Event History

Displaying events 1411 - 1420 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Dratt, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Galeres, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-01-22 03:02:54 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Weurg, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Deathwatch, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Adept Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-01-21 07:17:46 UTC
Event ID
Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Old Rank
Major (Equite 2)
New Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

I feel like this has been a long time in the making. Teebu is, without a shadow of a doubt, Taldryan's most puntable Proconsul, yet he injects a life and passion into the Clan that can be felt with every little thing he touches.

Let's start with the numbers. Competitions wise, he's participated in 74 in total, and hosted a further 21, including the recent Great Sithmas Adventure and competitions for the Port Kasiya Invasion.

From the competitions he has entered, he has been awarded the following;

Gold Nova x 2 Silver Nova x 1 Crescent with Diamond Star x 1 Crescent with Ruby Star x 3 Crescent with Amethyst Star x 4 Crescent with Sapphire Star x 4 Crescent with Emerald Star x 2 Pendant of Blood x 3 Cluster of Fire x 110 Cluster of Ice x 123 Cluster of Earth x 130 Cluster of Graphite x 3 Dark Side Scroll x 1.

That doesn't even include the list of awards he's received over the last few years, including a Dark Cross, 2 x Steel Cross, and a Sapphire Blade for his work on the Regent staff and as the Ektrosis Quaestor. Since becoming my Proconsul, that work hasn't stopped. He helped me to re-organise the Taldryan military, updated the Clan Taldryan Wiki page, and has helped develop the next storyline for Taldryan going forward, including for the RP.

Speaking of RP, I don't think words can describe just how much work Teebu has put into creating a fun environment for Taldryan members to have fun and be creative in. He's constant GMing for members, and his word count alone, at over 45,000 words written for RP, nearly half of Taldryan's word count, certainly reflects that.

All in all, I am proud to recommend Teebu for this promotion. Congratulations, Teebu! You earned this!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2022-01-20 11:18:32 UTC
Event ID
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

TuQ'uan Varick di Plagia is the absolute exemplar of what an active and involved senior Equite should be within our Clan. All too often members that finish tours as leaders and rotate back to the regular member role find themselves falling into a pattern of inactivity or disengagement. TuQ, on the other hand, has moved forward in his new role as a senior member of our Clan providing high levels of activity as well as invaluable peer-leadership and mentoring for newer members of our summit that have followed him. His contributions go well beyond those on the stat sheet, as they say in sports, and are invaluable in the continued success of our unit.

Since his last elevation in August of 2020 TuQ has generated respectable amounts of personal activity. He has participated in 136 total competitions since his last promotion, including a perfect 25 out of 25 in the Fifth Pro Bowl and another 28 just since the end of that competition late last year. His competition participation during the last two Vendettas netted him 9 Seals of Vision and 4 Seals of Enmity. Of those competitions, he has placed in 58 of them (a 42% clip) and amassed 3 Diamond, 12 Ruby, 18 Amethyst, 11 Sapphire, 8 Emerald, 4 Topaz, and 1 Quartz crescents and a Legion of the Scholar for good measure. He has earned 19 Clusters of Fire, 12 Clusters of Earth, 22 Clusters of Ice (with 5,429 words of fiction activity), and 17 Clusters of Graphite in demonstrating his activity across the board in a plethora of the Brotherhood's activity areas. He even passed 15 Shadow Academy courses and earned 2 degrees, proving that nobody is "too old" to broaden their Brotherhood education.

But, beyond what he has done to generate activity on a personal level, TuQ has been there to support the summit with his leadership efforts while not holding any positions himself. During the recent Pro Bowl, TuQ was there to leverage his familiarity with the process to help those that were less experienced with the nuances of the format. Describing him as "omnipresent" on Discord during the event would in fact be an understatement, as he was probably the party most responsible for driving activity by their singular actions of anyone that was there. Putting out competitions and messaging about them from a Summit level is all well and good, but without members themselves helping to drive engagement and excitement there can't be any real success. Following the Pro Bowl, I approached TuQ with a request to transfer from his then-current Battleteam Opress into the newly formed Battleteam Talzin in order to form the core of the new team with our newly appointed BTL Sinya as well as to be a guiding voice for the new summit member as well. He has truly stepped up in that capacity as well, working with Sinya to build their little corner of the Plagueis community as well as co-authoring a 2,500 word introduction fiction setting up the Battleteam with Sinya as well.

Suffice it to say, TuQ has done yeoman's work to help drive member engagement as well as in his own personal activity. He has been twice recognized for his cumulative efforts in these matters in the form of a Steel Cross and Grand Cross. The work he has done, as alluded to before, stands him in fine stead with the senior Equites in our organization, and it is my great pleasure to put his name forward for advancement to the most senior Equite rank.

Once again you have the thanks of a grateful Consul, TuQ'uan.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2022-01-14 19:11:17 UTC
Event ID
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

In the year since his last promotion, Appius moved from Quaestor of House Ektrosis, to Proconsul of Clan Taldryan, and has now spent the past three months as the clan's Consul. His energy and attitude have had a significant positive impact on the clan, helping to revitalize it and build a new core of young leaders for the clan's future. He has been actively engaged in discussions on DB-wide policies and ensured that his members are properly and timely recognized for their accomplishments.

His personal activity has also been remarkable: he has organized 40 competitions, including two multi-comp events with corresponding clan plot development, participated in 79 competitions earning a number of crescents and a bronze nova, and picked up 2 CFs, 3 CEs, 44 CGs, and 225 (!) CIs for his astounding 74,000 words of fiction. He also graded 23 courses in his capacity as Magistrate to the Headmistress and earned a Sapphire Blade, a Grand Cross, an Anteian Cross, and a Dark Cross for all of his hard work.

He has done more than enough to earn his promotion to Equite 3. Congratulations, Appius!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2022-01-14 02:20:23 UTC
Additional reasons

Zappius! The Magistrate I never wanted to let go, but was so excited to see him move on to the position of Consul.

As I gushed in the recommendation for his Sapphire Blade, Appius went above and beyond as a Magistrate. He was the first to take up the mantle of regular Shadow Academy trivia on Telegram – learning the bot we used there, running and hyping trivia like only he could. He also gave us the content for two Mandalorian Shadow Academy courses (shocker, right?) and was a sounding board and support for me throughout his term, including providing valuable feedback and ideas on the Aurora Collegium in its early stages.

Appius is truly nonstop in the dizzying amount of effort he puts in to make this club a better place for everyone, and he does it all while thoroughly enjoying the club as a member himself, taking part in as many activities and competitions as he creates. It's a contagious energy that makes everything he gets involved in just ... better. I'm sincerely honored to add my support to this recommendation for his promotion.

Congratulations, Appius!

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-01-14 02:10:20 UTC
Event ID
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Having a member like Kanal on my summit has been a serious boon to Clan Vizsla. A never-ending supply of ideas and energy he attacked Quaestor like a pack of wolves on a cat. Better than just ideas he has not just the ability but also the desire to see those ideas come to fruition. Normally I wouldn’t add something ongoing but his Great Hunt idea has already become the standard by which all others will be weighed, and possibly be found lacking. Engagement with not just his house but the rest of the Clan and the Brotherhood is outstanding as well. His advice and opinions are greatly valued in the decisions I make for Vizsla.

Since his last Promotion, Kanal has participated in 177 competitions, submitted 4362 words of fiction, and another 2970 in run-ons. He has earned two Steel Crosses and two Anteian Crosses, as well as 2 Novae. A slew (38) of Crescents not to mention nearly 1000 various Clusters. He shows up at the biggest events as well with over 50 seals in vendettas and a seal of loyalty.

Kanal is a prime example of an active and engaged leader. He cares about his members and strives to provide them with content and rewards. His mentoring of Brimstone as his Aedile has been a nice spark to the development of future leaders. I lucked into a fantastic Quaestor. But Kanal being one is no luck. He works hard to ensure his own success. That success is transposed onto the clan as a whole with all of us striving to match his enthusiasm, skill and desire.

Congratulations Kanal. You earned this with perseverance, patience, and a lot of damn fine work.

Vynn Salm, 2022-01-13 00:52:44 UTC
Event ID
Seer Xolarin
Old Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
New Rank
Vanguard (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Primary reason

To reach the next level of Equites, a member must demonstrate ”above and beyond performance” and Xolarin has done just that, through a steady stream of activity over a long period and the wearing of a lot of different hats. Many of which are highlighted in his recent Sapphire Blade.

Since being appointed as the Quaestor of the Consular Conclave a little over a month ago, he immediately put out a survey to his members to draw from them ideas of what stories and experiences they would like to see along with how they plan to use their characters in this fresh new House. Compiling those responses, he’ll be proving missions and a story-rich direction for them to develop lore for the House. He is also a pleasure to work with, attentive, and can be relied upon to finish tasks on time.

Since his last promotion in the middle of 2020, Xolarin has been awarded 1 Sapphire Blade and 1 Grand Cross. He’s participated in 118 competitions, earning himself 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 Crescent with Ruby Star, 4 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 3 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 3 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 2 Crescents with Topaz Stars, and 3 Crescents with Quartz Stars. For his art, he's earned 17 Clusters of Graphite. For his gaming activities, he’s earned 2 Clusters of Fire. And for 2 ACC matches, he’s earned 7 Clusters of Ice. He’s also organized 2 competitions, co-organized 1, earned 8 Seals of Enmity, passed 6 Shadow Academy courses, and earned 1 degree.

Xolarin has also served 3 months at Rollmaster, 7 months on the Appeals Panel, 4 months as Proconsul, 3 months as Battleteam Leader, and is currently Magistrate to the Herald and Quaestor.

Thank you Xolarin for your service to both Odan-Urr and Taldryan. Look forward to seeing what you bring to the Consulars. Congratulations on your promotion to Equite 3!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-13 00:18:47 UTC
Event ID
Eminent Ikarri Itinen
Old Rank
Warden (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Ira didn't take long after joining years ago to hop into leadership roles as a BTL and a Magistrate supporting the community and looking back on his career and where he's been he hasn't let up either. As I look back on the multiple sacramental awards he has received, as well as the merit medals on top of it, and all the awards he has received across his long career in the DJB, I read of someone who constantly looked for opportunities to improve the experience for other members be it in gaming, fiction or whatever he could set his mind to. In comparing all his accomplishments and contributions and not letting up since his promotion to Equite 4 some time ago, it's hard not to see Ira as an Elder more than an Equite for all he's done, and recommend this promotion. Congratulations.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:06 UTC
Additional reasons

Ira, or Uji as he was known for most of his career, is one of those rare leaders in the club who embodies a deep, unrelentingly selfless, drive to improve the experience of everyday members with unimpeachable professionalism. Within the gaming community, he strives to bring people from across the club together and within a unit he drives the summit to be their best. These characteristics are plain when one looks at the array of awards he has earned in his career with glowing recommendations on behalf of two clan summits and two dark council offices. From the units he’s served in, the dark council offices he’s worked for to the communities he’s given of himself to make warmer, welcoming and fun Uji has made an impact across the club.

Focusing in on Uji’s contributions as a clan leader and individual member, his most recent sacramental awards an amethyst kukri and two sapphire blades tell the story of a leader who volunteers without hesitation and sets a prime example in content creation and taking care of members. Uji is a producer first, creating content for other members to enjoy organizing 54 competitions since reaching the pinnacle Equite rank and creating the Consular Conclave house almost from scratch during our recent reorganization. As an individual member, he leads from the front with competition entries, crescents and clusters from all facets of DJB activity. In fact, the raw metrics of his individual activity since his last promotion are staggering; 414 competition submissions with 5 Nova, 90 Crescents and thousands of clusters of all types.

Elders are those who have left their mark on the club for the benefit of others and there is no question that Uji has left his mark. On behalf of the gaming community, Odan-Urr and the entire club, thank you for everything you do!

Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2022-01-07 20:31:39 UTC

Ira has been a solid member for some time in COU. As AED he helped keep House Sunrider active and moving forward, then as we restructured the Clan, he gave life to our Consular House as its QUA. Ira is a self-motivated and charismatic leader and one we wish we could make copies of. Thank you Ira for all the work you’ve done. Congratulations on your promotion to Elder!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2022-01-07 23:15:47 UTC
Event ID
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Koji has spent time in multiple clans, and worked through multiple DC offices and stepped up where needed into leadership roles. This has included time supporting and providing his ideas to gaming in the Fist staff, helping to drive major projects and guidance through the Regent office with the final large category introduction with creatures, working with the Shadow Academy where he helped tremendously in the development of their courses, in addition to serving on the important Chamber of Justice. At every opportunity he has looked for a chance to give back and stepped up and made an impact on the experience for other members. All this in addition to stepping up as a leader in his Clan and helping provide a better experience for its members. Just looking at it all as one, with multiple sacramentals, and at least 4 of every merit medal speaks to the constant grind Koji is on to help be a content creator and better our community. I look at someone who hasn't slowed down since his promotion to Equite 4 and if anything has accelerated his hunger for opportunity and I fully expect will continue to do as an Elder. Congratulations Koji on your promotion.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:22 UTC
Additional reasons

It is always very gratifying to see members giving back to our peculiar little corner of the internet. Some folks end up taking on a particular role- be it Clan leadership, DC service, working for a particular office or facet of the club. For Kojiro, he has seen multiple tenures as a Battle Team Leader, a period as an Aedile, a period as a Quaestor, service to the office of the Headmaster and the Regent, acting as an Appeals Panelist to the Justicar and most recently a stint as a Magistrate to the Fist. Now, while I cannot attest to the work that Kojiro has done as he has served to assist the various DC offices.

What I can do is to attest to what I have seen as a member and of course what I have observed. There are some things that are easy to look at. For example there are some hard stats that one can look at. I mean, you know the things like: organized 29 competitions, co-organized 16 comps, the 281 total comp participations (or 244 if we aren't counting containers and the like. Kojiro has completed some 11 PvP matches, some 39 PvE activities, and some 22 total fiction activities. Those 22 fiction activities have generated some 17715 words of fiction, with another 4371 words spread between 3 Run Ons and 6 RO posts.

In a normal recommendation, I think this is also the part where I would point to his Sapphire Blade and the content of the Merit awards that Kojiro has earned. And I will likely get to them in a bit. The thing about it is that Kojiro is worth more than the sum of his statistics. I mean, when you look at a member with as much time invested in our wee club, there are things like the seven flavors of Vendetta Seals found in his trophy case. Justinios, myself, and several leaders have weighed in over the years into the nature and the energy that Kojiro has brought to the table under the many names that he has carried over the years. It is certainly commendable when you look upon the range of positions that Koji has offered his assistance to. In 2017, then-Consul Locke attested to his efforts to support Clan activity and fictional development. He has supported the unit as the likes of our current Proconsul Darkhawk, former Rollmaster Tasha'Vel, former Consul Sanguinius, formal Praetor to the Headmaster Jax Bendal, and former FIST Justinios Drake have all attested.

A large thing, even beyond the breath of Kojiro's contributions has been in part the length of time in which he has been supporting the club. Of all the things that Kojiro has done to support Clan Naga Sadow, I feel that he has more than earned some recognition. Look at the sheer number of competitions he has over the years, look at the mystical/wandering flavor he brought while leading Marka Ragnos to try and complement the militant flavor of its sister house, look at the sense of comraderie he tried to bring out in his fellow Sadowans, look at the way he has tried to leverage new abitilies and new ideas over the years, look at the way he tried to push to get things done, look at his contributions to projects like Creatures in Possessions (a matter of public record), and looking at how even with his activity is lower now than it has been, he still has been quite willing to offer some ideas and insight into how we can better leverage story elements and pillars of our club. When he saw a hole in the way that things were being run, Kojiro has tried to fill said hole.

Without Kojiro's part and influence in past events, I think there would be a real Koji-shaped hole. He is starkly individualistic, passionate about many things (in both club and in real life), and he obviously possesses a desire to give back to our community. He has organized or co-organized interesting and engaging competitions like Rest and Relaxation Marka Ragnos Style, Star Wars mad libs, a post-RO event following action on Mygeeto, a serialized fiction series revolving around Marka Ragnos called The Seige of Heaven and more. He was part of the success of the Sands of Time event that saw 18 participants in 2017, the Below Zero event which saw 15 unique participants later in 2017, the 2018 New Dawn series that collectively saw 15 unique participants, the HMR Long Road competitions that saw 9 unique participants over its 6 competitions in 2019 and he was also a part of the Prepare for War pre-Vendetta event that saw 9 unique participants on the eve of Great Jedi War XIV. All of that doesn't even touch upon the competitions that Koji organized or co-organized as a Magistrate.

Koji has brought an energy and a determination to the table that has is more enviable. I mean, I can poke open the wiki and back that up rather easily. For example, in Great Jedi War XIV, he was cited as one of the members who had exerted "maximum effort" in the Vendetta. This was a feat he has also accomplished back in Great Jedi War XII. His dipping into the more 'leadership' and contribution-heavy elements of the Brotherhood seem to have started pretty solidly in 2014 when he picked up Battle Team Leader. Since that time, he has sought to carve out his little niche where he can give back.

I think that when I step back and look back at what is available on the site from the times before I had joined the club, when you examine the whole of Kojiro's Dark Brotherhood career, that he has earned a spot amongst the line of Adepts that our club has produced.

I guess drinks in your honor will be on me tonight, Koj. Congratulations!


Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-01-11 01:05:30 UTC
Event ID
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
Old Rank
Colonel (Equite 4)
New Rank
Brigadier General (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Rhylance, in his time as member spent little time establishing himself as a leader in Taldryan, and quickly took on the role of Consul. He spent years creating content for the Clan and working as its leader to build a great experience for its members. Later he got involved in the gaming staff with the Fist and helped to work in that community and learn more and contribute to an entire pillar of activity in the community, before most recently stepping up again to the Consul role in Arcona after working as Proconsul. He has spent a considerable amount of his DJB career as a content creating, organizing many competitions and providing opportunities to members with no signs of slowing. He has earned this promotion to Elder along the way. Congratulations Rhylance.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2022-01-12 23:48:37 UTC
Additional reasons

Rhylance, Aiden, Ben, whatever you call him -- he cares. He cared and he tried and he pushed for change as eventual Consul of Taldyra, and when his watch was ended there, he brought that same care to Arcona from the first moment to each one after. He has served in nearly every level of House and Clan leadership in both Clans without rest for years, twice a Dark Summiteer, and been friend to all.

Congratulations, my friend. Hold your head high.

Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Proconsul, Consul Emeritus

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2022-01-12 01:04:09 UTC

Rhylance has spent his DB career trying to make the club a better place. He's served in every summit role from AED through CON (twice), and spent two very successful years as Arcona's PCON. For his work as PCON and high personal activity, he earned a Ruby Scepter earlier this year. In the five months since then, he's participated in 23 comps, earned 20 CIs, 70 CEs, and 6 CGs, while also working keep Arcona moving full steam ahead.

Rhylance has earned this elevation into the ranks of the Elders through years of hard work and determination. Congratulations!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2022-01-12 14:07:57 UTC