Event History

Displaying events 1031 - 1040 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

I actually get to do this one from both sides of the coin so to speak. When I came back from the rogues in 2020 Farrin was the first to greet me. He helped get me back up to speed and active again. It was a tremendous help to me not just in terms of hey here is what to do but in feeling welcomed back. He remained Aedile until shortly after I became Consul. When Queastor of House Wren opened up Farrin was the easiest choice and first on my list to take up the mantle. He continued his work as a quaestor for another 4 months before life, as it sometimes does, force him to step aside.

Farrin’s reach is far more than just Clan Vizsla, however. He served as Headmaster for just over two years. Six months of which have been since his last promotion, which I will let Dacien cover. He served as the Right Hand of Justice and during his long career has held every single position in a clan some of which don’t even exist anymore. He also served over a year as Magistrate to the Regent where according to the Regent “he's been one of the hardest working Magistrates on the staff. Dependable, reliable, honest, and above all else consistent with his quality of work” and “He's poured hours and hours into our team.”

Activity wise Farrin has participated in:

  • 112 competitions
  • 239 Gaming activities

He has earned:

Not to mention nearly 2000 Clusters of Fire and a slew of Seals and Crescents since his last Promotion

Farrin is a valuable member of not just Clan Vizsla but of the Brotherhood. If you run through the Shadow Academy you have seen his work and likely benefited from it in some way. That I think says a lot about Farrin, He works hard, does fantastic work, and most importantly does what he says he will do. Congrats Farrin!

Vynn Salm, 2023-01-27 13:51:49 UTC
Additional reasons

I've had the pleasure to know Farrin for many years now. We first worked together when I was HM and he rewrote the entire History Department from scratch, significantly reworked the old CORE courses, and edited the then-new Leadership Courses. He earned his first Sapphire Blade for all of that as a DJK and didn't slow down.

Fast forward a year or so and I appointed him my Praetor. From there on, he had a hand in everything the SA did: every course revision, every little edit, every PROF or Magistrate hiring decision, as well as projects intended to improve the structure of the SA. He succeeded me as HM and was such a solid, reliable Dark Councilor that Mav literally would not let him resign.

When he did finally step down, he spent a year as RHoJ and then had a successful stint in leadership of the new Clan Vizsla. All considered, Farrin has had a remarkable DB career and has more than earned this promotion. Congratulations!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-27 13:39:16 UTC
Event ID
Jinius Griffin
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last being promoted, Jinius Griffin has earneda a Dark Cross, 8 crescents (5 Ruby Star, 3 Sapphire Star), 14 Scrolls of Foundation, 64 Clusters of Ice, and has participated in 11 competitions. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-01-27 12:58:26 UTC
Event ID
Derrek Korson
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since last being promoted, Derrek Korson has earned 5 crescents (1 Ruby Star, 3 Amethyst Star, 1 Sapphire Star) and has participated in 7 competitions. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-01-27 12:56:49 UTC
Event ID
Dillininioh Colk
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Dillininioh Colk. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which together add up to no less than 375 XP!

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

General Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-01-27 08:29:38 UTC
Event ID
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae is a member that this club should consider itself absolutely lucky to have on our rolls. The fact that she carries the Tarentae Clan name to this day while still being one of our most active members screams just how much of a positive and contributing member she has been. Her first home may have been closed, but she soldiered on to be the sort of member that absolutely brings the most upbeat energy to every interaction she has with our members. She is a joy to have served with, and she has helped make Plagueis a better place for her presence in it ever since she arrived.

She has spent just over four years as part of the Ascendant Clan, and she spent just over three and a half of those years serving the Plagueis Summit in various capacities. She has held the post of Aedile, Quaestor on two separate occasions, and as the Clan Rollmaster. In that time, she published 33 unit reports and news updates, maintaining a level of consistency in keeping her membership informed that few manage in leadership tenures measured as fractions of what she completed. I will quote from her Ruby Scepter recommendation to put the effort she brought to the table as a leader: "Not only does she have a welcome letter ready for every new member, but she goes out of her way to PM them, link them to guides and SA exams, set them up with a master if they’re interested, and check in if she doesn’t hear anything from them. Whenever she is on Telegram, she is positive, bubbly, and friendly. She spearheaded the contact campaign during the latest Great Jedi War, leading the way in reaching out to members to ensure that they felt good about their entries. Tahiri is an incredible adviser, mentor, and friend, and I trust her on a number of subjects as it pertains to the health and productivity of the clan." All leaders should endeavor to do as well. She also provided service to the ACC staff as a judge, recommendations and dossier notes mentioning the matches she judged as well as the "rule of two" support she gave. Tahiri has always been one to put the member experience first at every turn. The absolute definition of the best type of leader this club has seen.

As an activity powerhouse, I would feel comfortable putting Tahiri's numbers against just about anyone else in the club in the time since she has joined. She has not only passed the 1,000 competition mark, she has absolutely obliterated it while submitting entries to a staggering 1,279 competitions in her career. Even in an elder promotion recommendation, reaching nearly thirteen-hundred competitions makes a Consul sit up and take notice. To put that amount of activity into some sort of perspective, she has contributed 3,640,320 credits to the Clan Plagueis coffers alone (with an additional 700 thousand to Tarentum). Tahiri has, quite literally, provided an entire Corellian Corvette worth of activity to Clan Plaguies. It is, I hazard a guess, a claim that very few can make in ANY clan. Thirty-one thousand words of fiction, 382 crescents, 76 Vendetta seals, 68 Shadow Academy Courses, nearly 1,300 gaming crescents, a Ruby Scepter, a Sapphire Blade, ten other merit awards, and (I'm assuming) a partridge in a pear tree in there somewhere. Tahiri's level of activity for sure amounts to a full three Oh Damns. Some people might not be paying attention, but Tahiri makes powerhouses jealous of her activity. The fact that she continues to bring it at such a level for as long as she has is, frankly, amazing. Some might not always see it, but she is one of the most impressive members I have seen in my 25 years in the game.

I consider myself very lucky to have had Tahiri in the fold, especially since I returned to the Consul seat in Plagueis. She has always been a positive force in the clan, both in personality and in absolute domination on the activity board. She embodies exactly what we want the role of Elder to be. A dedicated member who makes the Brotherhood a better place for her presence in it. My congratulations, Tahiri, and my thanks.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2023-01-27 03:05:49 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Old Rank
Colonel (Equite 4)
New Rank
Brigadier General (Elder 1)
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Too long has Denath/Darcy been an Equite 4. His last promotion was in 2006 and quite honestly before we tracked a lot of what he has done for this club. What I can speak of is what Denath has done since 2006. I have had to do some digging but what I have found is a plethora of work in leadership positions from Battleteam Leader to Quasetor. In fact, since his last promotion, he has spent 68 months in leadership. It has earned him a slew of medals and 3 Sapphire Blades.

One I will reference in particular shows the leadership, work ethic, and creativity that he has displayed throughout his time in the Brotherhood. His firstSapphire Blade If you didn’t read through that I can give you a short summary. He brought Battleteams back from the brink of closure. He managed the new recruits of COU during the days when every light side recruit was sent to them. He developed Battleteam events between COUs Battleteams during the declanning and helped with the documents and activity that gained COU its clan status back. In an even shorter summary, he did all the things and did them well.

As a member of Clan Vizsla, Denath has been busy as well with work first as Battleteam leader, Then as Rollmaster in a reimagined role in helping me develop the lore and fictional direction of Vizsla moving forward. With the opening of a Second House in Vizsla, Denath transitioned into Aedile where he continued to help me in the behind-the-scenes planning and organizing of things that are just now coming to fruition, even though Denath is no longer Aedile. It was his ideas that formed the basis of Vizsla getting a permanent base. He wrote and developed the Kandosii Casino ship and its wiki page, which is of fantastic quality. Aside from his assigned tasks as the fictional helper to me, he also performed his duties as Aedile. Tracking and awarding members, reaching out to new recruits, and motivating House Deathwatch.

While all of that is the stuff the site doesn’t track I would be remiss if I didn’t add in what it does.

  • 225 Competitions
  • 33 Organized
  • 45 Co-Organized
  • 13679 Words of fiction
  • 7 Merit Medals

That isn’t even mentioning his Seals, Clusters, or Crescents. To make a long Recommendation short. Denath deserves this, he has worked hard for it and I can’t even begin to state how ecstatic I am to Nominate him to the rank of Elder 1. Congratulations!

Vynn Salm, 2023-01-27 02:53:09 UTC
Event ID
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Whether you call him Vodo, Shanree, Ghostboy, or V.O.D.O 2: electric boogaloo, one thing is for certain; he is a part of Taldryan's genetic makeup. He's been part of Taldryan for so long that he's pretty much part of the furniture.

And that is not a bad thing. I remember when I joined Taldryan a couple of years ago, he was one of the first to greet me, offering any assistance if I needed it. That offer extended when I became Consul, when I became a Scion of Taldryan, and when I had to take a sudden leave of anscence, which led to his 4 month tenure as Quaestor in 2020. He took over for no other reason than he was asked too, because he cared about Taldryan, and he cared about Ektrosis. When I returned, I came back as his Aedile, and he took every measure to ensure I was OK. That's the kind of member he is, and I've remembered that to this day.

His last promotion was nearly 8 years ago now. In that time, he's participated in 163 competitions and has organised 21. He has earned the following awards;

Grand Cross x1

Steel Cross x2

Anteian Cross x2

Dark Cross x2

Gold Nova x1

Silver Nova x1

Bronze Nova x1

Crescent with a Diamond Star x1

Crescent with a Ruby Star x5

Crescent with a Amethyst Star x10

Crescent with a Sapphire Star x11

Crescent with a Emerald Star x15

Crescent with a Topaz Star x3

SA courses passed x5

On top of this, the idea for Taldryan becoming a Republic was inspired by an idea of his. He shared with the Clan the ideas behind a Roman Republic, which would eventually evolve and turn into what is now the Taldryan Republic.

Vodo, thank you for everything. I am proud to request your promotion to Elder. Congratulations!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-26 04:41:02 UTC
Additional reasons

I know Vodo literally from day one as a member of the Brotherhood. Back then he was an inspirational source who led me to strive for more and who, over time, became a close friend and a great source of advice whenever I was in need of some. It is a great honor to know him and have him around as the club would surely not be as it is right now if he wasn't part of it. Congratulations my friend!

Rian Taldrya, 2023-01-26 00:15:48 UTC
Event ID
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Mystic Kadrol Hauen has reached the required 10000 XP to reach the rank of Savant.

Kadrol, while recently departed from Scholae Palatinae, joined us with the desire of making an impact on the long-term state of Scholae Palatinae. Since his last promotion he helped with the simplification of the Wiki in October 2020, engagement within the Headmistresses office, and for his most recent recognition participation in ProBowl V which included a couple Diamond Star crescents while continuing his self-improvement within the Shadow Academy.

I hope this promotion encourages him to rejoin Scholae Palatinae!

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-01-23 04:13:17 UTC
Event ID
Bexa Nalrella
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Peacekeeper (Equite 1)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Primary reason

Bexa’s lively and friendly personality helped nurture new joins to the Club in her nine months as Rollmaster of Odan-Urr. She not only encouraged them to participate in our community and events but was a constant presence herself and would join in with us and even volunteered to host numerous times. The Master chat channel she created allowed those paired with a student to discuss better ways to guide the member through the Club and up the rank ladder while also allowing her to actively keep track of the relationship between Masters and their students.

Since her last promotion, she has been awarded 1 Grand Cross and 1 Dark cross for outstanding contributions to the Clan. Bexa has participated in 53 competitions, earning herself 2 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 4 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 1 Crescent with Topaz Star. She has also earned 1 Cluster of Ice for 404 words of fiction, 5 Clusters of Earth for gaming, and 39 Clusters of Graphite for graphics submissions. She has also passed 6 Shadow Academy courses and was awarded 3 Seals of Ascension for participating in the last Club-wide event.

For all this, Bexa has reached the required 5000 XP to reach the rank of Peacekeeper.

Thank you, Bexa, for being a good friend to me and for your contributions to this Clan and the Club! Congratulations on your promotion to Equite 1!

Revak K’Urr
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2023-01-22 18:23:40 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

XP or no, one look at the numbers tells you everything you need to know about why Catmatui should be promoted.

She's participated in a whopping 90 competitions since her last promotion and participated in 254 gaming activities!

For those competitions, she earned the following;

Anteian Cross x3

Dark Cross x2

Crescent with Amethyst Star x4

Crescent with Sapphire Star x5

Crescent with Emerald Star x1

She's also organised 1 competition, the Jezzball Blowout, and has completed 2 SA courses.

All in all, I'm proud to recommend Catmatui to EQ2. Congratulations, you've earned it!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-22 17:32:50 UTC