Event History

Displaying events 103561 - 103570 of 182240 in total
Event ID
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
7.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

For completing an online Matchmaking game on or before 2015-09-27

Valhavoc, 2015-09-27 23:30:20 UTC
Event ID
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2015-09-27

Valhavoc, 2015-09-27 23:30:18 UTC
Event ID
Liam Torun-Urr
Grand Cross
Requested by
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Primary reason

I would like to award Liam Torun a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Liam has long been a constant within Odan Urr, leading us through the last stages of us being a House and into Clanhood. When he stepped back as a leader and took a break I knew it would only be a matter of time before he came back into the light to take on a leadership role again. When the position of Knight-Commander of KoA opened he submitted one of the best applications I have ever seen in my time in the DJB. He had a plan to renew the Battleteam as well as how he envisioned the story of the group and what he expected of each member.

Fast forward 3 months. In this time Liam has helped form each member of KoA's storylines within the BT and the House. He has done this by writing fictions of no less than 500 words for how each member has found their way into the Battle team. That is 10 people. During this time he is also in constant communication with each of his members getting feedback for me on how they feel about the Hoth storyline and how they feel about each competition.

Recently both myself and Revak have hit a speedbump due to RL. When this happened Liam was right there helping us write the story for the House Hoth Butcher campaign. Giving insight into the different tribes and their ways and customs. Now he is building the first in a long series of stories to establish the Knights and how they operate in the Yhi System and beyond. The only reason it has taken him 3 months is because he has been so focused on his individual members as well as being a tremendous help to the House Summit.

Lastly to top all this off, since his last service award Liam has earned Cr:A x3, Cr:S x5, Cr:E, 6 CF's, 10 CFs, 49 CI's, 28 CE's and a DSS (for being the April Wikipedian of the Month). He has also helped co-organize 11 competitions, participated in another 4, and lastly does his reports as BTL in a timely manner. This kind of activity is the epitome of a Grand Cross. He is always willing to help his fellow members with advice, and has always been there when I needed help or advice as QUA of Hoth.

  • Seraphol Ceartas

  • Quaestor, House Hoth, Clan Odan-Urr

Liam Torun-Urr is a member whose leadership transcends position. He is a constant mentor, patient teacher, front line leader and sterling example of what a Clan title holder should be. He bleeds for Odan-Urr and most especially for its members. When Odan-Urr needed a new Knight-Commander for its most storied battleteam, Liam answered the call and proceeded to set the bar for what a BTL and summit member should be. Others will detail Liam’s specific accomplishments as Knight-Commander and a member of the House Hoth summit but I would like to recognize his largely behind the scenes contributions to the Clan at large.

Liam is a cornerstone of our community as he is near omnipresent on Telegram and often one of the first to reply to a new email thread. He greets and engages new join and veteran alike with the same respect and enthusiasm. That kind of contribution doesn’t jump off a dossier page but is so important to member retention and the strength of the unit. His most important unofficial role, however, is as an advisor to the whole summit. Liam has made significant contributions to every single summit discussion that I have been party to, be it event planning, fiction development, policy crafting or simply ways to make the Clan better. When something needs to be done, he’s the first to volunteer and when his summit team members falter, he steps up. He is the switch hitter for our team, filling whatever role the Clan needs him to fill.

The value he brings to the table of a relatively young (DB-wise) summit with his years of experience cannot be discounted. His advice may not always be followed, he may sometimes find himself in the minority, but we listen and we appreciate his sage counsel. Behind the scenes, he constantly pushes the summit to better leaders and we owe him for the critical role he plays. This award is but a small payment on that debt.

Congratulations old man,

  • Proconsul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2015-09-26 05:45:04 UTC
Additional reasons

Liam Torun’s return to leadership duties has been a real blessing for House Hoth and the Knights of Allusis. He has returned with an excellent drive to make achievements for his Clan, and has taken up the mantle of the Knights of Allusis battle team with an outstanding application and plan. He has executed this plan very well so far, working very closely with each of his members to build their backstory and help evolve that story into the establishing of a new set of Knights.

500 words of fiction for ten people, customized and hand-grown is no small order for a BTL. All of this is available on our Discourse forum. His story-crafting has been excellent, and while some of his plans have been put on hold due to an upcoming Clan-wide event, he works very diligently to ensure his team is getting their rightful place in the sun. He has been assisting with House and Clan Summit to keep Hoth on track, stepping in to help ensure plans go smoothly when Revak and Seraphol are held back by real life concerns. He has also been offering expert advice on tribes and our fictional history for Hoth and Clan stories, and also advises Seraphol and Revak regularly whenever they stumble.

Liam exhibits an enthusiasm and level of pro-activity that is hard to match, and is stepping well and truly above and beyond expectations for a BTL. Not only is his personal activity excellent, he continues to lead by example, to provide frequent and valuable advice to everyone he speaks with, shape compelling backstories with each of his members, and keeps them very engaged with the House and team.

Congratulations Liam on a well-deserved medal!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2015-09-26 05:42:42 UTC

Liam is without a doubt one of the most dedicated and hardworking members of Clan Odan-Urr. His knowledge and leadership ability is what is driving the Knights of Allusis BT to be better than they were before. He has established every member of his team fictionally by creating the story of how they came to become Knights. Liam keeps his team engaged and informed by constant communication via Telegram, IRC and email. He is always gushing with new ideas to keep both his BT and House Hoth fun and exciting for both new and old members alike. One of the ways he does this is by a series he created called The Workshop. The Workshop runs throughout the year and is designed to prepare members for the competitions they will face in Feuds and the Great Jedi Wars. By doing this he seeks to hone his team’s skills, increase their confidence in a wider array of competitions and draw in support and activity for these large and overwhelming events.

Having experienced members on your team is a highly valuable asset for a newer Summit member. Liam responds swiftly to questions that I pose to him about Lore, leadership strategy and new ways to keep the House engaged and motivated. Due to some RL events that drew me away from the House, Liam was more than willing to pick up the slack and go above and beyond what is asked for from a BTL. I cannot state enough the value of having Liam on the Summit.

Congratulations, you’ve earned this.

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2015-09-26 05:43:14 UTC
Event ID
General Zentru'la
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Master Builders
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Master Builders competition.

General Zentru'la, 2015-09-27 14:28:08 UTC
Event ID
Sage Enzo Dek
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Master Builders
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the Master Builders competition.

General Zentru'la, 2015-09-27 14:28:07 UTC
Event ID
Maximus Alvinius
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Master Builders
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Master Builders competition.

General Zentru'la, 2015-09-27 14:28:06 UTC
Event ID
Sa Ool
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Sa Ool, since rejoining the Knights of Allusis at my request, has shown himself to be a bastion of activity within the team. Removed from the Knights alongside all others in the purge that preceded my Command, he was quick to return on June 23, 2015 and set himself to work in short order. Never discouraged, always motivated, Sa has shown us how tough one has to be to merit a nickname as cool as "The Scarred One."

Since rejoining, Sa has risen to GMRG Rank VII, Shadow Academy Society Rank VII: Graduate, and has run the competition "Wanted: Dead or Alive" for Clan Odan-Urr. He recently mentored his Padawan learner, Suur, to the rank of Jedi Knight and received a Scroll of the Master for his efforts. He has participated in a whopping twelve competitions since joining the team, and from those has taken home a Crescent with Diamond Star, a Crescent with Ruby Star, two Crescents with Sapphire Star, and a Crescent with Topaz Star. His gaming efforts have netted him a Pendant of Blood, sixty-seven Clusters of Fire, and twenty-eight Clusters of Earth. His work in the ACC has seen him take on battles with Samael Ozriel and Mirus Hi'ija, from which he netted three Clusters of Ice.

As a member of our team, Sa has shown not only a great willingness to participate, but a great desire to interact. A vocal presence in our Telegram channel, he has opened himself up to criticism and has accepted advice and guidance, both milestones for him as these used to be sticking points. He has warmly welcomed and embraced his peers, and is often a friendly and quite comedic voice, providing considerable team morale. Our Battleteam would be a much less enjoyable place without Sa Ool.

For his dedication, his activity, accomplishments, and presence on the team, Sa merits a Anteian Cross. Well done!

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-09-27 04:36:02 UTC
Event ID
Trideo Arkson
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Sometimes, a member reaches the coveted rank of Knight and tapers off; other times, they soar onward, earning accolades and rewards. I hope for this to be one such reward for Suur, because he sorely deserves it. Since joining KoA on June 29, 2015, the Pirate has settled well into his role on our team while becoming our most distinguished member of the Mercenary Order since it was released.

In his time here, Suur has achieved the rank of Knight, shortly before his Order change. He has also participated in thirteen competitions, earning himself a Crescent with Diamond Star, a Crescent with Ruby Star, three Crescents with Amethyst Stars, two Crescents with Sapphire Stars, and two Crescents with Quartz Stars. He has distinguished himself as a gamer as well, elevating himself to the rank of GMRG VIII and earning six Pendants of Blood, three hundred and four Clusters of Earth, and three hundred forty-three Clusters of Fire.

On the personal front, Suur is a friendly and approachable member who is not afraid to share advice, and also willing to take it when he needs to. In his time here he has fostered a desire to write more, seeking me out for better education in the art and practicing every chance he has; he has worked with other members to help them establish their characters, while developing his own into a swashbuckling corsair with a heart of gold - a treat to write, as he is to work with. Suur adds warmth and unity to this team, and backs it up with solid activity.

Overall, Suur is a fantastic member, and merits a Anteian Cross for his work so far. Congratulations!

-Liam Torun-Urr, KoA BTL

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-09-26 22:54:04 UTC
Event ID
Magness Dritch
Scroll of Indoctrination
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

For recruiting Araffin

Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-09-26 22:42:07 UTC
Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Revak is my right hand man. When I appointed him as AED I made it clear that he would be my Lore guy for House Hoth. While I would retain primary oversight I would give him an overall idea and let him refine it. I have not been disappointed. WHen Hoth was formed I envisioned a war against a Harakoan Warlord to the jungles at our North. Revak has worked on the story, introducing an NPC (Lizmar) for us to develop down the line. THis NPC will grow with the Jedi of Hoth and eventually become a ground pounder version of Wedge Antilles. Revak has fleshed her out from a character that began as a simple farm girl to something that we are growing into an NPC leader of Hoth. She will grow through small story/competition arcs that center around her life as a village leader, then begin working with the KUDF as a defender against further attacks by unknown and possible hostile Harakoan tribes. He is not completed her story yet, but again this will be done in stages over periods of time when Hoth has the chance to run competitions between Clan and DJB events. This NPC will be on the scale and story of a normal member and will be able to be used by any member for their own story arcs.

In addition to her he has also began to introduce the villian for the future of House Hoth in the form of Nebulus. This Sith has corrupted several of our members and we are tasked with redeeming them. Just as with Lizmar being a major NPC to play a role in Hoth, Nebulous is being built to be out nemesis for a time. WHen we make moves to destroy slave rings she is there to ensure their escape, or to capture Jedi. Without going into too much detail she is being used as a story arc for a certain member who is going Dark Side, but will have a redemption arc. In a reversal from Lizmar, Nebulous will be Summit only as we have certain plans for her and either her death or her own redemption arc. I say unknown because with NPCs we tend to allow the winning member to decide their fate of life or death.

As for the Butcher events. This was to be our first House competition. Revak has turned this into a saga of epic proportions. His idea to ensure that the winner of each round would be a prominent figure in the next event has motivated several of our members. His ultimate goal for them however is that the overall winner of the saga will choose life or death for the Butcher and his loyal minions. In 15 years I have never seen an idea like this (may have been used in units I have not been part of), this unique idea has our members, particularly several of our Journeyman being a large part of our unique participants in the events.

As a leader Revak has had to step up several times in the past few weeks for me. I have had to train for a new job, and have recently had sickness that has kept me down. Revak has stepped up without a hiccup. If I had to go on an emergency LoA he would be there to answer questions abou competitions, create competitions, and to greet new members and advise them on how to advance until I could come back

When we were paired up to run Hoth, I was a bit anxious, however I can honestly say that if I resigned tomorrow that Revak would be able to step up to the plate as QUA and run this house with no one knowing there was a difference other than a name change on the roster.He is ready to take charge of the unit when my time to step down comes and make his mark on House Hoth.

Beyond that since his last reward he has earned 22 CI’s for 11,000 words of fiction, and he has organized 18 competitions. While he has been unable to participate in any competitions and such earn any rewards it is in part because his duty to help with House Lore. He is also quite active in both our clan mailing list, and Telegram. Lastly he helps me with ideas for our “Roadmap for Hoth”. This is the ideas, competitions, and timeframes we want to work on for the House and what direction it needs to go. For all of this I would like to award Revak a Steel Cross for his efforts in maintaining an active and engaging leadership in House Hoth.

  • Seraphol Ceartas, Quaestor House Hoth

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-09-26 22:50:50 UTC