necessary to protect yourself from Socorra and others. Congratulations!

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2023-02-03 22:57:15 UTC

Service to the Brotherhood.

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-03 23:15:11 UTC

It is time to come clean. After months and months and months and months of denying it, I have to confirm that Kamjin is...


Basically about everything.

The most horrifying thing about Kamjin, aka Other Mav, aka the Mother, aka Jinkam, aka the Hutt, is just how damn good of a dude he is. Never shying away from a joke, but always there to check in on your personal welfare, and always working hard to provide a kick ass experience for the members of the club. Its not often you can find a guy so dedicated to providing intrigue and interest that it requires club-wide plot changes, and goofy NPC appearances.

Then of course there is the work he does back in my own beloved homeland. While I may refuse to Concede the Best Emperor Ever title, Kamjin has helped renew life and energy in CSP in a way that is a delight to see. Active members, promoting his own #BeatKam lifestyle, and a fun healthy clan environment is not only impressive and worthy of reward but something I personally am grateful to see on a regular basis.

I very much feel Kamjin has “Fulfilled requirements” of what this club would expect from a Master. I’m glad to join the call for his promotion, and to call him a friend.

Congrats Jinkam, I’ll just have to find a better way to kill you next time.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2023-02-03 23:25:11 UTC

By reading this message you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in Imperial Code 1.1.42069.A Subsection B, Paragraph A. and pursuant to this code no contents within may be reproduced or distributed for public review.

The undersigned being duly sworn, deposes and says: It is sworn and stated by Thran Occasus-Palpatine, the undersigned, that: Kamjin Lap’lamiz is a party to the actions mentioned here in after, is very very old (of age to be held culpable under the law) and resides at the Monolith.

The Party is Guilty of the following actions:

A) Showing care and respect for the members of Clan Scholae Palatinae, insofar as, the party has demonstrated a willingness to foster and engaging and fun environment for said unit.

B) Has lost. Pursuant to the hashtag and community guidelines set in Imperial Code 1.1.80085.D, has knowingly and willingly engaged in participation in competitions to motivate others by defeating him

C) Is old. Just look at him. O-l-d.

D) Knowingly and willingly participated become upsettingly memeable.

E) Is actually kind of an Okay dude once you get to know him.

The action set forth in this statement is a declaration to the aforementioned Party that they are to immediately cease and desist occupying the rank of Adept and heretoforth elevated to the level of Master, to state publicly that the efforts and community created by the aforementioned party are a welcomed addition to Clan Scholae Palatinae, to state that Clan Scholae Palatinae is, in fact, a better place due to the party’s involvement, that the undersigned is grateful to the aforementioned party for all efforts put forward for the health and benefit of the Empire, that the undersigned is looking forward to continually working with the party, and to declare that the aforementioned party shall never be called “Mav” in any fashion by the undersigned.

Signed: Thran Occasus-Palpatine

All this set forward and delivered on this date by:

K’Vin J Dawgg, Esq.

Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2023-02-04 00:08:55 UTC

If I had to pick someone as an example of what an elder should be, Kamjin would be top of the list. He works tirelessly to foster an environment of fun and healthy competition (#beatkam) in every area of the club he touches, not just his unit. Kam is one of those people that just makes the club a warmer and more welcoming place through their presence. I'd had the honor of working with him as peer PCONs, briefly as hands of justice and finally as a consul that I regularly consult with as a dark councilor. What may not be immediately visible in public is how Kam attacks any problem or project for improvement with measured wisdom and impeccable professionalism.

I've seen Kamjin serve as a cheerleader, mediator, mentor, advisor, reformer and above all as a friend to all. He has more than earned the rank of master. I hope I can one day be half the elder that Kam has already proven himself to be.

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2023-02-04 03:23:16 UTC

Kamjin "I guess if Top Gun is taken I'll settle for Macross" Lap'lamiz was promoted to EL1 for being Chancellor of the Exchequer (or whatever) for ten minutes under a GM we later guillotined, but I'm delighted to be one of the people recommending him for the first Elder promotion he's actually earned.

With the obligatory mean comment out of the way, let's actually talk about Kam. A lot of what he does is really obvious: his work on the Chamber or running CSP. Much of it is not. Other recommenders refer to him as "helpful" but that doesn't quite capture it. A first-time Aedile who tackles part of an award sweep is helpful. Kam is something else entirely. In everything he does, he figures out some way to go beyond what's expected. As LHoJ he reviewed every CoJ conviction to assess members for eligiblity to have their LoR removed. This is something that is normal the sole responsibility of the member. It's on them to ask for the LoR to be removed and it's on them to make their case. Kam is, so far as I'm aware, the only person to step up and share that burden with them.

Over the last two years, I've come to rely on his wisdom (yes, we're still talking about Kam) and extensive real-world management experience. As both Exarch and Headmaster, I have used Kam as a guinea pig specifically because I know he's perfect for it: he'll immediately understand what I'm trying to accomplish, he'll give me honest feedback even if it's not what I hoped to hear, and he'll offer me at least one concrete way to make whatever project I'm working on better.

We've covered a lot of ground in these recommendations but realistically we've probably forgotten to mention as many examples as not, because Kam is just relentless when it comes to making this club a better place. It's honestly hard to keep up with. CSP is lucky to have him, as are well all.

Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-02-04 17:06:09 UTC
Event ID
Agate Gua'lara
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last being promoted, Agate has participated in 92 competitions, earned a Dark Cross, 6 Novae, 51 Crescents, and over 100 Clusters of Graphite, Ice, and Earth. Congratulations on your promotion!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-02-04 00:05:14 UTC
Event ID
Qyreia Arronen
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Since his promotion to EQ4, Qyreia has kept up strong personal activity, assisted the Voice office as a magistrate, and taken up the reins as Consul of Clan Arcona. His work in that period has largely been chronicled in his two Amethyst Kukris and Sapphire Blade--an impressive haul. I'll leave the breakdown of the activity numbers to Atty, but suffice it to say that Qyreia has made it rain novae for the last several vendettas and has generally been both highly active and highly successful in competitions. As Consul, Qyreia successful led Arcona to another Great Jedi War victory and recently helped to organize an Arcona-COU event.

For all of your hard work over the last several years, congratulations on your promotion to elder!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-02-03 18:24:36 UTC
Additional reasons

The ranks of Elder belong to some of the most hard-working, steady, devoted members in our Brotherhood. I am honored today to recommend that Qyreia join them.

In the last three years, Qyreia has ground away at producing content for her fellows, having organized twenty five competitions and co-organized five, and constantly been active, participating in two hundred and three of them, of which she placed in ninety-seven, just under half, all in all garnering herself six Gold Novae, five Silver Novae, five Bronze Novae, seven Crescents with Diamond Stars, twelve Crescents with Ruby Stars, twenty-four Crescents with Amethyst Stars, twenty-four Crescents with Sapphire Stars, eleven Crescents with Emerald Stars, two Crescents with Topaz Stars, and one Crescent with Quartz Star. These activities, fifty three gaming ones and a much wider berth of fifty-one fiction ones, come with thirty-nine Clusters of Fire, four hundred and thirteen Clusters of Ice, five hundred and fifty-sevn Clusters of Earth, eighty-three Clusters of Graphite (for the record, that's over 206,500 words written in the last three years, and that's only the submitted stuff, hey Q.) Additionally, Qyreia has put her time in at the Shadow Academy, passing eight courses and gaining two degrees, plus one Legion of the Scholar, and lead the way, literally and figuratively as a member leading by example, in four vendettas wherein she earned two different Hero titles, accumulating two Seals of Loyalty, twenty Seals of Visions, twenty-two Seals of Enmity, and twenty-eight Seals of Ascension.

These are all impressive numbers for personal activity alone, but Qyreia has spent her entire Brotherhood career serving others in this Club, both in her Clans and dedicatedly across the Brotherhood, having continuously held leadership positions since two months after her joining. In the last three years since she earned Equite IV, that time has earned her two Amethyst Kukris and one Sapphire Blade, and included over a year as Magistrate to the Voice wherein she administered daily to the Character Sheet queue and participated regularly in Voice Office discussions -- having been her Praetor during that time, I can recount as much -- and all the other associated duties of the Staff, answering member questions and assorted backend work. At the Clan level, she spent a year of her several years of Clan leadership as my Quaestor -- both my Quaestor as a member of her House, and then my Quaestor as her Proconsul -- before stepping up to become my Consul for the last ten months. Having witnessed her leadership from both sides, and really, having witnessed her leadership in all its forms for so many years, I can tell you this: Q is a dedicated leader. For all our disagreements in philosophy and spirit, there has not been a single day I have ever doubted her commitment or work ethic. No other member of Acrona's summit in recent years has been so dedicated to the mundane and the foundation-laying: to thoroughness in planning plots, long term, to building out the system and worlds, to publishing fictions with a continuous storyline, to regular reports (seventeen of them since last promotion), to making event calendars and scheduling and enforcing report regularity at the House and Battleteam levels. Qyreia's work is not the loudest. In fact, she hardly draws any attention to herself or it, or the number of hours she puts into it. So it is my job to do it for her, and say sincerely that quietly, in the background, Qyreia is making sure this Clan and this summit functions and continues and has the building blocks to keep growing and chugging along on a daily basis. We would not be as well situated as we are now without her, and certainly owe many Clan-wide successes in part to her personal ones. It's hard for that work to go unsung, to keep on when we have clashes, disagreements, or when we make mistakes. None of us is perfect. Q has messed up too. But she's always owned up to it, and always kept working, and her dedication is an inspiration to me constantly as what could be.

Q, thank you. For so much. Happy shoosting.

Pronsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-02-03 18:15:18 UTC