Event History

Displaying events 122381 - 122390 of 182658 in total
Event ID
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Valtiere is a stalwart part of the Arcona Summit. While not flashy or loud, he leads with pride and carries himself with an air of excellence that encourages others around him to follow suite. While adjusting to his real-boy job after school, he still made sure to step fully into his move from BTL to Aedile. It's not an easy move in the midst of a war, but even when we selected him to lead Void Squadron he didn't miss a beat and rose to the occasion. He finished in the Dark Crusade as Arcona's 6th highest participant.

On top of this, his lighthearted attitude outside of his duty as Aedile is contagious. He supplements that with firm leadership and made a rather inspiring speech towards the end of Ziost when we needed to kick our members into high gear. His role in his teams Novae winning Ad Campaign Video shows his dedication to the club both in and out of character. Dedication like this deserves to be rewarded.

Thank you Valt for everything you do and continue to work towards.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 18:45:06 UTC
Additional reasons

Man, thank goodness for Valtiere. During my time as Quaestor of Qel-Droma, Valtiere served as a Battleteam Leader, and he was one of the most effective and reliable leaders that I worked with in the House. He's been an absolute model of efficiency in the Dark Crusade, and has coaxed out tons of submissions from his members in between his own efforts.

When I got the call-up to Proconsul, I was initially concerned about Qel-Droma, given that the House was losing its Quaestor and Aedile all at once. That concern faded seconds later, when I remembered that Valtiere was still on the staff. His transition to Aedile was seamless, and the support he has provided to Ernordeth during the transfer to Quaestor has been critical to Qel-Droma's sustained excellence.

I'm excited to see what Valtiere can do in the future, and I know that his leadership will continue to elevate Qel-Droma and reflect well on himself and his Clan. Thanks for your incredible dedication and your herculean efforts this year, Valt -- the rest of us are still watching, and I'm sure the second act will be as fantastic as the first.

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2013-12-03 02:58:08 UTC

Valtiere is an important member of not only Qel-Droma, but Arcona as well. As Battleteam Leader he was extremely effective. During his transition to Aedile and a new job in real life he did not disappear. He stepped up to the challenge and went 4/4 on Ziost, amounting to an amazing 27/31 entries for the entire Dark Crusade. He was a great General for our Main Forces leading to 4 Novae, with the most recent being for an amazing Ad Campaign video.

Now that the Dark Crusade is over we've been discussing ways for Valt to be a more visible Aedile and for that to basically just be a second Quaestor of Qel-Droma. I cannot wait to watch what we're going to accomplish together next.

Thank you for all of your hard work! I look forward to celebrating your first sacramental award and our future!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-12-03 18:35:06 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Primary reason

Fet'ai'narun has acted as the more human face of the Arconan summit in the capacity of clan Arbiter, working to mesh the summit and main members into a cohesive unit. She has also managed to mentor two of our members to knighthood, an in-depth and demanding task. On top of this work, she has managed to participate in 17/31 of the Crusade events and win a gold and a silver Novae in the process, no mean feat at all, highlighting her dedication to this Clan, and to this Brotherhood.

For these reasons, I humbly recommend her for an award of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Aedile of House Qel-Droma

Nikola Valtiere Erinos, 2013-12-03 14:46:01 UTC
Additional reasons

Clan Arbiter was an experiment of a position that was created to help bridge relations between the upper Summit and the Clan as a whole. Feta stepped into this role and made it her own. While the role has since faded and she now is present only as a "regular" member, Feta still serves as an active and important part of the Arcona family. She has helped mentor two of our members to Dark Jedi Knight, one of which (Atty) who has gone on to be an Aedile and the other (Kanis) who is now serving as a BTL. She is easily approachable, friendly, and can help resolve issues better than anyone else I've ever met.

Since her promotion to Knighthood earlier in the year, Feta quietly sneaks in at 17 / 31 events in the Dark Crusade while also scoring 2 novae of her own. Despite having a stressful wedding to plan for herself, Feta made a dedicated effort to remain a part of Arcona in it's final chapters. It's that level of commitment that makes Feta such a unique part of Clan Arcona.

Keep up the amazing work, Feta, and thanks for the hard work.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 06:14:43 UTC
Event ID
Adept Alaris Jinn
Steel Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Alaris Jinn is a new member of Taldryan, having joined us late into the Dark Crusades. For that though, he has done nothing but give Taldryan his full effort, and quickly earned his place amongst Taldryan's elite performers. It is no easy feat to transfer from a unit that you have dedicated so much of your life to, and in doing so, Alaris made a hard choice. But it's a hard choice that Taldryan has earned the benefit of, and we are extremely proud to call him a member of Taldryan.

Since joining, Alaris has been a force, placing in three quarters of the events he participated in, two thirds of those being victories in a round where he swept the planet for first place.

Most recently, Alaris has continued to show his desire to help Taldryan succeed at all costs. Despite being away for three quarters of the vendetta window, Alaris managed to participate in three of the four events. Most notably, he contributed a massive amount of work into the eventual Silver Nova winning Advertising proposal presented by his team. Alaris is truly a wonder, and for that I am proud to award him a Steel Cross.

Aedile of Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-03 13:59:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Alaris transferred into Taldryan after the first Phase of the Dark Crusade and since then he has been nothing but an overcomer, having participated in almost two third of the events available to him since he joined us and placed in three of four of the events he participated in since his joining. Alaris you are a true asset to Taldryan and you have truly amazed me since your joining. For all that you have done for Taldryan, I want to thank you with this small token of appretiation. Alaris Jinn, on behalf of Taldryan, I am hereby requesting you to be awarded a Steel Cross.

Rian Taldrya, 2013-11-30 22:35:34 UTC
Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

For my entire career in the Brotherhood, I have always stood by the principle that hard work will always be rewarded. In truth, anyone who is willing to put the time and effort into being a member or leader in this club has the unlimited potential to do what ever they set their mind to. Leadership, politics, skills; these are all things that can be taught. The one thing we can never teach, however, is hard work. Dedication. Heart. For these type of people, there are not enough awards, promotions, or commendations I can give.

When I think of the word heart, or of dedication to Clan Arcona, there is one member that always jumps to the front of my mind. Atyiru has, since the very second she arrived here, done nothing but give her best effort. It just so happens that her best effort comes with a diverse skill-set, the patience of a saint, and the wisdom of someone much older than her years. All of this together made her a quick member of the Arcona Summit just short of a year ago. Starting as just an XO, she quickly took the reins from her Battelteam Leader and stepped up in a huge way during the middle of a Dark Crusade planet-siege. As the Arcona Summit shifted, we were hit with her Aedile application shortly after- and I honestly had to do a double take. Where did this girl come from?? Despite being relatively new, we gave her a shot at Aedile, and as Cethgus will elaborate further on, she took the position and quite literally made it her own. Beyond her duties as Aedile, Atty has become a spiritual leader for Arcona. Her positive attitude mixes with her genuine good nature to make her one of the most approachable members in the club. I find myself dumping random tasks on her here and there, and never does she tell me "no" or try and deflect it to anyone else. Even if she is unsure of herself, she still says yes. Her desire to help others is just something that comes naturally to her. It's endearing on multiple levels and transfers to everything else she does as a leader in Arcona. If I had a nickle for every time she has said to me, "you never have to say sorry to me," I would have a lot of nickels (if they existed in SW, of course). Her simple presence and attitude alone has made my life as Consul bearable. Even if it comes down to little things like drawing a sketch of something involving the members of the Arcona Special Forces team as a reward for working so hard. Or even if it's joining #arcona_rp to interact with her members in character. Or proof reading pretty much anything that can be proofed (e-mails, letters to a friend, doctors notes, ect). There are so many things that she does on a daily basis that just come naturally, and as a sum they help create an environment in which others can learn, grow, and succeed.

For all of her kindness, Atty is the first person to jump to the defense of her friends. She will also be the first to crack a quip or switch into troll-mode if it somehow makes her friends smile. She also is a fierce competitor and tied for 3rd in Arcona for most Novae earned with 11 total. She kept pace with a Dark Jedi Master, her Consul's, and her Quaestor despite joining the club barely a year ago. Of those 11, 5 were gold, and a good bulk of her novae came from her writing. Known for her first 50-page fiction, she has since learned to slim her writing down a bit (we're making progress...I think we managed to get under 20 last round!) and continues to practice and get better. She represented as a member of Arcona's Special Forces for all 3 Chapters of Phase 2, and was a huge part of Arcona's ability to secure as many planets as they did.

And yet for all that, she has never once stopped to ask for anything. The only thing she has ever required was to be given a chance to help in some way. If I could clone even a portion of Atty's attitude to every member of not just the Clan, but the Brotherhood, I think we would all be better off. Thank you Atty for being awesome, and don't let anyone or anything ever get in your way. The stars are your limit, Squirrel, and it has been an honor and a privilege to be your Proconsul and Consul and to watch you grow into the leader and member you are today.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:02 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Atyiru Entar for her first ever Sacramental Award. Since she has joined the club she has brought a constant level of high activity, not only developing herself as a member but expanding herself as a leader. She has helped to promote other Journeymen as well while proving herself as an experienced and driven leader inside of Clan Arcona.

Since I took Atyiru on as Aedile of House Galeres, she has stepped seamlessly into being my right hand. She constantly helps me running the House from the day to day, making sure that we are always interacting with members and communicating with them. She has been a constant aid to me coming up with new ideas and ways to continue to motivate the members of the House, helping send out day to day emails and constantly helping out with proofing work as well. She has been a stellar example of what a member should be.

Now time to talk about the achievements that Atyriu has accomplished inside her roles in Leadership. She has constantly been improving the house, on every level the big impact that I have seen in my time as Quaestor is her continuous level of activity with the Battleteam Leadership, making sure that the House Summit is continuously in contact with each other. She has been an assistant to recommendations from merit medals to Promotions, keeps track with the members, and assists with making sure that we know who is due an award. As well as serving as Aedile of Galeres for five months, the impact that she has been doing can not fully be appreciated with simple words. With the new addition to the Summit of Kordath taking on his role, she has been a mentor to him teaching him not only the ropes and running of the day to day work of the team. But everything from submitting medals as well as creating reports. Being the first step in this close support network is something that she continues to provide to the members and the leaders. She is also working on her first apprentice, Kooki who is progressing quickly through the ranks and is expected to hit DJK before the year ends.

Congratulations Atyiru on your first sacramental award, your hard work and devotion to this Clan and Galeres has been outstanding. I am truly proud to have someone as skilled and as dedicated fill the role of my Aedile. Keep up the hard work Atyiru you are doing a fantastic job currently.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-02 00:08:10 UTC

Atyiru has not been a member for as long as some, but the influence she clearly has within Arcona is simply amazing. Right from the get go she dived into the banter on IRC, unafraid to exchange insults with veterans such at Cethgus or myself. I knew that in time, she would be an excellent leader, and has proven such, especially since her appointment to Aedile. In fact, if you were to ask for a textbook Aedile, I would point you to Atty; she is calm, collected, and completely neutral in her day-to-day dealings with members. She is also one of the most patient souls I know of in the Brotherhood, and I know that she is one of the first people I can go to if I myself need help or advice with a situation.

Enjoy your first Sacramental, Abbey. I know it'll be far from being the last.

Rollmaster of Clan Arcona

, 2013-12-02 00:08:50 UTC
Event ID
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

I’ve had the rare pleasure of knowing Socorra Erinos for her entire time as a member in this club. From the very minute she arrived on the eve of Great Jedi War X, she hit the ground running and stormed her way forward. Her efforts rewarded her with an early chance at leadership and are a tribute to her quick rise through the ranks. I think a lot of people forget how quickly everything happened for her, and how well she adapted to it. We even forget that somehow she has never earned a Sacramental award. I plan to remedy that today.

For over a year, Socorra served Arcona as Quaestor of House Qel-Droma. Before that she served as an Aedile and before that a Battleteam Leader. She lead by example and was the most active member of the Clan in operations and events that fell between the GJWX and the Horizons Vendetta. Textbook, I know, but what Socorra brings to the table is so much more, however. Socks is passionate, fierce, and loyal to a fault. She has a unique ability to drive others to be better and challenges them to keep up with her, which is endearing in it’s own way.

Leading into the Dark Crusade, Socks helped place 2nd in the Avenger Run-On. After that, she continued to lead the way with multiple novae and ended up with a 77% participation ratio for the Dark Crusade (24 / 31). She ranks 7th in Arcona for total novae earned with 7, but 5 of those came as Gold entries. She was a member of the Arcona Special Forces team for all 3 chapters of Phase 2 and was a big part of Arcona’s conquest. It’s been an honor to work with her and watch her grow as a writer, artist, and competitor.

Her skills have advanced to the point that she was able to land a gig as Praetor to the Herald. Socks has jumped right into it with getting to work on the Warbanner queue, helping Orv assimilate back into his role on the DC. She is available and active on IRC and interacts with members of all units, dedicated to helping them communicate better with the Herlard office. She does this while also serving as an XO for Soulfire Battleteam and the Brotherhoods Forums Tribune.

For her dedication not only to Arcona, but the Brotherhood and its future, I award Socorra Erinos a Sapphire Blade in the highest honor I am able to give as her Consul and former mentor. Few members have made me more proud. Keep up the great work, Socks.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:08 UTC
Additional reasons

Socorra is one of those members that I have had the pleasure of watching grow from a nervous Novice to a proud and established member of the club. However, there is no doubting how or why she has managed to rise as high as she has in her relatively short time in the DB; she has earned every accolade that has been awarded to her and continues to display the traits that define the best members of this club. Active, hard-working, always there to help, talented, approachable, it's rare to run in to this sort of member, and when you find them you don't want them to leave.

Socorra's exploits have already been covered, so I'll not list them again. Instead, I'll just say a little about her as a member. Always ready to help me, she has been an exemplary XO and even though she is leaving Soulfire to help out with one of the new BTs, I know that she will always be around to help should I need it, because that's just who she is. She doesn't do things because it'll get her a shiny bauble, she does them because she can and she wants to help. I can ask for nothing more from any member, and I feel that in this instance, she more than deserves the shiny bauble that we have endeavored to award her.

Socs, you're amazing. Keep it going and keep enjoying yourself (and please don't beat me if I come to you for help). Thanks for everything.

SWL Nadrin Erinos Arconae Soulfire BTL

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2013-12-03 01:42:02 UTC

I am honoured to be recommending Socorra for her Sapphire Blade. She has been a hard working and committed member of the Brotherhood and Clan Arcona during her tenure, she has been a huge participant and actively working on helping Clan Arcona achieve second place overall in the Dark Crusade.

Since I have known Socorra she has been a driven and focused member and a key part to Arcona, having a constant drive and self motivated member. But its the impact that she has made in Galeres that has been outstanding, since joining us she has taken on the responsibility of helping drive up the House level of activity.She has made sure everyone she speaks to is motivated and pushing themselves to achieve the best of their abilities in both activity and level of participation. This was seen through a number of events at the same time she has been going all out. Though for all of her hard work she has never stopped, taking on the position of Tribune as well as taking on the position of P:HRLD recently. She is a constantly working member of the Brotherhood, continuing to expand herself and make sure that she improves the brotherhood as a whole.

Congratulation Soccs on this Sapphire Blade, you have been awesome to work along side and have been a hard worker of this Clan. Keep up the hard work in the future I look forward to seeing what you do.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-03 06:06:43 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Troutrooper has nothing left to prove at this point in his DB career. He honestly should be off on an island somewhere sipping fishy-collada’s and gettin caught in the rain. Still, before the start of the Dark Crusade, he joined up with Clan Arcona and right off the bat became a part of the family. Looking back at this past year, It would be hard for me to think that Trouty had been in any other unit besides Arcona. His loyalty and dedication to the Clan and it’s member shine as he has been friendly, supportive, and a fierce competitor to boot. As I got to know him more and more, I found it invaluable to get his opinion on certain matters. His fishy-sage-powers and ability to always (somehow) make light of a situation has been a huge part of my development as a leader and member of this club. While the recipients of a Sapphire Blade typically have shown consistent and long-term service to their Clan or Brotherhood position, Trouty has functioned as an unofficial Summit member in Arcona, offering advice and wisdom wherever he could. He has had a slew of young BTL’s (and often jokes about it) who he has helped with his presence and easy going attitude, and never lets anything drag him down. It is contagious, and the proper attitude of a member of the Brotherhood.

The Sapphire Blade also can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large scale event. No competition to date has matched the Dark Crusade- and Trouty really showed why he has made it so far in this club with his efforts. Trouty bats a 28 / 31, 90% participation rate for the Dark Crusade, 5th overall in Arcona. On top of that, he was a member of Arcona’s Special Forces team for all 3 chapters of Phase 2. Over the course of the Crusade, Trouty has scored 11 total novae: 6 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze. His efforts have been nothing short of heroic, and Arcona would not have finished as strongly as it did without his help. I don’t want to count the pages of fiction he’s written, let alone ponder the word count he’s accumulated. It takes a special type of dedication to put out that level of work when you’ve already earned most of the clubs highest honors.

Thank you Trouty for rocking out with us this year. I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve been as a friend and fellow member. Here’s to more and better times ahead.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:21 UTC
Additional reasons

Troutrooper’s performance in the final three chapters of the Dark Crusade was nothing short of monumental, winning two Gold Novae and a Silver Novae in the three fiction events. He was a cornerstone of the Special Forces team, and was counted on to win gold in his event, but never backed down from the pressure. He did exactly what he needed to do, consistently beating some of the best writers in the Brotherhood. I wish I knew how he did it.

Beyond the numbers and the Novae, Troutrooper is a tremendously influential veteran leader in Arcona. He’s the grandfatherly war veteran of Arcona, telling stories of badassery that keep the younger members looking up to him and providing insights that keep the Summit leaders in his debt. Given his engagement and activity level, not to mention his enormous passion for Arcona, it’s easy to forget that Troutrooper is a Dark Jedi Master -- but talking to him, and listening to his advice, it’s just as easy to remember why.

When it comes to upper level Equites and Elders, so often achievements are measured vaguely, as it is difficult to quantify influence and intrinsic importance to the health of a unit. Despite being more subjective, these measurements mean a lot more than a sum of awards or a length of time served. For Troutrooper, this is no different; the impact that he has had on the culture of Clan Arcona, and on members both new and old, has been extensive in his time here.

Thanks for everything, Trouty -- I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you in a vain effort to learn your ways.

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2013-12-02 04:28:49 UTC
Event ID
Sashar Erinos Arconae
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Dash is a unique member of Arcona in the sense that he carries the heavy burden of his past. Instead of running from it like most do, Dash wears it like a badge of armor, a testament to what he went through to get where he stands today. He has held every position from BTL up to Consul in Arcona and his experience and expertise behind the scenes as an advisory to the summit is something that will never really see the light of day. Stepping into Consul during the middle of a year long war would have been miserable if not for the sage wisdom and guidance offered by Dash.

His performance in the Dark Crusade mirrors his efforts as a support player. While not flashy, he served as a seasoned veteran to a lot of our younger members and despite his past reputation has been a big part of working with our newer members, like Uji, reach the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

Thank you Dash for everything you have done and continue to do for Arcona.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:26 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Teroch Erinos Arcona a Grand Cross of the Darkside for his hard work and devotion throughout the Dark Crusade. He has been a constant participant and has continued to be a long-serving member not merely inside of the Clan but to the whole Brotherhood as well.

Since his last reward, he has been a key veteran inside of the Brotherhood's leadership, spanning his roles as Predator to the Master at Arms in which he constantly awarded medals and promotions, keeping the office running smoothly. He has also been a key part of Clan Arcona and their recent overall 2nd Place in the Dark Crusades, being a constantly active and motivated individual during the events. He has managed to be both Special Forces and General Forces in both of these teams he has continued to drive individuals to help them achieve the best in themselves, getting countless more entries. In total Teroch has participated in 9/31 Dark Crusade events of which of these he has managed to achieve a Gold Nova, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze. This showed that he put a solid level of time and effort into each event to gain this outstanding level of novae.

Though this isn't what makes Teroch stand out. When ever he is needed he steps up to the plate. This was proven in the creations of the new Battleteam Nighthawk. He has supplied a full proposal for this new team, and has seen it from start to its activation recently, helping Galeres achieve a third Battleteam, something that has taken time and effort. He is a constant presence on IRC interacting with members young and old and keeping a high level of moral around the place.

Congratulations on this Grand Cross of the Darkside Teroch, you have more than earned it once more. Keep up the hard work inside of Arcona and I look forward to working along side you in House Galeres.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-03 00:47:52 UTC

Teroch is one of our oldest veterans and a constant voice of hard reason and wisdom. Despite a busy life, he’s never been too busy to lend his clan a hand when we truly needed him. He was here to lead us, advise us, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us in events throughout the Crusade. Yet despite his dedication for Arcona, he also reached out to the whole Brotherhood, and continues to channel that experience into his guidance of his clanmates, not only in this past Vendetta, but also now as he steps up again to help us as a leader. Teroch is one of the pillars of Arcona: of that I have no doubt.

Congratulations on the Grand Cross, Dash. You deserve it and more.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2013-12-03 00:48:41 UTC

Ah Teroch, to call him a character would be an understatement. I've known him a long time (too long really) and in all that time, there have been some things which have never wavered; his drive, his approachability, and the way in which he will always go out of his way to help someone, no matter who they are or what they need. In the recent Dark Crusade, Teroch's activity was noticeable for it's quality, proved by the fact that from 9 entries, Teroch obtained 5 Novae, a silly good return for his investment. That's ignoring the proofing he did, the advice he offered and the other things which go on behind the scenes during an event such as the Dark Crusade.

Teroch is a valuable member of Arcona and the Brotherhood as a whole, and while he's leaving Soulfire now to take over a new Battleteam within Arcona, I want to thank him for the work he has done and continues to do. Keep it going man, you're a star.

SWL Nadrin Erinos Arconae Soulfire BTL

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2013-12-03 01:31:34 UTC
Event ID
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Look. Up in the sky. It’s a bird..it’s a ship...no, it’s...Strat? That’s right, even Strategos Entar Arconae shows up when Arcona needs him. Going 3/4 on Ziost, Strat was a big contributor to his teams came out of the overall crusade with an 8/31 participation showing! Contributing from the Shadows, Strat was a big help with proofreading members work and is a quiet but important cog to the Arcona War machine.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:17 UTC
Additional reasons

It’s easy to think of units as being separated into Summit members and non-Summit members, but the truth is, veterans like Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae blur the lines. A former Consul, Strategos continues to be a role model and an inspiration for Journeymen and lower-level Equites. Strat was one of the leading veterans who put together a very strong effort throughout the Dark Crusade, especially over the last three chapters and in the final battle for Ziost, and it is for that effort that I am honored to recommend him for an Anteian Cross.

Legorii Arconae, 2013-12-02 04:27:55 UTC

Strat has been an important member of Qel-Droma since my first day as Quaestor and I'm positive Strat will continue this past my last day. He continues to leave an impression by touching each and every member on IRC. Whether it's our newest Journeyman or the entire Arcona Summit. Strat has proven himself invaluable by providing advice and input during the Dark Crusade and completing a superb 3/4 events on Ziost. Your hard work has not been ignored. I'm happy to award you with this Anteian Cross as a symbol of Qel-Droma's appreciation for you, past and present.

Quaestor of Qel-Droma

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2013-12-02 07:03:39 UTC

Strategos has been a guiding force the entirety of this Dark Crusade, going beyond his own activity, making time for newer, or less confident members, to help them in their own efforts during the crusade. I can't count the times he has happily proof-read another members work, or talked through how the crusade works to the younger members. Amongst all that, he managed to get 3/4 of the Ziost events done, giving him a total participation of 8/31. Strategos has been a huge help not only to Qel-Droma, but to all of Arcona, and for that, he deserves reward and our thanks.

Nikola Valtiere Erinos, 2013-12-02 10:15:46 UTC
Event ID
General Stres'tron'garmis
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Sometimes, it's the leaders who don't want to be leaders that end up making the best choices for a position. Kordath, while quiet, has been a steady and active contributor to Clan Arcona since arriving earlier in the year. He was an active participant in the Dark Crusade, and had the elements we look for in future leaders: present, well grounded, and able to communicate well with others. We took a shot on him as BTL, and he has really stepped it up in terms of leading by example by going 4/4 on Ziost, and 12/31 in the crusade overall.

For his dedication to helping others and supporting his brothers and sisters during a time of war and expansion, congrats on your first GC, Kordath.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-03 09:01:32 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honoured to be recommending Kordath for his first Grand Cross of the Darkside, as he has been a solid and constant presence during the Dark Crusade. He has been a solid leader inside of House Galeres for the past three months, and for being put in the deep end so quickly he has adapted and proven himself a great addition to Arcona.

He has been a constant participant during the Dark Crusade. Though not around long, he has managed to participated in the two planets fully, going all-out inside of the Dark Crusade. And though his own participation was amazing, it was the work he did with others that also made it impressive enough for those around him. I have watched Kordath constantly drive his members to improve their score: the first step in this was watching him email the team, trying to get everyone to do the most activity they could on every planet. This included motivating members not just of general forces, but those in special forces as well. Under him we saw a huge turnout of events, including award-winning members like Troutrooper, who successfully managed to earn Novae and placement in the special forces team. He has also created a stable and active Battleteam during his time in the position of Sergeant and Field General.

Congratulations on this Grand Cross, Kordath. Your hard work and dedication throughout the Dark Crusades has been second to none. I am proud to be giving you this merit medal, keep up your hard work and drive inside of Clan Arcona and House Galeres.

Quaestor of House Galeres

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-12-02 21:56:58 UTC

Kordath’s nothing but a godsend, even if he likes to pretend otherwise. He livens us all up with his good humor and patient persistence, and has never needed to be asked to perform his duties. Where others have faded out in the past, Kord took the initiative, stepped up when we truly needed leaders, and geared his team into a stable presence and a cornerstone of Arcona’s Crusade activity. Kordath hasn’t just been a beacon of activity himself; he’s also reached out to his clanmates and rallied them too. His Clan needed him, and he responded. I couldn’t ask for a better subordinate or pick someone more deserving of recognition.

Congratulations on the Grand Cross, Blueboy. You earned every shiny bit of it. I look forward to what comes next.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2013-12-02 21:57:25 UTC
Event ID
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Dark Side Scroll
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Aidan Kincaid
Primary reason

This Dark Side Scroll is awarded to V'yr for having his wiki article, V'yr Vorsa, selected as the DB Wikipedia's Featured Article for December 2013.

Congratulations, V'yr.

Aidan Kincaid, 2013-12-03 01:24:59 UTC