Event History

Displaying events 1091 - 1100 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Battlemaster Elaine Conrat
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Elaine Conrat, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Caliburnus, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

General Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-01-08 20:07:21 UTC
Event ID
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

As Noobis approaches 2 years as Regent, along with all his other past work for the Voice staff, and as a Clan leader, as a member participating in our community, and a Dark Councilor, the recent sacramental awarded today shows that he's definitely an Elder within the community. All his previous sacramentals can speak for all his accomplishments, this promotion to Elder simply gives him a rank that reflects his contributions to this community.

The possessions system, and I'm biased here perhaps, but it's one of the most Star Warsy things to happen to our community. Bringing with it all the needlessly complicated naming and officialness to all the random gadgets and items we bring into our stories and activities that immerses you in the world. Noobis overseeing this has embraced this adding content and upgrades and making things feel even more Star Warsy for lack of a better term. His guidance and management of the system has left it in a better place than when he took it over and his impacts on our community are impossible to miss. Not just as Regent, but as a Dark Councilor as well where he is passionate about growing and building a better community where people enjoy their time making friends and participating in our activities.

Congratulations on your promotion Noobis, from the plans I've heard you discuss and your ambitions I feel like it won't be your last if you keep at it.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2023-01-07 00:32:08 UTC
Additional reasons

Noobi is absolutely one of the hardest working members of the Council and of the club as a whole. I'm not sure he has an off switch. He has ably handled the difficult job of being Regent with both of his predecessors in more senior Council positions, churning through project after project and constantly working to improve the possessions system and the wider Brotherhood.

Noobi, you are without a doubt one of our top three Regents of all time. :P Congratulations, you've earned this!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-06 17:19:39 UTC
Event ID
Koda Kendis
Old Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
New Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Don't listen to whatever Koda might say about what I'm about to say here. He's awesome, and he needs to realise that. I've never quite met a member like Koda before. He's incredibly selfless, always putting the needs of anyone and everyone over himself. At times, I've honestly worried about him, but that's just what makes Koda, Koda. It's part of what makes him a brilliant Magistrate.

In the last four months, Koda has organised 12 competitions and co-organised a further 4. This was part of his duties as my second Magistrate; creating fun, enjoyable non-RP based competitions for the Clan. Those series' include the Taldryan Republic Reformation Event, and most recently, A Very Taldryan Sithmas.

In terms of activity, Koda has participated in 58 competitions, and has earned the following awards;

Steel Cross x1 Crescent with Diamond Star x3 Crescent with Ruby Star x3 Crescent with Amethyst Star x7 Crescent with Sapphire Star x6 Crescent with Emerald Star x6

In the Shadow Academy, he's completed 43 courses and gained 2 degrees! He's even completed an ACC battle too!

For these reasons, I'm proud to recommend Koda for EQ2. He's truly earned it. Congratulations, Koda! Thank you for being you.

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-06 16:20:46 UTC
Event ID
Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Riddle me this…who can assemble a puzzle faster than you can create it? Our puzzle master has had an amazing career since his last promotion. More so than just an amazing career he’s had outstanding personal growth.

When I first met Reiden I thought he was an amazing writer and proofer but someone who was overall shy. What I have found in the last few years is that Reiden has grown to be a constant presence and engages with everyone within the DJB. I see him in every chat channel and not just saying a word here or there or making a comment but having deep conversations with people he’s fostered relationships with over the years.

Reiden had seemed to have found his idle position in Rollmaster where he was able to engage with the Summit and leadership of the Clan with low stress. With the announcement in 2022 that Rollmaster would be sunset I launched upon a journey to raise Reiden into one of our Quaestor positions. There were quite a few conversations with myself and with Thran and, through a mutual trust, Reiden agreed to try it.

He’s grown over the last 6 months and is a living computer when it comes to comparison knowledge on medal and promotion awards within the DJB. I kid you not, test him. He is nearly 100% aligned with what the Bear will come back with on any of our reqs.

More than all the above, which is a lot, Reiden has become my friend and an advisor I constantly look to in order to balance if I’m going to do the right thing. I am confident I’m not the only one based upon how everyone has engaged with him over the years.

I am honored to put Reiden forward as a candidate to join the Elder ranks.


  • Rollmaster April 5, 2021 – July 20, 2022 (1+ year)
  • Quaestor July 20, 2022 – Current (6 months)
  • Magistrate to the Voice September 16, 2021 – January 5, 2023 (1+ year)


  • 1 Amethyst Kukri
  • 2 Sapphire Blades
  • 1 Grand Cross
  • 1 Steel Cross
  • 1 Anteian Cross
  • 1 Gold Nova
  • 2 Bronze Nova


  • 4 Organized
  • 2 Co-organized
  • 417 Competitions participated in
  • 376 Unique Competitions


  • 12 Fiction for 29,055 words and 2,658 words of RP fiction

Shadow Academy:

  • 2 courses passed


  • 64 Clusters of Ice
  • 207 Clusters of Graphite


  • 113 Diamond
  • 52 Ruby
  • 42 Amethyst
  • 26 Sapphire
  • 22 Emerald
  • 3 Topaz
  • 2 Quartz

Scrolls & Seals

  • 1 Legion of the Scholar
  • 2 Seals of Loyalty
  • 7 Seals of Enmity
  • 4 Seals of Ascension

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-01-06 15:29:09 UTC
Additional reasons

I’ve known Reiden for a long time. Like a long time. Seeing him reach Elder is an accomplishment I wish I could show his younger self. I can only imagine the shock. Tenacious and ever-present Reiden continues to thrive in the DJB, even branching out further from his nest in CSP. As a magistrate, he has been fantastic, with an insanely rapid turnaround on sheets and competitions, and great insights on helping members improve their sheets (Not to mention already sprinting his way to the 5th total manual sheet approval in the club). With a great active effort both on the personal front as a member, and for the club itself as a staffer, Reiden has truly grown into a tremendous force within the DJB.

Mega congratulations Reiden on this accomplishment.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2023-01-06 15:29:07 UTC

I have known Reiden for many years. I have also had the pleasure of seeing him evolve from a young man to a sterling representative of what a DB member should be. Reiden is an ACTIVE and ENGAGED member. I won’t bore you too much with numbers, but it is absolutely staggering what he has done since his last promotion.

Reiden was a part of establishing the new policy within CSP for awarding the Clan title. His conversation with myself and Ric (Tater). Helped facilitate a much more streamlined process that ensures the Palpatines are electing new members with regularity. As a QUA, Reiden has begun to learn the ins and outs of awarding medals and running competitions and I am certain he’ll only grow more proficient with added time. Reiden has also served as a member of the Voice staff, where he assists the other word-nerds in reviewing character sheets. Before that, Reiden served as our Clan Rollmaster. Although that was before my time on Summit, I am certain he offered his wealth of knowledge to our Clan’s journeymen and leaders alike.

What really strikes me about Reiden is how he presents himself. I have noticed, for a long time, that when a new face shows up in the General Chat or in the Scholae Chat Reiden is always the first person to extend a welcome. Yet, he goes beyond that. Not only does he offer the welcome, he extends his years of expertise in an offer to help them with any questions they may have. When I look in the art chat, Reiden is continually praising the efforts of the many talented people. Artists are tough on themselves and Reiden is the first to celebrate their accomplishments.

Reiden is quick to tell someone they have done a great job after they have in fact done a great job. He’ll offer to help someone with a proof-read. In his role in the Summit of CSP, Reiden specifically does a great job with addressing concerns that we may be over-looking and crucially, his questions have helped me become a better leader insofar as it has reminded me that I must communicate clearly what I am thinking. He doesn’t lower himself to ad hominem attacks and is concerned with getting clarity on an array of issues.

I think that behavior really epitomizes who Reiden is as a person, member, and leader. To put it plainly, Reiden is more concerned with helping others than he is with helping himself. This is a rare quality in the world and arguably more rare in online communities. Reiden puts members first. When I think about what it is that makes someone an Elder, it is mostly characterized by service to the Brotherhood at large.

Reiden serves everyone he encounters.

It may be in little ways, but when looked at cumulatively the impact he has is a great force for encouragement of others. Reiden is omnipresent in the Brotherhood too. He is extending that force of encouragement beyond the walls of Clan Scholae Palatinae. If tasked with it, I could not think of a better Ambassador for our clan and club than Reiden. I always get a smile on my face when I see Reiden dropping a #beatkam or getting into our shenanigans in Scholae chat, because I know how special he really is and fortunate we are to have him as a part of our organization.

I am so honored to have been a witness to his growth as a member and I hope that I continue to have the pleasure of witnessing more growth as he occupies the role of an Elder.

Congratulations Reiden!

Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2023-01-06 15:28:41 UTC
Event ID
Raistline Taldrya Majere
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Raistline was last promoted on August 12th, 2016, and he has been a member of the club for far longer than that. I'm not trying to make him feel old, in fact, I commend him for it. For the majority of the time he's been with the club, he's been with Taldryan in some way, shape, or form. Whether he was an active member, or as a Quaestor on the Taldryan Summit offering his experience, knowledge and vast knowledge of the Clan to his Consul (me) who quite frankly, was a freaking baby compared to his time in the Clan. Raistline served 8 months as House Thanatos Quaestor, where as well as maintaining the House Thanatos wiki page, was spent inspiring his House members and offering competitionsfor them to do. He ran 10 competitions since his last promotion, including the Elysia: Claiming Aidos series.

The key example of this dedication to his position was during Great Jedi War XV. Daily, Raistline communicated with his House members, inspiring them by participating himself, bringing in two Gold Nova's which helped immensely in Taldryan earning third place overall.

Next, we come to the Taldryan Artifacts. The Scion Bryar Lightsword, which was Raistline's creation, and is a popular artifact within the Clan.

His overall activity is nothing short of amazing. Since his promotion to EQ4, Raistline has participated in 465 competitions, and has played with other members across the club in 471 gaming activities! In terms of awards, Raistline has picked up the following;

Amethyst Kukri x1 Grand Cross x3 Steel Cross x4 Anteian Cross x3 Gold Nova x2 Crescent with Diamond Star x11 Crescent with Ruby Star x14 Crescent with Amethyst Star x29 Crescent with Sapphire Star x47 Crescent with Emerald Star x19 Crescent with Topaz Star x9 Crescent with Quartz Star x1

His work doesn't stop there. In the SA, he passed a massive 39 Courses and earned 9 degrees!

I wholeheartedly believe Raistline has earned his Elder promotion. He cares about the club, he cares about the members, and he cares about Taldryan. For these reasons, and those stated above, I'd like to congratulate Raistline on reaching the Elder milestone. Congratulations, Raistline!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-06 14:55:50 UTC
Additional reasons

God dammit Raist. Congratulations!!

Howlader Taldrya, 2023-01-06 14:54:31 UTC
Event ID
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Whether you call him Tracinya, Kalon, or my personal favourite, mini-Mandaboo, one thing is for certain; Tracinya is a fantastic member, not just of Taldryan, but of the club as a whole.

It can be said about many members that they throw themselves into situations that they know little about. After all, that's how you build leadership experience. You push that great big DJB boat out and see what happens. That happened in a big way with House Thanatos, of which Tracinya served as Aedile during its lifespan.

During those 8 months, Tracinya spearheaded the creation of the House Thanatos Wiki Page, keeping it up to date.

He co-organised competitions with his Quaestor, the Elysia: Claiming Aidos which was run for all of Taldryan to engage with the new House and its objectives.

In the last GJW, Tracinya aided the Clan by bringing in a Gold Nova for his participation in the Run On, which helped Taldryan ultimately take 3rd in the overall event.

In terms of activity, Tracinya is a powerhouse. He's participated in a grand total of 137 competitions and has earned the following awards;

Grand Cross x1 Steel Cross x2 Dark Cross x1 Gold Nova x1 Crescent with Ruby Star x5 Crescent with Amethyst Star x22 Crescent with Sapphire Star x18 Crescent with Emerald Star x13

In the Shadow Academy, Tracinya has passed 24 courses and earned 4 degrees! He also attained a Seal of the Master for raising his apprentice, Centam, to knighthood. He's also written in total 8940 words of fiction, a further 115356 in role-playing activities, and completed 1 ACC battle. Tracinya is truly the type that throws himself unto anything and everything.

For the reasons stated above, I'm proud to request Tracinya's promotion to Warlord. Congratulations, Tracinya!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-06 09:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Arden Karn has been a constant contributor to both Clan Plagueis as well as the Brotherhood as a whole. Oftentimes the occasion of a member's tenth year in the Brotherhood is one that causes us to pause and reflect upon what sort of mark that they have made in our organization, and Arden is no exception. Having passed his ten year anniversary earlier this year, it allows us to look back upon his contributions and judge him to have been one of those that has risen to be considered amongst the ranks of the Elders of the Brotherhood. His work since he achieved his last promotion to the final Equite six and a half years ago has been solid and consistent, seeing him recognized throughout that time by the Council and his superiors alike.

Since his last advancement, Arden has been recognized with two sacramental awards in the form of a pair of Amethyst Kukris to go along with a trio of merit medals. He has always been one to show up when his clan needed him, as evidenced by his 281 competition entries and the 75 vendetta seals earned along with them. Novae and crescents of several varieties, clusters of every type, he has amassed activity statistics that show his work. He organized or co-organized 61 competitions. 30,000 words of fiction between fiction activities and run ons. But only the most obvious work resides on the assessment tool. The rest requires more digging, reading recommendations or speaking to those who were there working with him. He contributed to the development of the Possession system prior to its launch, recognized by Evant for his work on space vehicle descriptions as well as testing the system during its beta. His hard work as Right Hand of Justice went on mostly behind the scenes, as Dacien said on one of his sacramentals, "the nature of the Chamber's work means that many of the issues it investigates and considers are never publicly revealed". He served for exactly three years to the day in various leadership roles in Clan Plagueis. He has led both of our Houses, he oversaw new member experience and advancement as our Rollmaster, he stepped in as Consul when I left for a Council position and our then-Proconsul was forced to step away to leave a sudden vacuum of senior leadership and helmed the Clan for a year. His mark is all over the lore of Clan Plagueis, having personally created several locations throughout the Aliso System and driving clan storylines over the years. He co-ran Pro Bowl III, an event that included Plaguies, Taldryan, and Scholae Palatinae and marked the first time the Pro Bowl had expanded to include a third Clan. After that three year tenure, Arden still worked to provide leadership and make his mark as he oversaw Pro Bowl IV which included Taldryan and Naga Sadow in addition to Clan Plagueis. His work made it possible for the Pro Bowl to evolve and grow into what it has become today instead of fading once those that had originally created it had all moved on to other pursuits. Personally, he has been one of the most reliable supporters I have had the pleasure to serve with as a leader. He stepped up to essentially run the entire clan during a Great Jedi War given our PCON's absence and my availability being impacted by the Northern California wildfires in 2017. Since my return to the Clan, he has continued to be an invaluable sounding board as a former Consul and given excellent service to the Clan.

When evaluating a member for induction into the ranks of the Elders, it is often a question of what they have done to make a mark on the Brotherhood as a whole. Colloquially it has been described as whether or not the membership would be familiar with them and their work. Oftentimes a quieter contributor than most, Arden has never been his own hype man so his work has sometimes flown under the radar by his own nature or the nature of the work itself. But be it Possessions to the Pro Bowl, he has made his contributions to systems that most, if not all, of the Brotherhood experience. The very definition of Elder.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2023-01-06 01:01:40 UTC
Additional reasons

For much of the past decade, Arden has been a clan leader or DC staff member and has worked on some of the most important aspects of the modern Brotherhood. During his time as my first Right Hand of Justice, Arden was constantly engaged in CoJ discussions and provided timely and cogent advice. He helped me find my footing as Justicar and did his part to protect the rights of the members.

For all of his years of hard work to improve this club, I am happy to add my recommendation to his promotion to the ranks of the Elders. Congratulations, Arden!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-04 14:34:36 UTC

Since I first joined the Dark Council, and had my first interactions with Arden, it became clear he's someone who cares about the DJB community. He has done great work as both a contributor, and leader, and left his mark on the community in many ways. I am happy to support his recommendation for a promotion to the Elder ranks for all he's done and will likely continue to do for our community. Congratulations!

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2023-01-06 00:59:17 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Primary reason

I am proud to recommend Hunter Liarah for Knighthood. The rank of Knight is granted to members who have proved themselves active members and completed a variety of accomplishments. One of those achievements is achieving the 4th rank within the GMRG. Liarah has completely eclipsed that, rising to GMRG 9 and earning 203 clusters of earth for gaming activity. Liarah has additionally proven to be a scholar by passing 2 courses, earning a degree and through rising to the 4th rank of the Aurora Collegium. Liarah has participated in 9 competitions and co organized 2. Of these competitions Liarah has placed in several earning a crescent with sapphire star, crescent with emerald star, and 2 crescents with topaz star. Liarah has also earned a merit award in the form of a Dark Cross. It is for these activities, as well as achieving the required time in rank, that I recommend Liarah be promoted to JM4.

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, 2023-01-05 06:53:42 UTC
Event ID
Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Old Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
New Rank
Colonel (Equite 4)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

I've stated it time and time again, but Teebu is a certified Workhorse. As stated in his Saphire Blade Recc, he's constantly keeping me on my toes.

In terms of projects, this starts with the seemingly never-ending task of Wiki work, And it is work that he has told me he enjoys. If we backtrack back to the 20th of January when he was last promoted, you can see he's done so many contributions that the site only lists the last 500, but it is hundreds of hours of work, and he has edited, written, and modified over 200,000 words. It's a project that has taken months and months of hard work, and he's still going with it too whenever we come up with something together, or when something needs updating or adding, it's Teebu that gets it done.

Speaking of creating things, Teebu has to be the biggest long-term planner I've ever seen. He's created multiple long term antagonists for the Clan's future Storyline, including Jafan Sloven, and his crew.

His leadership style was on display during the last GJW, where, despite getting married and flying all over Europe, he was a constant presence in the Taldryan War Chat, contributing heavily to the GJW run on which earned 1st place, aided in proofing, and of course, inspiring Taldryan members and participating himself.

Speaking of participation, Teebu has participated in 101 competitions in total, and has earned the following awards;

Sapphire Blade x1 Grand Cross x2 Gold Nova x1 Bronze Nova x1 Crescent with Diamond Star x2 Crescent with Ruby Star x5 Crescent with Amethyst Star x7 Crescent with Sapphire Star x4 Crescent with Emerald Star x4 Crescent with Topaz Star x2

But it doesn't stop there! Teebu has organised 42 competitions, and co-organised a further 12, including the upcoming Taldryan Event, as well as Project Vos, the Fleet Naming Series and co-hosting the Great Ewok Hunt with CSP.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the three times in the last year he worked on Taldryan's possessions, submitting his own ideas in the document for how our Republic Fleet would look.

All in all, I believe Teebu truly deserves this promotion. Congratulations Teebu! Welcome to EQ4!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2023-01-05 04:18:56 UTC
Event ID
Sarai Andromeda
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Primary reason

Sarai Andromeda has been a long standing member of Plagueis, steadily working her way through the Journeyman ranks, ticking off the requirements a little bit at a time. Since her last promotion in 2019, Andromeda has participated in 11 competitions and earned 2 Seals of Ascension for her participation in Great Jedi War XV, bringing her total to 22 competitions participated in, more than double the requirements for her rank! Andromeda has also developed her character in one fiction activity with 604 words as well as 4 roleplaying activities writing 2119 words and earning her 6 Clusters of Ice. But it doesn’t stop there, Andromeda is no stranger to the Shadow Academy and completed the Personal Armor course with an impressive 94%, continuing her climb through the Shadow Academy society ranks. All of this hard work helped earn Andromeda her first Merit award in the form of a Dark Cross.

Whether it’s popping into the clan chat, sparking conversations in her former Battleteam chat or commenting on news posts, Andromeda has had a consistent presence within Plagueis for many years. It is an absolute pleasure to recommend Andromeda for a promotion to JM 3. Congratulations!

TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia, 2023-01-05 02:29:30 UTC