Event History

Displaying events 123711 - 123720 of 182739 in total
Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Andrelious' IRC trivia I
Requested by
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the Andrelious' IRC trivia I competition.

, 2013-09-14 23:27:23 UTC
Event ID
Legorii Arconae
Legion of the Scholar
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Andrelious' IRC trivia I
Requested by
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Andrelious' IRC trivia I competition.

, 2013-09-14 23:27:23 UTC
Event ID
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

In the weeks before release, Anubis approached me and asked if we needed help with the Character Sheets. I was reluctant to add someone totally new, but I figured... why not? We had a whole slew of Aspects, and they needed some work, and Anubis was willing. That was his first task, but it was not his last.

Upon completion of that task, primarily by giving Aspects witty or appealing names along with Wally, Anubis moved towards helping to wikify documents, getting our various documents ready and published. Furthermore, has worked on Feats and Skills, and continues to Wikify various documents we have. His work has been instrumental in preparing the system for a wider audience, and thus, I am happy to award Anubis a Grand Cross!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:30 UTC
Event ID
Lord Halcyon
Steel Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Halc has always been an advisor to the character sheet project, from the very beginning. He was one of the first people Shadow sought out, and he has given us useful feedback every step of the way. His insight is seen today in the Force Power descriptions, where he has been enormously helpful, but he has also was instrumental in the initial proposal and point layouts, and for that, he more than deserves this Steel Cross!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:33 UTC
Event ID
Gryffon De'Urtha Cantor
Steel Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Gryffon has been instrumental in the new character sheet system! He helped write the initial Inquisitor, and many of his ideas remain even today. Beyond that, he also helped frequently with system feedback and focused testing. Specific examples are difficult, not because his effort was not there, but because his feedback came in many areas of balance, such as approach to disciplines, feats, and early on, in Skills. His efforts more than deserve a Steel Cross!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:35 UTC
Event ID
Chaosrain Taldrya
Steel Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Chaos did literally over a hundred Aspects... And the majority of the default Aspects in the system are of his origin. He didn't win the competition I ran for this, but I have to recognize what he's done, because he spent hours and hours contributing to the system, so congratulations, Chaos, on your Steel Cross!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:36 UTC
Event ID
Rathus Marr
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Rathus has been a huge asset to the Character System team. From the early designs on the system, Rathus has been a willing test subject. Shadow and I needed a low ranking member that was eager to help, and that had no idea what Fate was. Rathus was the perfect test subject, and he contributed instantly.

But his help didn't end there. Rathus spent the majority of the time Wally and I were working on the character sheets working for Taldryan, but once he submitted to the Aspect competition, he returned to the fold. Rathus spent a great deal of time in the weeks immediately preceeding our beta test brainstorming skills. He went through every Skill and created at least one Feat for them, though not all of them made it into our initial release. He also worked on additional Aspects, and has had a hand in balance and design of numerous Feats for Disciplines. Despite his Crusade work, Rathus found time to help out with the Character System to a huge degree, and absolutely deserves this Grand Cross. Congratulations, Rathus!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:38 UTC
Event ID
Aidan Kincaid
Grand Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Shadow is the only reason our character sheets exist as they are today, and the only reason I am CM today. The only thing I would change, if I could, would be that it is he, not I, receiving an AK for the release of these sheets.

He brought me in to his project. Instantly, he and I shared a vision of a dynamic sheet that emphasized character customization, of simplification, and of parity. We knew the Brotherhood needed something that would allow members of all ranks to specialize themselves, while still providing a standard basis for competitive writing such as that in the ACC. Before I even knew of his plans, I suggested the Fate system - and as it turned out, he had already been looking into the option. His initial groundwork set the stage for our Fate of the Jedi Proposal, and without it, I wouldn't be CM today.

Shadow is an amazing, creative asset. He's the best writer I think I've had the pleasure of reading, and easily one of the most creative and dynamic minds the Brotherhood has ever seen. He was never really awarded for his part in the original proposal, and thus, I think I must give him the award he so definitely deserves: A Grand Cross.

Shadow, congratulations!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2013-09-14 15:08:40 UTC
Event ID
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

When I first helped Shadow write up the proposal for the new Character System, I really didn't have an good idea of just how much raw time it would take to implement, but the immense amount of work needed became quickly apparent. Luckily for me, I've had an excellent team, and foremost among that team has been Wally, effectively my second in command. Wally has been a constant fixture on the Character System team. From the very beginning - even before I actually took over as CM - Wally was present and willing to help. He was admittedly skeptical at first, but he embraced the system quickly, and began to contribute almost instantly. From the middle of April onward, Wally has been tirelessly working by my side on the project. His work has included, but has not been limited to, writing the majority of Skill Descriptions, constant project feedback, constant feedback on how things would influence the ACC, generating Feats, names, Aspects, and is almost completely responsible for the entire Discipline writeups and Discipline Feats. In the last week alone, I suspect he has put in 20 hours of work (along with a few others), and he has been working on this project tirelessly for the last 3 months. I don't want to even guess at the number of hours he has put in, because it is easily in the hundreds. There were nights where Wally would apologize to me because he could only spend an hour on the project, as if the work he had already done wasn't already so significant and so impressive that I couldn't have gotten to that point without him. There is not a single member of this team that has basically been on the team since the start and contributed at a level of constant activity other than Wally.

Without his tireless devotion to the project and constant feedback and amazing work ethic, I really don't think this project could have been completed in the time it was. Wally more than deserves an Amethyst Kukri for his efforts!

~Mav Combat Master

The Dark Brotherhood Character Sheet project was an enormous undertaking that involved months of planning, hard work, and dedication. Several members contributed to the success of the project by contributing to smaller projects, but only a few influenced and guided the entire project. One of those members is Marick "Wally" Arconae.

Wally's love for the ACC and our Character sheets was evident from the start of the project and was displayed in his tremendous effort to see this project succeed. He immersed himself in the FATE RPG system, Star Wars RPG systems, and the Dark Brotherhood's historical character sheets in an effort to help design a system that is not only better than anything we have ever had, but also synchronized with our future ACC development.

Wally edited and created thousands of individual entries for Force Powers, Feats, Skills, Character Attributes, and Disciplines. He worked insane hours staying up til 5 AM night after night to ensure that the project was on time and to standard. Additionally, Wally hand crafted the user guides and templates to help our members understand how to use the systems he was creating

It is not often that our members can attach their names to DJB wide projects that impact the entire club, but this is one that Wally can proudly declare as his. He has made our organization a better place and he has done so without expectation of reward or recognition. The Amethyst Kukri is the least we can do for him. Congrats Wally!

GM Sarin

Many will tell you of Marick's work over several years as Proconsul of Arcona. Many more will tell you of his recent transition to Consul and his work there thus far. More still will tell of his months of work on the new Character Sheet system and upcoming Antei Combat Center revamp. I will leave all those things for the others to note and laud.

What I would like to focus on, what I feel is most relevant to Marick's success in the club, is his Attitude.

Attitude is everything. It is a key fundamental of not only leaders, but those who follow them as well. Marick, whether leading or following, has maintained an outstanding attitude in all he does and with all whom he deals. This quality, this essential trait, is what has most impressed me about Marick and what has most encouraged me as to the future of this club.

I have had the pleasure of dealing with Marick across a number of ideas, projects, events, and concerns. Always, always with me he has been calm, cool, collected and professional. Exactly what one would expect from a leader in the club. Exactly what I would expect from someone receiving this award.

Marick, thank you for everything you do and continue to do on behalf of everyone in the club.

-Raken, Deputy Grand Master

One of the things that I worked hard to instill in those units who wanted to reclan was their ability to help the brotherhood at large, to turn their focus outside their own walls. This was an important differentiating factor in my mind, the shift from being self-absorbed to being concerned for the brotherhood beyond just a measure of self preservation.

One of those people I talked to during this situation was one new quaestor named Marick. He apparently took it to heart, embracing massive undertakings as he rose through the ranks. He broke bread with leaders of struggling units, trying to offer insight that could help them. He extended his help in trying to host events to increase activity across the club. He personally dove deep into the new character sheets and the new Antei Combat Center.

This is enough for him to warrant an award. For him to have done these things through the storm of acting as consul and holding together a clan that has been crushing almost all competition in vendettas is much more than that. I could say so much more, but such platitudes would only be glossed over by a man who has so much more to do, so much more to offer the club, that he would not care about what was written about him. So I will be brief. Give this man an amethyst kukri. Thank you, Wally. I'm looking forward to promoting you.

~Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-09-14 04:32:48 UTC
Event ID
Adept Alaris Jinn
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

For his outstanding work and dedication in support of both the JST and CM staffs. Thanks for all you have done.

GM Pravus.

Right Hand of Justice, Left Hand of Justice, Right Hand of Justice (the order in which came first can be a bit confusing to some). Alaris Jinn has held nearly every position within the Chamber, with the exception of Justicar. Don't let that fool you however, as the man is my de facto Deputy Justicar, and closest counsel on all matters Chamber related. He continues to hold the record for most cases tried as a Hand, a feat that is impressive on it's own. What amazes me is Alaris' ability to transition so smoothly from the defense, to the prosecution without a single hiccup in functionality or work performance. He has been instrumental in talks regarding upcoming Covenant amendments and Chamber policies, and is always at the forefront of every case investigation. His arguments are clear and informative when pushing through the trial process, of which he has mastered in his several terms on the Chamber of Justice. Without a doubt, he is the most experienced Hand of Justice we will ever see, and I have been downright lucky to have such a member devoted to the process of justice we follow in the club. For his astounding work and dedication, I am extremely honored to recommend Alaris this AK. Congratulations!

~Taigikori Aybara;Justicar of the Brotherhood

Alaris has been instrumental to the Character Sheet system since he joined the team several months ago. He immediately began work, picking up and filling out several skills, before even being assigned a particular project. He took quickly to the idea of writing a Guide, and his framework was used for the more complete guide my staff is getting ready for release. His most active and meaningful work, however, occurred in the weeks preceding the beta release of the system. He spent many nights until 3 am or later working on various aspects of the system. He wrote up dozens of Skill and Feat descriptions. When I made it clear I needed some help filling in some of the Force Power progressions, Alaris waded in and helped finish them off, probably accounting for a quarter of them in that area alone. His effort has been instrumental to the release of this system, and he has been a key part of half a dozen smaller scale projects within the larger system. He absolutely deserves this AK for all of his hard work and effort!

~Mav Combat Master

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2013-09-14 04:31:27 UTC